Inside the Pride Lower School News - Volume 120

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School

Published March 13, 2022

Volume 120


Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal



The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph

We had such a fun week! Our students enjoyed having their grandparents and special friends visit their classrooms. It was wonderful to see our students interacting with their grandparents and creating special memories. What a blessing our grandparents are!

Our Lower School students made our reading challenge a huge success! I am so proud of ALL of our students, who participated! Lower School students read for 648 hours last week!!!! That is incredible!!! A BIG shout out to the following classes for winning their grade level challenge:

  • Preschool:  Mrs. Farr

  • Kindergarten: Mrs. Moore

  • First Grade: Mrs. Arant

  • Second Grade: Mrs. Smeal

  • Third Grade: Mrs. Jaroszewski

Additionally, we had 22 students complete the entire reading chart. This is quite an accomplishment, as these students read for at least 350 minutes in one week!! Wow! I would like to recognize the following students for their dedication, hard work, and commitment in completing the entire reading chart:

  • Chase Baldwin

  • Camilla Anne Brown

  • Emily Caldwell

  • Cade Crews

  • Scout Denney

  • Adalyn Haff

  • Mackenzie Haff

  • Scottlyn Hall

  • Amelia Hendrick

  • Macie Jeffords

  • Maggie Mullins

  • Riley New

  • Kaylee Norman

  • Seth Paschal

  • Caroline Roberts

  • Cross Roberts

  • Jon Paul Stanfield

  • Henry Statham

  • London Wainscott

  • Riley Williams

  • Smith Wilson 

  • Austyn Claire Wynn

St. Patrick’s Day Dress Down

On Thursday, March 17, students may wear green with jeans to celebrate the day!

Last Week in Chapel

In chapel last week, we learned how God cares deeply for people who are far from him. He wants all people to know about his love. We continued with the story of Jonah and learned how we must be willing to care more about those who are lost than we do about our own comfort and happiness.

Main Idea: We must have compassion for those who don't know God.

Whatchagaddaknow: "I gotta win the lost at any cost!"

Reminder: IOWA Testing Date Change

To help provide our teachers with additional instructional time and our students more exposure to their grade level content, we are moving our standardized testing week to May 2-6. More specific information will be provided soon. We are exploring the option of being able to complete our testing online as well.

Elementary Clubs

Our students love participating in after school clubs! 

Signups will be available within the first few weeks of this semester.  Please watch for communications regarding specific club dates and registration links in the Fine Arts and Athletics sections of the Inside the Pride newsletter as they become available. 

If you have any questions, please email the club sponsor listed below or Lisa Railey ( who oversees all of our elementary clubs. 


  • Art Club - 1st -5th grades


  • Drama Club - 3rd-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades 


  • Chess Club 1st-5th

  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades

Blackbaud: Classroom Updates & Information

To stay informed of what’s happening in your child’s classroom, please login into Blackbaud weekly. You will be able to see information such as weekly classroom announcements, upcoming events, weekly academic focus, grades, attendance, etc. This is the key to staying informed and will replace the hardcopy newsletter sent home in the past. I encourage you to login each week. We are excited for this new format! Information will be updated each Sunday at 5pm.

 Accessing your child's class information weekly:

  • Login to your Blackbaud account and select your child's name under "Children". 

  • Find your child's homeroom class under the "Progress" tab by scrolling down to where classes are listed.

  • After selecting the homeroom class, you will see the teacher's main class page where you will locate upcoming dates, class reminders and news. 

  • Select the "Topics" tab to see specific information for each individual subject. Within each subject folder, you will see a plan for the week and upcoming projects and test information. 

  • The "Topics" pages update each Sunday evening at 5pm and will remain current until the following Sunday evening.