Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 25, 2022
Volume 144
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
God is the supplier of our strength and He equips us with His armor. God is generous to us with His strength. It is ours for the taking. Here, we see God’s role as giver and ours as the receiver. All of life is this giveness. This divine generosity. We are called to depend on Him rather than ourselves or any other power. God wants to strengthen us so that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Induction Night
When? Monday, September 26
What is induction night?
This is a night that has been formally set aside for all new Beta and NHS students to be inducted into these clubs.
New Beta and NHS students
6:00 pm - National Honors Society
7:00 pm - Beta Club
Building 1 - Student center
*Everyone has already received their invitation via official note in Blackbaud for Beta and by letter from the NHS.
If you have any questions about Beta club, please reach out to
If you have any questions about NHS, please reach out to
Academic Update
Did you know that grades are accessible to you at any time of day? In case you are unsure of how to check your student's grades, here is some information that will help you:
When you log into Blackbaud:
Click on your student's name on the top left.
This will default to the student's progress tab.
Scroll down and view their current grades for each class (if grades are not showing, click the show grade button).
You can also click "See grade detail" to see all of the assignment grades making up that grade average for that class.
If you or your students have any questions, please reach out to the teacher as they are the first point of contact for all academic concerns.
Important information about Signing out/Signing in
What do you need to do?
If you are using your open period and anticipate you will be back before your next class begins, then you can just leave. However, documentation needs to be turned in the morning you return if any periods are missed.
If you are leaving during your open period, but may not return before your next class, you will need to sign out and sign back in and provide communication as to why a class was missed by the next day.
Why is this necessary?
It is our responsibility to have an accurate account of all students on our campus.
This is also and an attendance issue*.
Please know that you will have an unexcused absence if you do not sign out and sign back in without a note.
Parents will get a notification for any unexcused absence each day.
Please note: Students who are absent more than ten (10) days in a class per semester may not receive credit for that course. ALL absences (excused, unexcused, suspensions) count in the total absences.
Dates to keep in mind
Friday 10/7 Remote Learning for all students Professional Development Day for Staff- each class will communicate expectations for remote learning - this is not a day off, it is just allows more flexibility in how you get the work done remotely
Monday 10/10 Fall Break Day - NO SCHOOL
Looking ahead into Semester II:
Prom 3/16
Senior Walk Monday 5/15
Honors Night Tuesday 5/16
Senior Luncheon and Practice Wednesday 5/17
Graduation Thursday 5/18
Counseling Team NEWS
Testing Day
October 12th will be a high school testing day!
12th grade students will take the ASVAB
All seniors will take the test in building 1.
Students should arrive by 7:45, the test will begin at 8:15
There is no cost to the test; all seniors are expected to take it.
9th-11th grade students will take the PSAT
Why should I take the PSAT? The PSAT is a qualifier test for scholarship opportunities, so all students should take advantage of this opportunity
How much does it cost? Students will be charged $18 for PSAT Testing - Payment will be made through the Blackbaud form which will be open on Monday, Sept. 12th
What time does it start? PSAT will begin at 8:10 FOR ALL STUDENTS
Where will the test be given?
11th grade students report to Building 1,
9th-10th grade students report to Building 5 (all specific testing room assignments will be posted in the corresponding lobby and announced in Bible classes on Oct 6th)
What happens after the test? The PSAT will finish right before lunch, so students will eat lunch, then attend 5th, 6th and 7th period as regularly scheduled.
What should students wear? Students should wear their regular dress code attire for testing
What do I need to bring? Students should bring a bottle of water, a calculator and a No. 2 Pencil
What if I will be absent on this day? This is a regularfull school day, so absences should be reported to - students will be required to make up all assignments per the absence policy.