Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 18, 2022
Volume 143
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Ever wonder why we should continue to learn Biblical truth all the days of our lives? One would think that after a while we would have heard everything we could possibly hear about the Bible or about God. Proverbs gives us an answer to this question. True wisdom realizes and readily admits that there is always room to learn more. Solomon tells us that when you give instruction to a wise man - he becomes even wiser. The wise man lives by the truth that you can learn something from anyone if you will open your heart and mind to be taught.
What’s Happening in Class?
This week our students took part in progress learning in their scheduled math classes. These assessments will provide important information for our teachers to develop strategies to better meet the needs of students as they prepare for tests such as ACT and SAT and the next level of math learning.
Senior Formal Yearbook Pictures
When: Tuesday, September 20th
Where: Building 1 in Student Center (a schedule will be emailed to the seniors with their time to be photographed)
TUX and DRAPE provided by photographer
What to Bring: a brush, comb, make up, whatever you will need for a touch up
Photographer Request:
Boys: wear a white undershirt so tux dress shirts stay clean
Girls: wear a cami and regular bra- no sports bras, no halter bras.
Girls: wear a non illuminating, non radiating , non reflective foundation. No glitter in eye make up, no glitter dusting powders.
NOTE: Richard's Studio will be providing the proof for those senior students that have already taken their formal picture this summer - therefore, those students will not need to have their picture taken on 9/20.
Discipleship Groups are back! Discipleship Groups are an integral part of spiritual growth here at Trinity. Discipleship Groups are Christ-Centered Small groups where students meet with leaders to read the Word of God, encourage one another, as well as do life together. We are excited to roll out our groups and pour into our students. Please be in prayer for the leaders and students. Specific times, locations, and topics are in the slideshow below.
Important information about Signing out/Signing in
What do you need to do?If you are using your open period and anticipate you will be back before your next class begins, then you can just leave. However, documentation needs to be turned in the morning you return if any periods are missed.
If you are leaving during your open period, but may not return before your next class, you will need to sign out and sign back in and provide communication as to why a class was missed by the next day.
Why is this necessary? It is our responsibility to have an accurate account of all students on our campus. This is also and an attendance issue*.Please know that you will have an unexcused absence if you do not sign out and sign back in without a note.Parents will get a notification for any unexcused absence each day.
Please note: Students who are absent more than ten (10) days in a class per semester may not receive credit for that course. ALL absences (excused, unexcused, suspensions) count in the total absences.
Dates to keep in mind
Friday 10/7 Remote Learning for all students Professional Development Day for Staff- each class will communicate expectations for remote learning - this is not a day off, it is just allows more flexibility in how you get the work done remotely
Monday 10/10 Fall Break Day - NO SCHOOL
Counseling Team NEWS
College Application Season
Have you signed up for a time to work on your applications with Mrs. Whittle? Don’t miss this time to get on top of your college applications and have all your questions answered! Please use the link below to register for a day/time that works for you!
Link to register: College Application Workshop
Testing Day
October 12th will be a high school testing day!
12th grade students will take the ASVAB
All seniors will take the test in building 1.
Students should arrive by 7:45, the test will begin at 8:15
There is no cost to the test; all seniors are expected to take it.
9th-11th grade students will take the PSAT
Why should I take the PSAT? The PSAT is a qualifier test for scholarship opportunities, so all students should take advantage of this opportunity
How much does it cost? Students will be charged $18 for PSAT Testing - Payment will be made through the Blackbaud form which will be open on Monday, Sept. 12th
What time does it start? PSAT will begin at 8:10 FOR ALL STUDENTS
Where will the test be given?
11th grade students report to Building 1
9th-10th grade students report to Building 5 (all specific testing room assignments will be posted in the corresponding lobby and announced in Bible classes on Oct 6th)
What happens after the test? The PSAT will finish right before lunch, so students will eat lunch, then attend 5th, 6th and 7th period as regularly scheduled.
What should students wear? Students should wear their regular dress code attire for testing
What do I need to bring? Students should bring a bottle of water, a calculator and a No. 2 Pencil
What if I will be absent on this day? This is a regular full school day, so absences should be reported to - students will be required to make up all assignments per the absence policy.