Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 24, 2023
Volume 188
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Are you just talking the talk or are you walking the walk? What is this power that characterized the kingdom of God? It is the power of God to transform lives! The power to bring us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ. The power that enables us to accomplish the mission Christ left for his church – to share the good news and make disciples across the world and in all nations. The kingdom’s power is not reflected in our material wealth, power, or prestige. But it is reflected in changed lives and the difference we make in the world around us. It is the Holy Spirit at work in us and through us as believers in Christ alone.
Challenges from Chapel
We had a powerful time in the presence of God this past Wednesday in chapel. Our student-led worship team called us to worship, led us in two songs of praise, and prayed for God to speak to us through His word. We were so blessed to have TCS Director of Marketing and Communications Oscar Camejo deliver a challenging message. Oscar challenged and inspired us to run our races well in obedience to Hebrews 12. Let us be consistently mindful of these words: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” Many thanks to Oscar for his bold proclamation of the truth. Please join us in praying for the many students who responded to the challenge and took steps forward in their faith!
Friday Dismissal Reminder
High School early dismissal time is from 2pm -2:30pm. We are asking for all students to be picked up from the high school by means of the dismissal line. Please do not wait for your student at the gas station/lower lot areas. The Friday high school dismissal process typically takes about 15 minutes and then the line is clear. Students that are not being picked up by 2:30pm must remain in the MPR for their safety and security. Students that are not picked up by 2:30pm on Fridays will be held in the MPR until 3:15pm. The safety and accountability of our students is a top priority for us at TCS. Thank you for your assistance with following this procedure.
Looking ahead
9/25 NHS/Beta Induction
10/2 Senior Formal Portrait Makeup
10/10 College Financial Aid Workshop
10/13 Makeup/Retake Picture Day / 9-11th grades
10/16 PSAT (11th grade only)
10/16-10/20 National Teen Driver Safety Week
10/23 National Crocs Day
Come out Tuesday, October 3rd for our Varsity Volleyball's Annual Pink Out! It's a tri match against Northgate and Newnan starting at 5:00 PM. There will be baked goodies, Chick-Fil-A and Mellow Mushroom concessions, AMAZING raffle prizes, and ALL proceeds will be donated to a local TCS family battling against breast cancer!
Here's the link to purchase your own Pink Out shirt:
Building 1, Student Center
Contact to schedule a time between 8am - 11am
Building 1, Student Center
We ask that students wear a collared shirt, preferably one displaying Trinity’s school colors. The retake picture is what will be used in the yearbook. You will not be given an option to choose which picture you like better.
PSAT Administration
This school year we are adjusting how we administer the PSAT. Our fall administration will be on Monday, Oct. 16th and will be available for the 11th grade class only. The test is optional. Students wishing to take the test must sign up using the form that was distributed to them by the counseling department. There is an $18 charge for the test.
Testing will occur in the morning. Students will arrive by 8:00 with testing set to begin by 8:30. After testing, students will attend any afternoon classes or activities we have planned for that day. It is not a half-day of school. Students not taking the test should follow their normal class schedule for the day.
It is our recommendation that students take the PSAT at least once to practice for their SAT administration. Additionally, the PSAT is linked to the National Merit Scholarship for 11th graders and is a pathway to other scholarships based on the student’s score report.
We will conduct a spring administration for any in 9th or 10th grade who wish to participate this year.
College Financial Aid Workshop
The counseling department is hosting a college financial aid workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 10th at 7:00 pm in the Multipurpose room of the high school building. Ben Meadows from the Georgia Student Finance Commission will be here to discuss the Hope Scholarship, state aid programs and share details about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aide). This will be an informative event for seniors and their parents looking at ways to pay for college.
Upcoming College Rep Visits
During the course of the school year, the counseling department will host representatives from various colleges and universities who wish to connect with our students. These visits are a great time to gather information about the programs these institutions offer. Visits will be conducted in the high school multipurpose room during our lunch blocks which generally run from 11:20 - 1:40. We encourage students to take advantage of these unique opportunities.
If you are a parent who is interested in connecting with a representative during this time, you are welcome to come. However, we ask that you set an appointment beforehand by calling our front office. This helps us to have a record of your visit and so that the representatives can plan to meet with you and your child.
Here is a calendar of upcoming opportunities:
9/25 - Georgia Southwestern State University
9/28 - GA Army National Guard
10/10 - Georgia College and State University
10/17 - Covenant College
National Teen Driver Safety Week -
“One Life, One Choice”
The number one killer of teenagers continues to be car accidents and motor vehicle fatalities..
This is not something we can take lightly, and we are committed to being a part of the solution!
During the week of Oct. 16-20, the Trinity high school faculty in partnership with the Abby’s Angels Foundation will focus on raising awareness to encourage and challenge our students to do all they can to become responsible drivers and make wise decisions while riding in vehicles. More information is forthcoming, but please begin to pray for this week to be an impactful time for students!
Football Themes
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) –
Michelle Hutcheson- Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Val Adams - Director of Academics
JP Weaver - Director of Student Development --
Kimmy Jones - High School Principal