Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School
Published May 19, 2024
Volume 221
Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal
The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph
Last week was truly memorable as we came together to celebrate our students with end-of-year programs and awards. It was a wonderful time! However, we are not done yet! With just one week of school left, we have a whole lineup of fun events waiting for us.
Kicking things off is the eagerly awaited kindergarten graduation on Monday night. It's an occasion filled with warmth and pride as we celebrate our youngest learners' achievements. As a special highlight, the Falcon RV Squadron will grace the skies once again with their annual flyover in honor of our kindergarten graduates!
The excitement doesn't end here! The upcoming week is jam-packed with fun activities tailored for each grade level. Get ready for a blast with events like the Preschool: Glow Party & Ring Pops Day, Kindergarten: Popcorn, PJ’s, & Movie Day, First Grade: Scooter & Popsicle Day, Second Grade: Inflatables & TCBY Day, and Third Grade: Water Bash Day & Kona Ice. Get set to make memories and have a fantastic time!
Don't forget to visit the EOY Landing Page link for specific details regarding end of year events and more.
Reserved Seating for Kindergarten Graduation
Families may begin “reserving” spaces in the general stadium seating for graduation on Sunday 5/19 after 5pm. Anything put out prior to this time frame will be removed by the TCS Operations Team. Please note that areas may only be marked with painter’s blue or green tape. This means that masking and/or duct tape are not permitted and will be removed by the TCS Operations Team. Full size camping chairs are NOT permitted in the stadium seating area - only stadium chairs.
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming May Events
May 20th - Kindergarten Graduation
May 20th - Third Grade Water Bash Day & Kona Ice
May 21st - Second Grade Inflatables & TCBY Day
May 22nd - Preschool Glow Party & Ring Pops Day
May 22nd - Kindergarten Popcorn, PJ’s, & Movie Day
May 22nd - First Grade Scooter & Popsicle Day
May 24th - Class Parties
Back-to-School Supply Shopping Made Easy
We have selected Educational Products, Inc. (EPI) for our Lower School supply program to help you save time and money on back-to-school shopping. Click on the link below for additional details.
Last Week in Chapel
In our last Chapel of the year, both our kindergarten and third grade classes led our student body in worship during their individual Chapel services. It was a remarkable way for our kindergarteners to mark their final Chapel before transitioning to our main campus next school year. Meanwhile, our third grade students have set an exceptional example for our Lower School student body. As a special send-off to Upper Elementary, we said a prayer of blessing over our third graders.
Don’t forget we have our half-day dismissals on Wednesday and Thursday of this week along with our early release on Friday. Dismissal line will start by 11:30am. Students may remain on campus (if the form was completed) on Wednesday and Thursday, but all students will need to be picked up at 11:30am on Friday.
Note: Due to the optional half-day release, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule). Students needing to stay past 12:15pm on Wednesday and Thursday will need to bring a sack lunch as there will be no lunch option provided by Sage.
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: The Early Learning students at our Go Church campus will dismiss from 11:30 to 12:00pm. Due to the half day dismissal, we will not offer the Junior Lions dismissal option. Early Learning students will be transported to the main campus for the Agape program at 2:10pm on Wednesday and Thursday.
Friday, May 24 - Half Day Dismissal
We will dismiss for Summer Break at 11:30am. All students should be picked up between 11:30am-12:15pm. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL option available on this day.
Note: Due to the early dismissal, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule).
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: Transportation will NOT be provided to the main campus for Early Learning students.
Staying Informed and Up-to-date with
Classroom Happenings
To stay informed of what’s happening in your child’s classroom, please login into Blackbaud weekly. You will be able to see information such as weekly classroom announcements, upcoming events, weekly academic focus, grades, attendance, etc. This is the key to staying informed and replaces hardcopy newsletters. I encourage you to login each week. Information will be updated each Sunday at 5pm.
Accessing your child's class information weekly:
Login to your Blackbaud account and select your child's name under "Children".
Find your child's homeroom class under the "Progress" tab by scrolling down to where classes are listed.
After selecting the homeroom class, you will see the teacher's main class page where you will locate upcoming dates, class reminders and news.
Select the "Topics" tab to see specific information for each individual subject. Within each subject folder, you will see a plan for the week and upcoming projects and test information.
The "Topics" pages update each Sunday evening at 5pm and will remain current until the following Sunday evening.
Elementary Clubs
Our students love to participate in our elementary clubs. These clubs are designed for 1st-5th grade students and meet after school dismisses. Check out the main page of Inside the Pride for more information.
Lower School ADMIN Team: We are here to help!
(pictured l to r) Lisa Railey, Jenn Duncan, Sherry Randolph, Leslie Cook, and Ashley Moore
If you have any questions throughout the summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help! Please see the guide below to reach the most appropriate personnel.
LS Director of Student Life - Ashley Moore (
Mrs. Moore can assist you with general questions regarding the school calendar, uniforms, supply lists, etc.
LS Academic Dean - Leslie Cook (
Mrs. Cook can assist you with any academic-related needs for PreK-.3rd grade
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl oversees our ELS and Skills Development Program
Director of LEO Program - Jenn Duncan (
Mrs. Duncan oversees our Learning Enrichment Opportunity Program
Lower School Principal - Sherry Randolph (