Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published March 17, 2024
Volume 212
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11
Isn’t it amazing that God promises to “make known” the way we should go? Even more amazing is that we don’t go alone! His presence goes with us, and in His presence is fullness of joy! This joy is not worldly happiness but something much deeper. It is a confident assurance that allows us to live through even difficult situations without feeling despair. As you lean into this incredible truth, may you find ways to truly enter into His presence on a daily basis, so that you can experience this unspeakable joy every day!
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! ~ Psalm 34:8
On Monday, March 18th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, current 8th -11th grade students and parents are invited to attend our 2024 Advisement Night. This event kicks off Advisement Week where students will connect with their teachers to select their core classes and electives for the fall semester.
There will be opportunities to hear from the high school leadership team, learn about AP and Dual Enrollment classes, find out about fine arts, athletics, clubs, electives and more.
Current 8th Grade Students and Parents
It is highly recommended that all 8th grade students and parents attend.
We want the transition to high school to run smoothly and the information at this event will greatly help students understand what high school at TCS is all about.
Schedule for 8th grade Taste and See
6:00 - 6:45 - Assembly in Multi-Purpose Room, Building 5
6:45 - 8:00 - Course Preview in selected classrooms and AP/DE breakout sessions
In addition to our Taste and See event, there will be Coffee Talk sessions with our 9th-10th grade counselor, Mrs. Hutcheson, on March 21-22. These sessions will give you an opportunity to ask specific questions about what to expect as your student transitions to high school. Sign up for Coffee Talk with Mrs. Hutcheson here.
Schedule for Current 9th-11th Grade Taste and See
6:00 - 8:00 - Course Preview in selected classrooms
This is an optional event for current 9th-11th grade students and parents. Come anytime during this timeframe to connect with teachers and ask questions about core courses, electives and extracurricular activities. You can also attend one of the AP/Dual Enrollment breakout sessions (see below) and connect with our Dual Enrollment partner schools.
AP/Dual Enrollment Breakout Sessions
These sessions will discuss our AP and Dual Enrollment options, their differences and who should take them.
6:00 pm - 9th-11th grade only (Bible Suite, Room 537)
6:50 pm - 8th grade (Bible Suite, Room 537)
7:30 pm - 8th grade (Bible Suite, Room 537)
The updated course catalogs are now available for viewing in preparation for the upcoming course registration week. Please refer to these catalogs to learn about grading guidelines, graduation requirements, subject scope and sequence and course descriptions for core classes and electives.
Please note there are two separate catalogs. Per our accreditation, new graduation requirements are in place for the classes of 2027 and beyond. Click the link that corresponds to the correct graduation year.
2024-25 Course Catalog for the Graduating Classes of 2025 and 2026
2024-25 Course Catalog for the Graduating Classes of 2027 and 2028
CPR Certified
Students taking Principles of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine finished their cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) unit last week. The Annual Fund provided adult, child and infant manikins, automated external defibrillator (AED) trainers as well as the American Heart Association curriculum. At the completion of the unit Nurse Kacey White assisted in assessments. Each student took a written and practical exam to earn their CPR certification and they all passed! They are each AHA 'Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED' certified and will maintain those credentials for 2 years before needing to be recertified.
Many thanks to our worship team for leading us in “Rattle” and “Worthy”, two powerful songs of praise to our God this past Wednesday. It was so good to join together united under the name of Jesus and have a space and place to lift up our praise and focus fully on Him. TCS Theatre Director Lizzie Perez shared a challenging message from God’s word. Teaching from Hebrews and Philippians, she contrasted feeding fear vs. feeding faith, reminding us that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). We can choose everyday to feed our faith or let fear control our lives. Mrs. Perez’s transparency about the power of fear in her own life was very relatable for us all, showing us how easy it is to give in to fear and temptation and not stand firm in faith and confidence in God’s greater plans. Many thanks to Mrs. Perez for such a challenging and encouraging message. Join us in praying that our students will choose faith over fear in every moment of their lives and that they will pursue growth in their faith daily!
Looking ahead into Semester II:
3/18-3/22 - Advisement Week
8th grade transition to high school tours 3/18 *special family event this evening
3/28 - Prom
3/29 - Good Friday School Holiday
4/1 - 4/5 - Spring Break
4/15 - 4/16 - Senior Graduation Cap/Gown Pictures - 4/15-4/16
Senior Families!
