Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published March 19, 2023
Volume 167
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We experience change in this world and even in our everyday lives. When we face change of any kind, we need to be certain that we are anchored to what is absolute truth. Absolute truth can only be found in the inspired word of God, the Bible. His word is the truth that never changes. The unchanging nature of God and his unchangeable word are real things on which we can stake our life. God will be the same for all eternity and we can rest in His faithfulness. Anchor your hope in God's unchanging faithfulness.
Join us!
Monday March 20th 7pm in the High School Auditorium for Baptism Night
Challenges from Chapel
This past Thursday in our two high school chapel environments, we experienced another impactful time of connection, worship, and teaching from God’s word. Our student chapel worship team led us in meaningful worship in our underclassmen chapel, and our seniors were blessed to be led in worship by fellow senior Rylee Banks. We again welcomed two local youth pastors as guest speakers. Joey Weller from Southside Church Peachtree City challenged our seniors, teaching on the importance of faith. From the story of Noah to the book of Hebrews, he talked about the importance of faith and trust in Jesus Christ so that we may experience the life God has in store for us. Alex Edwards from New Hope’s South Campus in Fayetteville challenged our underclassmen to be salt and light in the world. He used two powerful illustrations to remind us that salt enhances and purifies, and light is meant to be shined brightly. We are two do likewise as committed followers of Jesus in every circumstance. Please continue to join us in praying that our students will be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading in their lives, and please pray for our teachers and staff as we are given the privilege to support, disciple, and encourage students in their growth!
Dates to keep in mind
Spring Break 4/3 - 4/7
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures 4/17 - 4/18
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
Senior Brunch and Practice - Wednesday 5/17 10am
Graduation - Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
Each senior will receive 2 tickets for guests to sit on the field, the stadium will be open for anyone to attend
9-11th Honors Night - 5/23 7:30 pm TCS Football Stadium
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -