Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published August 22, 2021
Volume 94
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
We now have 9 days under our belts! Students and teachers are getting fully acclimated to classes and grades are beginning to roll in for each class. Blackbaud is a wonderful resource for our TCS population. Teachers are using this as the communication platform for sharing lesson plans, posting assignments, grades, and communicating any adjustments to the lesson plan. This is where you will be able to access gradebook reports for your student(s). Be sure that you have activated your “parent” account in Blackbaud. Then select your student name. This will allow you to access the dashboard which will provide multiple tabs to access the schedule, assignments, conduct, and official notes. If you scroll down on the page, you will see the section for grades listed by course. The total grade will be posted on this screen and by selecting “see more details” for each course you will be able to review the full grade report.
Just like anything else, there is a learning curve when it comes to something new, so we are all working to become more adept at the different aspects of this robust program. If students are having difficulties submitting assignments or understanding assignments, lesson plans…, they should email their teachers directly for clarification.
Got Notifications?
Want an email when an assignment is missing? Want a text when the teacher updates an assignment? Click on the following link to find step by step instructions for setting your notifications on both a desktop and mobile version:
Lock out method
As we seek to help create opportunities for students to grow in life skills and responsibility, we continue to implement processes that assist in the development of important habits such as punctuality. The “lock out method” is currently being used for students who arrive to class after the bell rings. When they arrive late, they will be locked out of the classroom and directed to the front office to receive a tardy pass. While there are legitimate reasons for tardiness at times, our goal is to help students develop this important habit of punctuality which is the ultimate purpose of the “lock out” procedure. As usual, unexcused tardies result in demerits and accumulate towards detention.
New Clubs Underway!
Literary Club
If you want to try out creative writing in a fun, relaxed space, fill out the form below!
Chess Club
Esports/Gaming Club
Trinity is taking its first steps into the next frontier of athletics: eSports! If you have a student interested in competition, development, or even fellowship through video games, fill out the following form. ( We will be gathering in room 520 during the lunch break at 12:10pm on Wednesday, September 1st to answer questions and share more information. We look forward to bringing the eSports scene to TCS. Go Lions!
College Applications
‘Tis the season for Seniors to begin submitting their applications for colleges/universities. Each institution will have their own unique method for submitting transcripts. Please use this link to request HS Transcripts here
You will also find a direct link to request transcripts on the Blackbaud resources page.
ALICE Alert Assembly
ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. This program is dedicated to promoting proactive strategies to improve the chances of survival during an active shooter event. The high school will follow an assembly schedule on August 31st. During the afternoon (1:20 pm - 1:35 pm), students and staff members will watch the ALICE Alert video, followed by participation in a safety drill.
The schedule is only adjusted for the afternoon classes and is as follows:
IT Help?
Please use this link follow the prompts to login using Google access self service then select IT request Icon then select Chromebook icon for student help or Mac book icon for staff help fill out the form fields.
This sends the information directly to the IT team. The IT team will then either come to the student /staff person directly or have them called downstairs to provide resolution to the issue.
Out sick?
Need to communicate an excused absence?
Be sure to include Morgin Ross on all emails or notes being submitted for excused absences. Her direct email is
Week two of chapel continued our high standard of spiritual excellence at TCS. The band played, students prayed, and if that was all then it would have been amazing. But Mrs. Kimmy Jones, our affable High School Principal, proved that she is also a powerful advocate for the word of God. She masterfully crafted a message from the “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30. She highlighted God as an Investor who believes in us and wants us to partner in some of His greatest enterprises. She reminded us that buried talent is buried opportunity for us and buried glory for God. She also reminded us that risk taking with God-given talents, during God-given opportunities, for God’s glory is God’s way. Thank you Mrs. Jones!!! Great job!!!
Next week, Ken Adams, a powerful spiritual fixture in Coweta County and leader of Crossroads Church, will deliver God’s word to TCS. Please be in prayer for his preparation and the heart of our student body.
If you would like to purchase insurance for the 21/22 school year to cover any accidental damages to your student's Chromebook, we are offering coverage for $40. Please access the form below to learn more about the insurance coverage and the money you could potentially save, as well as how to sign up for coverage this year. This offer is available for a limited time and only applies to 9th grade, 10th grade, and any new students receiving the gray Samsung Chromebook 4. Signup before August 31st.
GO Week Update
This week our team met with GO Week Coordinator, Chad Whittle, for a time of strategic planning of GO Week trip options and service opportunities to be underway during this continuation of a global pandemic. We are constantly reviewing the state of our world and travel guidelines/restrictions as we plan for GO Week trips during the first full week of January 2022.
Counseling Department Dates
Dual Enrollment start dates: August 25th, 2021
Financial Aid Workshop: Tuesday, August 31st 6:30 - 7:30pm in the High School Multipurpose Room. A representative from the Georgia Student Finance Commission will share important information and details regarding college financial aid.
Drop/Add Period for course adjustments: ENDS September 3rd
Upcoming Important Dates: PSAT on campus testing Oct 13th for 9th-11th grade students. (Seniors virtual learning)
ASVAB on campus testing - Oct 26th 11th/12th students (9th and 10th regular scheduled day)
Aviation Institute of Maintenance Recruiter Mrs. Sutton visits Thursday, August 26⋅12:00 – 12:30pm
Columbia International University: Nov 3rd lunch visit from an admission recruiter