Save the following dates in preparation for Graduation and celebrating our seniors
Monday 05/13 and Tuesday 05/14 - Senior Exams
Wednesday 05/15 - Senior brunch, final chapel, senior walk, and graduation practice.
Thursday 05/16 - Graduation
From the Counseling Department
Course registration for the 2024-25 school year is upon us! On Monday, March 18th students in grade 9-11 should pick up a course registration form in the main reception area of Buildings 1 and 5 when they enter school. Throughout the course of the week, students will have a chance to connect with each teacher to get a recommendation on their fall coursework for the various core subject areas.
Forms are due by Monday, March 25. There will be collection areas near the main entrances of Buildings 1 and 5 for students to drop off their form.
Deadlines are approaching for the following local scholarships: Prepared for Life Scholarship (MARCH 24)
Kiwanis Club (MARCH 27)
Coweta Sports Hall of Fame - Johnny Brown Scholarship (MARCH 29)
UGA: Coweta County Master Gardeners Extension Volunteer Scholarship (MARCH 29)
Abby’s Angels (MARCH 31)
Men’s College Scholarship (males only) - (April 1)
Atlanta Southern Crescent and Bell Mutual Scholarship (APRIL 15)
Jerry Flury Memorial Scholarship (for any HS senior attending trade school) (MAY 3)
For more scholarship information click on the resource below.
West Point Military Academy is looking for high-achieving young people who are in great standing with their school and community and who want to challenge themselves. Their summer leadership program is open for current juniors (Class of 2025) to attend West Point in June to spend a week with cadets, living in barracks and engaging in academic workshops.
Participants will learn about military training, enhance their leadership skills and be challenged physically through West Point’s candidate fitness assessment.
Click below for more information and to apply.
Current 10th grade students will be taking the PSAT Monday, Apr. 22. More details regarding test day administration will be given at a later date.
This is a required administration and the student’s account will be billed. The cost of the test is $18.
After testing, students will attend lunch and afternoon classes. It is not a half-day of school.
SAT Spring Test Dates
Registration is now open for the March, May, and June test dates for the digital SAT. Most colleges, including those that are test optional, consider SAT scores when making admission and placement decisions, and for certain scholarships. Your SAT score is a proven way to show what you’ve learned and stand out on applications.
Below are the upcoming test dates and registration deadlines for the spring administration of the SAT. You can find a test center near youto register. These seats will fill up, so don’t delay in registering in order to get the date that you would like. This mostly applies to juniors in preparation for the college admissions season in the fall.
Click below for information about ACT registration
March 19 - CLC Georgia (Columbus, GA)
Helpful Links and Documents
For all things Arts related, please visit our Performing Arts section of Inside the Pride.
This past weekend we hosted right here on our Trinity campus the Georgia District Fine Arts Festival. We had 274 students from 24 different churches participate. From Trinity itself we had 60 students participate and they were involved in 72 different entries. The weekend was a huge success! Congratulations to all on a job well done, and on the ministry and heart with which you presented. We are proud of you all!!
Chamber Group (Combined Band/Orchestra)
Technical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Film & Broadcast Production
Live Media Production
Worship Team
Do you have a rising 8th-12th grade wind or percussion player? Do you have a rising 7th-12th grade girl who may be interested in the color guard? If you said YES, we want to invite you to a special information meeting on March 19th for those parents and students who want more information about joining the Marching Lions for our Greatest Showman Season. This is for NEW potential Marching Lions and parents. Come hear our vision and join us on this amazing journey!
Location: Band Room
Important Upcoming Marching Lions Dates
19th - Marching Lions Interest Meeting 6:30pm - All NEW potential Marching Lions and parents - Band Room
9th-11th - Color Guard Auditions 3:30-5:00pm
11th - Percussion Auditions 4:00pm - Band Room
(You should have received an email with these details already. Contact us if you still need materials or more information)
12th - Uniform Fittings 2:00pm (HS) and 2:45pm (MS) - Band Room
16th - Parent and student meeting for the 2024 marching season 6:30pm - All Marching Lions - Band Room
22nd - Music rehearsal for Greatest Showman. All winds and percussion 3:30-6:00pm - Band Room
High School Administrative Contacts
Teacher emails utilize the address configuration.
Kimmy Jones - High School Principal -
JP Weaver - Director of Student Development -
Val Adams - Director of Academics -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) -
Michelle Hutcheson - Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Tracy White - Office Manager -
Attendance -
Nurse -