Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School
Published November 8, 2020
Volume 59
Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower Elementary School Principal
The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph
Last week in Chapel, we learned about the Wrong Way sign and that we must choose to follow God’s plan in everything we do. Our Big Idea was: “My Way is the Wrong Way, so I’m Gonna Follow Yahweh!” Our Power Verse was: “Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow.” Deuteronomy 5:33
Students continued to submit their Construction Zone challenges last week! We had over 250 participants! Great job, Everyone!
End of Fall Semester (Last Week Schedule 12/14-12/18)
Dr. Anthony has granted us half days the final week of the Fall Semester as we look towards Christmas Break.
Monday-Wednesday (School with half-day dismissal)
NOTE: Please arrive at the appropriate time, and do not arrive earlier to avoid traffic issues.
Preschool & Kindergarten Students - Dismissal begins at 11am
Elementary Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am
Elementary Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am
Thursday (Lower School programs - NO SCHOOL for students)
NOTE: Pre-K-3rd grade will have Christmas programs taking place on campus throughout the day.
*For students who are unable to be picked up at the half day dismissal time, we will provide free care until 2:35 for preschool/kindergarten and 3:30 for elementary students, at which time all remaining students will be sent to after school.
Lower School Christmas Programs, December 17th
We are planning a fun Christmas event for our Lower School families! We will have grade level programs in the gymnasium. Each student will be given 2 tickets for guests. We regret that we cannot offer additional tickets, as we want to ensure that everyone remains healthy and follow recommended guidelines.
Preschool Program - 9am
Kindergarten Program - 10am
1st Grade Program - 11am
Noon Lunch Hour - No Program
2nd Grade Program -1pm
3rd Grade Program - 2pm
Preschool Thanksgiving Programs
Our preschool programs are always a special event, but all the more this year considering how Covid has impacted many of the things we would normally do. I am thrilled that we can still make these precious moments happen! We have made some adjustments to keep everyone healthy. The doors to the Student Center will open 15 minutes prior to each performance. Due to Covid we are limiting the number of guests per student. Each student will receive 4 tickets for their family or friends to attend this event. We are kindly asking all attendees 4th grade and up to please wear a mask (in accordance to our school protocol).
Our preschool Thanksgiving programs will be held on Friday, November 20th in the Student Center.
The program times are as follows:
Farr- 9:45
Spurgeon- 11:45
Zarlenga- 1:00
In lieu of classroom parties, we will enjoy an outdoor mini Fall Festival event after each program. The festival will be located in the front lawn directly in front of the Early Learning building.
Picture Retakes
Students should wear school uniform or normal school attire.
Thursday, November 12th (preschool 5-day, kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade)
Wednesday, November 18th (preschool 3-day students)
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive
Your child will be receiving information soon about Operation Christmas Child. This is a great opportunity to bless and impact children around the world and teach them about God’s love through a gift filled shoebox. If you would like to participate, please have your child bring their shoebox on chapel day, Wednesday, November 18. House points will be awarded based on participation.
Visit Samaritan's Purse to learn more!
Preschool Thanksgiving Programs (Reposted)
Our preschool programs are always a special event, but all the more this year considering how Covid has impacted many of the things we would normally do. I am thrilled that we can still make these precious moments happen! We have made some adjustments to keep everyone healthy. The doors to the Student Center will open 15 minutes prior to each performance. Due to Covid we are limiting the number of guests per student. Each student will receive 4 tickets for their family or friends to attend this event. We are kindly asking all attendees 4th grade and up to please wear a mask (in accordance to our school protocol).
Our preschool Thanksgiving programs will be held on Friday, November 20th in the Student Center.
The program times are as follows:
Farr- 9:45
Spurgeon- 11:45
Zarlenga- 1:00
In lieu of classroom parties, we will enjoy an outdoor mini Fall Festival event after each program. The festival will be located in the front lawn directly in front of the Early Learning building.
Character Education Class for NOVEMBER REPOSTED
November’s lessons are focused on the attribute of goodness.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
House Competition
Keep up-to-date on the competition and learn more about the House system at
After School Club Schedule
For details, please email Lisa Railey (
Drama 1st-3rd (starts 9/14)
Art Club - 1st-5th grades
Running Club - 1st-3rd grades
Art Club - 1st-5th grades
Chess Club - 1st-5th grades