Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School
Published July 21, 2024
Volume 225
Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal
The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph
I am thrilled to announce our dynamic Lower School teaching teams for the 2024-25 school year. We are blessed to welcome these outstanding new staff members who will join our already exceptional team of returning staff! Our team has eagerly been preparing for this school year and we are excited to welcome our students soon!
Victoria Wainwright with Suzanne Thompson (3 day)
Laura Byrom with Linda Galka (5day)
Julie Spurgeon with Ashlee McKenzie (3 day)
Jamie Farr with Jayme Geeslin (5 day)
Gale Hickman with Tammy Wade (5 day)
Yvonne Cooper with Diane Cormier (5 day)
Allison Upshaw with Sopheak Jackson (5 day)
Kelly Calvert with Kristi Dobbs (5 day)
Katie Judy with Stephanie Querna
Michelle Lackey with Susan DiSanzia
Becky McAuley with Amy Williams
Kristie Ross with Carmen Hollingsworth
Kelsey Kuehl with Ashley Kent
Janicia Gomez with Leslie Lowery
First Grade
Wendy Moore with Ryann Hornsby
Amy McConnell with Lisa Scarbrough
Leah Rock with Kira O'Pry
McKenna Sterling with Laura Boswell
Sarah Barham with Becky Knowles
Second Grade
Yvette Varela with Lisa Clark
Jennifer Rollins with Julianna PaskVan
Melissa Casteel with Anna Lewis
Teresa Russell with Abbey Blevins
Sarah Cottrell with Jana Gosdin
Third Grade
Rachel Jaroszewski with Ashley Phillips
Janelle Akey with Rosetta McDowell
Kathy Burnett with Melanie Landers
Courtney Gable with Jennifer Evans
Sarah George with Lana Parker
Upcoming Dates
Welcome To the Roar Event: Join us on Sunday, August 4th for our block party-style event, welcoming both new and returning TCS families. Our students always have a blast at this fun-filled night!
Meet My Teacher Day: On Monday, August 5th, don't miss the chance to meet your child’s teachers and explore their classroom. Kindergarten through third grade students can wear any variation of our school uniform on this day. We have organized a staggered visiting schedule based on last names:
9:30-11:30am: Last names A-L
1:30-3:30pm: Last names M-Z
If you have students at both our Early Learning facility located at our Go Church campus and Trinity’s main campus, feel free to start your visits at whichever location is most convenient for you.
Please remember that Tuesday, August 6th marks our first full day of school. Get ready for an exciting start to the new academic year!
Information For PreK4 & Kindergarten Families Only
We employ a system called PickUp Patrol to manage dismissals for our PreK-4 and Kindergarten students at our Go Church Campus. With three distinct dismissal options, this tool guarantees the safety and accurate dismissal of each child daily.
Afternoon Dismissal Options for our Early Learning students (PreK-4 and Kindergarten ONLY):
1. Carline: Pick up in carline between 2:15-2:35pm
2. Jr. Lions Shuttle Bus: Students with Siblings at Main Campus may ride the after school shuttle to main campus to be picked up with their siblings during the 2:50pm carline. We refer to this as Jr. Lion participants. The shuttle departs Go Church at 2:10pm.
3. AGAPE Afterschool Program: Students attending AGAPE afterschool program will ride the after school shuttle to main campus and will go directly to the AGAPE program. The shuttle departs Go Church at 2:10pm.
PLEASE NOTE: Changes to Early Learning dismissal must be submitted by 12:00pm on the day of the change. You will not be able to make changes after the 12:00pm deadline.
Please watch for an email regarding PickUp Patrol on or about August 1st. You will be able to set and confirm your dismissal plan and get instructions on how to use the tool should your student's dismissal plans change. Stay tuned for more details!
Student School Supply List for 2024/25
Each grade level has prepared a student supply list. Please bring these items to school on Meet My Teacher Day, August 5th. Student Supply Lists are available on Blackbaud under the “Resources” tab and can also be accessed through the links below. Many families took advantage of pre-ordering our Back to School Supply Kits. Your student’s kit will be placed on your child’s desk for Meet My Teacher Day.
Class Placement for 2024/25
We are working to finalize class placement for your student. Please pray along with us as we seek God for His wisdom and guidance in determining the best placement for each student. Class placement information for the 2024-25 school year will be released just prior to the start of school. You will receive an email when your child’s teacher and schedule is viewable in Blackbaud.
Administrative Contacts
If you have any questions throughout the summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help! Please see the guide below to reach the most appropriate personnel.
Lower School Principal - Sherry Randolph (
LS Academic Dean - Leslie Cook (
Mrs. Cook can assist you with any academic-related needs for PreK-.3rd grade
LS Director of Student Life - Ashley Moore (
Mrs. Moore can assist you with general questions regarding the school calendar, uniforms, supply lists, etc.
LS Director of LEO Program - Jennifer Duncan (
Mrs. Duncan oversees our Learning Enrichment Opportunity Program
(pictured l to r) Lisa Railey, Jenn Duncan, Sherry Randolph, Leslie Cook, and Ashley Moore