Inside the Pride Lower Elementary School News - Volume 33

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower Elementary School

Published March 15, 2020

Volume 33


Mark Your Calendars

  • Field Day at the Stadium for K3-3rd Grade - March 30th (Mrs. Byrom’s class 3/27)

  • Early Learning Easter Celebrations - April 1st and 2nd (refer to your child’s teacher for specific day and time)

  • Donuts with Dad at the Stadium - April 17th @ 1:00 (preschool/kindergarten event)

  • Masterpiece with Mom (formerly Muffins for Mom) - May 8th (preschool/kindergarten event)

Food Drive

Our 1st through 8th grade classes are conducting a Food Drive to help fill the food pantry at Trinity Church!  Students are invited to bring in food and necessary items during the whole month of March. Students can drop off items in their classrooms beginning immediately.  

Below is a list of items which are most needed, but any non-perishable food and toiletry items are appreciated!  Thank you!!

"The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."  - Proverbs 11:25