Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 17

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School


Published November 17, 2019

Volume 17

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal



Reminder on Dress Code

All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS spirit wear purchased through the school store. Previously purchased outerwear through Coweta Sports is permitted. 


BOYS – hair length can be no longer than to the collar or halfway down the ear and must be off the eyebrow. Students are allowed to pull up hair off the collar

Attendance Reminder

Students who are absent more than ten (10) days in a class per semester will not receive credit for that course. Also, three tardies equals one absence.

Events & Announcements

Midterm Exam Schedule

Review Days: Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 16 - Dec. 17) - normal full days 

Exam Days: Wednesday and Thursday (Dec. 18 - Dec. 19) - half days

  • Dec. 18 - Wednesday 

    • 8:45am-10:15 exam 1 -Science

    • 10:30am-12:00 exam 2 - English

  • Dec. 19 - Thursday 

    • 8:45am-10:15 exam 1 - Math

    • 10:30am-12:00 exam 2 - History

  • Dec. 20 - Friday (no school for high school students)

Operation Christmas Child

Don’t forget to fill your shoebox to support Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse. NOTE: These boxes must be filled and returned to school no later than Friday 11/22.

The charge is on. We have been asked to provide 500 large boxes of cereal to support our local Backpack Buddies organization (note it is "boxes" not "bags"). Any kind of cereal is fine. Let’s do this!
NOTE: These boxes must be turned into TCS HS no later than Thursday 12/12.

GRADUATION DATE: MAY 17, 2020, 7:00pm

The 2020 Graduation Ceremony will be held on Sunday night, May 17th in the TCS Stadium at 7pm

Counseling Department Updates:

GO Week 2020

Please register for GO Week 2020 at: