Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School
Published February 7, 2021
Volume 70
Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower Elementary School Principal
The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph
We are very excited to have children’s author, Jonathan Clark, join us as we celebrate Black History Month. Mr. Clark will be reading his book Finding My Y: The Quest for Purpose. This will be a virtual reading for our 1st-3rd grade students on Friday, February 26th. Below is a description of his book Finding My Y: The Quest for Purpose:
“The world is filled with many different kinds of people, and each and every one of us was created with purpose. We differ by age, gender, race, appearance, and many other things, but everyone has something special and each of our lives has meaning. Your life matters and you are here for a reason. God created everything with intention and purpose, and that includes you! You are never too young to start imagining who you might become and how you might make a difference in the world. You are capable of greatness if you have the courage to dream big, work hard, and never lose sight of those dreams along the way. This is the story of one little boy's desire to belong, and his journey to keep his flame of hope alive as he discovers what is possible for his life if he doesn't give up.”
Last Week in Chapel
We began a new series in Chapel last week titled “Every Soul Matters to God”. Through the story of the Apostle Paul, we learned that every soul matters to God - not just people who are like us.
Black History Month (Reposted)
February is Black History Month and we are excited to celebrate the many achievements of African American men and women. We are focusing specifically on the words Foundation, Innovation, and Transformation. Teachers will emphasize how each African American leader’s accomplishments were crucial to founding, innovating, and transforming our society.
Last Week of School Schedule
Monday, May 24
Half Day Dismissal at 11am (Preschool, Kindergarten, & Students w/Pre-K siblings) & 11:30am (elementary students w/no Pre-K siblings)
Tuesday, May 25
Half Day Dismissal at 11am (Preschool, Kindergarten, & Students w/Pre-K siblings) & 11:30am (elementary students w/no Pre-K siblings)
Wednesday, May 26
Class Parties
Half Day Dismissal at 11am (Preschool, Kindergarten, & Students w/Pre-K siblings) & 11:30am (elementary students w/no Pre-K siblings)
Thursday, May 27
End of Year Programs: There will not be school on this day. Students will only attend their scheduled programs.
8:30am - 3rd Grade
9:30am - 2nd Grade
10:30am - 1st Grade
11:30am - Preschool
7:00pm - Kindergarten Graduation
Friday, May 28
Summer Break
House Competition
Keep up-to-date on the competition and learn more about the House system at
After School Club Schedule
Lower Elementary - Mondays 2:45 to 4 pm/4:30 pm (longer after spring break)
First-class February 8th!
Sign up here:
Drama 1st-3rd from 2:45 to 4 pm/4:30 pm (longer after spring break)
Art Club - 1st-5th grades
Running Club - 1st-3rd grades
Art Club - 1st-5th grades
Chess Club - 1st-5th grades