Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published August 18, 2024
Volume 229
Blake Bass - Interim High School Principal
Events & Announcements
A Message to High School Parents
Dear Trinity Christian School Families,
We’ve had a great two weeks of school, and we can already sense that this will be a wonderful school year. Our students are engaged in their classes, and our teachers are busy teaching. Everything that makes life in a Christian high school special is happening here at Trinity.
Football season has started, and Homecoming is right around the corner on September 13th. However, what truly makes this year feel exceptional is not the hustle and bustle of school, it’s the students and how much they love being around each other. After a while, you can just tell when a group of kids is special. This feels as if this is going to be a very special group of students.
I want to thank you for allowing the staff at Trinity Christian the privilege of teaching your children. As we continue the year, I know this group of students will make all of us proud.
Best regards,
Blake Bass
Assistant Head Of School
Interim High School Principal
Drug Testing
TCS reserves the right to conduct random drug testing for 6th-12th-grade students or drug testing when there is a suspicion of drug use at the sole discretion of the administration. The intent of this policy is threefold:
To provide a safe, respectful environment for all students.
To be a deterrent for those who may be tempted to follow the crowd and try illegal substances. Research has shown that random drug testing does provide a disincentive to do drugs, and it also gives the student another legitimate reason not to participate when facing peer pressure.
To provide redemptive accountability for those who have succumbed. It is redemptive in that, once drug use is exposed, the student and his/her family can face the situation and get help to restore the student to his family and a healthy lifestyle that honors the Lord.
Students who have positive results will be subject to our discipline policies, but it is also our hope that by making the problem known, parents will be assisted in getting the student the help he/she needs. Students who refuse to submit to a drug test may be expelled.
Twice a year TCS will also, in coordination with the Coweta County Sheriff’s Department, conduct random K-9 drug sweeps of the High School campus for the sole purpose of maintaining a safe, respectful environment for all students.
All School Picture Day
Date: Monday, Aug 19th
Location: Gym
9-11th grade students will have their picture taken for the yearbook. Please wear standard dress code guidelines.
Your student should have brought home a picture order form.. They should bring that pre-order form with payment to school on picture day to give to the photographer when they have the picture taken.
Below is the link to order pictures online.
Parking passes will be available for pickup before school starts 7:30 - 8:10 AM, and during lunch 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM.
Be sure ALL paperwork is completed by both parent/guardian and student,
AND all fees are paid!
Pre-Absence Form
We’ve moved into the 21st century and our 2024-2025 Pre Absence Form is now DIGITAL!
You can always find the link on Blackbaud on your resource board.
Be mindful that the form must be filled out 5 days minimum before the student is absent.
Academic Matters
Our classes are underway and students have engaged in a variety of learning activities during the first two weeks of school.
If you are new to using Blackbaud, take some time to navigate around the website. “Resources” will be a great place to go for information. Within each class, you can click on “Topics” to see the current material being taught. “Assignment Center” is also helpful to see what is assigned in each class.
Ordering Class Shirts
Recently, 9th -11th grade members from Student Council designed class shirts for the upcoming year and voted on their favorite. The link below contains the winning shirt. If your student would like to purchase a new class shirt, see link below.
All Things Homecoming
Homecoming Game: Friday, September 13th
2024 Homecoming Court:
We’re approaching the time to vote for our 2024 Homecoming Court. This year, we are opening the court up to 9th - 11th grade boys as well so they too can represent their grade. If students are interested, they will need to complete an application explaining why you would be an excellent choice. Those who submit an application will be included on the voting ballot for their grade to vote upon. The google form application was emailed on Thursday and the deadline to apply is Tuesday, August 20th at 10pm.
Homecoming Dance:
Homecoming Week Themes
Football Themes
The Student Council is excited to announce the 2024 football season themes. These themes were selected and voted on by student council representatives. Our Homecoming Game will be Friday, September 13th.
Dress Code Guidelines for Football Games
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length
No mid-drifts
Boys must wear shirts.
If any paint is worn, it must be applied before entering the stadium.
Important Upcoming Dates
Below are the practice dates leading up to our first game!
We are excited to announce our High School Chorus Club
Meets on Fridays from 1:45pm - 3:30pm in room 502.
Students involved will have the opportunity to perform in our Winter and Spring concerts. All are welcome!
Email to sign up!
AUDITIONS for High School shows will take place
THIS WEEK, August 12th-16th.
For links to conflict calendars, registration forms, and more, please contact Lizzie Perez at
As always, check out the Performing Arts section of Inside the Pride for details, dates, stories, and MUCH MORE!
Dual Enrollment Start Dates
All dual enrollment courses through Point University will begin on Aug. 21st.
Drop/Add Period for High School
The drop/add period for high school classes ends on Friday, Aug. 23rd. Please note, only core classes can be adjusted. Students cannot drop an elective course now that school has started.
If a student would like to request a schedule change for a core class, they need to fill out the form below.
Upcoming College Rep Visits
College visits typically happen around our lunch blocks. If you are a parent who is interested in connecting with a representative during this time, you are welcome to come. However, we ask that you set an appointment beforehand by calling our front office. This helps us to have a record of your visit and allows the representative to know you are coming so they can plan to meet with you and your child.
8/26 - Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA) (11:30 - 12:30)
9/12 - University of Georgia (Athens, GA) (11:30 - 1:00)
Scholarship Information
Looking for ways to fund college? The document at the link below provides helpful information to various scholarship programs throughout Georgia, as well as national scholarships that can be applied to any academic institution. Additionally, at the end of the document are links to various scholarship search engines and some additional resources. We will update this document as we become aware of more scholarship opportunities, so bookmark it and check back often.
SAT Dates Released for 2024-25
The dates for fall and spring administration of the SAT have been released for the 2024-25 school year. Rising seniors should consider taking the SAT during the fall semester of 2024. Rising juniors should target the spring semester of 2025 for their first administration.
Students should register for their preferred date to reserve a seat for that administration. Register online here.
Service Opportunity: Coweta Community Service Team
If you are looking for service opportunities in your community, then the Coweta Community Service Team may be for you. Each year the Coweta County Foundation partners with public, private and homeschool high school programs that serve Coweta County residents to attract talented and diverse freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors who are service minded and willing to give back to the community. More information and applications can be found at Coweta Community Foundation.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teacher emails utilize the address configuration
Blake Bass - Assistant Head of School (Interm High School Principal)-
Roby Ross - Director of Student Development -
Karen Brannon - Director of Academics -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) -
Michelle Hutcheson - Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Sara Kuchinski - Office Manager -
Attendance -
Nurse -