Inside the Pride Lower School News - Volume 164

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School

Published February 26, 2023

Volume 164


Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal


The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph

Next Monday begins Read Across America week! I am looking forward to being a guest reader in many of our classrooms! Please be reminded of the information below for dress down days and our reading challenge. On another note, please be sure to read below regarding an updated procedure for lunch visitors. 

  • Monday: Crazy Hat Day (Wear your favorite/crazy hat along with a regular uniform).

  • Tuesday: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Wear red and blue). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.

  • Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Wear mismatched/backwards clothes). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.

  • Thursday: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Day (Dress like Thing 1 and Thing 2 OR dress identical to a friend). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.

  • Friday: Crazy Sock Day (Wear your craziest socks along with a TCS spirit wear shirt and uniform bottoms or jeans).

Lower School Reading Challenge

The Lower School is excited to announce that our classes will celebrate Read Across America through a friendly reading contest. The contest will begin Monday, February 27th and continue until Sunday, March 5th. 

Students will receive a reading log on Monday, February 27th to track their reading progress. Each night of the week, students will color in a ‘box’ for every 5 minutes they read per day. Students may read independently or with a parent. Please turn in the completed reading log on Monday, March 6th to your classroom teacher. A special prize will be given to the class who reads the most amount of minutes in their grade level! 

Lunch Visitors: Updated Procedure

We are enjoying all of our visitors on campus for lunch! As a reminder, all lunch visitors must sign up in advance. The Spring 2023 Lunch Visitor Sign-up can be found on Blackbaud under Resources. **Please ensure anyone signed up is also listed in Blackbaud as an Emergency Contact or under Relationships (this can be found by logging into Blackbaud, selecting the Contact Card tab, and scrolling to the bottom). If the lunch visitor is not listed in Blackbaud, an email will need to be sent by the parent to (for 1st-8th) or (for Prek-K) in advance.**

Last Week in Chapel

Last week in Chapel Pastor Kami began a 6 week series called “The Lord is My Shepherd”, which focuses on who God is based on Psalm 23. Each week the kids will learn 1 verse from David’s famous psalm and the first verse says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” Pastor Kami told the parable from Luke 15 about the shepherd who left 99 sheep in order to go find the missing one. The 3 main points to the lesson were:

  1. God wants to be OUR shepherd

  2. When we follow God, He gives us ALL that we need

  3. We must CHOOSE to make God our shepherd

Upcoming Dates


  • February 27-March 3 - Read Across America Week (with dress down days)


  • 16th - St. Patrick’s Dress Down Day (students may wear green tops with jeans or uniform bottoms)

  • 17th - Remote Learning Day

Save The Date

You won't want to miss our Lower School End of Year Celebrations and programs!

  • Preschool plans are still being finalized. Details coming soon. 

  • Kindergarten Graduation will be Monday, May 22nd at 6:45pm. 

  • 1st-3rd grade will have their End of Year Programs and Awards on the evening of Monday, May 15th.

Black History Month

We are excited to celebrate diversity with an emphasis on black history during the month of  February. While focusing on the words foundation, innovation, and transformation, each grade level will learn about various leaders and their contributions and influence on our society. Check your child's Blackbaud class page for further details.

House System Competition 

Check out who is leading the competition at

Elementary Clubs

Our students love to participate in our elementary clubs. These clubs are designed for 1st-5th grade students and meet after school dismisses.

Staying Informed and Up-to-date with

Classroom Happenings

To stay informed of what’s happening in your child’s classroom, please login into Blackbaud weekly. You will be able to see information such as weekly classroom announcements, upcoming events, weekly academic focus, grades, attendance, etc. This is the key to staying informed and replaces hardcopy newsletters. I encourage you to login each week. Information will be updated each Sunday at 5pm.

Accessing your child's class information weekly:

  • Login to your Blackbaud account and select your child's name under "Children". 

  • Find your child's homeroom class under the "Progress" tab by scrolling down to where classes are listed.

  • After selecting the homeroom class, you will see the teacher's main class page where you will locate upcoming dates, class reminders and news. 

  • Select the "Topics" tab to see specific information for each individual subject. Within each subject folder, you will see a plan for the week and upcoming projects and test information.

  • The "Topics" pages update each Sunday evening at 5pm and will remain current until the following Sunday evening.

Administrative Contacts

Please take note of the following administrative contacts. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help!