Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published March 12, 2023
Volume 166
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We were not meant to do life alone, and when we do life together, we are able to share our “God experiences” with each other. In our sharing with others and prayer together we are reminded that we are not alone, and this gives us hope to move forward and not give up.
Let's cherish the friends that God brings into our lives. We need to nurture and invest in those relationships.
We are salt and light to the world. If we isolate ourselves, we can miss out on some healthy “God Connections” and our greatest callings.
Spring Pictures Ordering Information
Your student was given a Lifetouch picture order form to bring home. You do not have to pre-order pictures. If you purchase before picture day it is all one code (EVTTBN4RH it is on the order form), however, after picture day each proof image will be given a separate portrait ID and access code that you need to utilize to order.
For individual photos, you will be able to purchase the pictures after the photo date by utilizing the information on their proof. However, ordering after picture day will require you to pay a shipping fee.
Our Spring Pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th.
See Dress code Guidelines:
ONLY Dress code pants, skirts or shorts are approved
*NO spaghetti strap tops or dresses; no tank tops
*Shirts - must be free from large graphics that would be considered as inappropriate
High School Spring Picture Times:
Seniors 11:10 - 11:30 (Spring picture only/graduation cap & gown pictures are scheduled for 4/17-4/18)
Juniors 11:30 - 11:50
Sophomores 12:40 - 12:55
Freshmen 1:00 - 1:30
Challenges from Chapel
This past Thursday in our two high school chapel environments, we experienced another impactful time of connection, worship, and teaching from God’s word. During school announcements, we were happy to celebrate all of our talented athletes and theater students. Jeremy Campbell from GO Church led us in powerful worship in our underclassmen chapel, and our seniors were blessed to be led by our student chapel worship team. We welcomed two local youth pastors as guest speakers. Luke Troyanek from ONE Church in Fayetteville challenged our seniors on the importance of God-given motives as they consider and prepare for their futures. The students were challenged to truly align their will and desires with God’s will and plan for them. Joey Weller from Southside Church Peachtree City challenged our underclassmen, teaching on the importance of faith. From the story of Noah to the book of Hebrews, he talked about the importance of faith and trust in Jesus Christ so that we may experience the life God has in store for us. Several students responded to this challenge and indicated their desire to take a new step in their faith journey. Please join us in praying that our students will be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading in their lives, and please pray for our teachers and staff as we are given the privilege to support, disciple, and encourage students in their growth!
Junior Senior Prom
“A Botanical Ball”
March 16th from 7-11pm
Flat Creek Country Club
Peachtree City, GA
Ticket Sales
Student Council will sell tickets from now till Tues. March 14th in building One during the following times.
This will be the ONLY times tickets will be sold. We will accept Check, Apple Pay, or Credit/Debit Card. No cash and charging accounts.
Monday, March 13th -Tuesday March 14th $65 per person
All attendees will need to turn in a Code of Conduct Form with parent signature before a ticket can be purchased by them or for them.
Students that are bringing dates that are NOT in 11th and 12th grade at TCS need to turn in
Guest Forms BEFORE purchasing ticket to get approval..
On the night of Prom, the Senior Walk will take place at 8:45pm so we will need all seniors to arrive by 8:30pm.
Prom School Day Attendance Policy: No student will be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity on a day that he/she has been absent from school. This includes sports and music programs as well as events such as prom. Students must be present for a minimum of half the class periods scheduled for the day.
Dates to keep in mind
Spring Pictures - Wednesday 3/15
Prom - Thursday 3/16 Juniors and Seniors ONLY
Remote Learning - Friday 3/17
Spring Break 4/3 - 4/7
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures 4/17 - 4/18
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
Senior Brunch and Practice - Wednesday 5/17 10am
Graduation - Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
9-11th Honors Night - 5/23 7:30 pm TCS Football Stadium
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -