Trinity Church

TCS Families on Mission: Armenia, Colombia

TCS Families on Mission: Armenia, Colombia

By Samantha DePriest

Earlier this summer a team from Trinity Church (many of whom are also students at Trinity Christian School) traveled to Armenia, Colombia for the Trinity Church Youth Mission Trip. Pastor Ben Heilman and his son Ethan (rising senior), Sean and Holly Savoy and their four children Joshua (rising senior), twins Kristen and Rebecca (rising sophomores), and son Timothy (rising 7th grader), Sam Fader (rising junior), and Abby Wozniak (TCS Graduate ‘23) traveled south from June 27th through July 4th. The students on this trip, with the exception of Aiden and Alexa Collins from another church in Columbus, have all been friends since they were babies which made it extra special. They connected with a church in Armenia called “Asambleas de Dios Sembrando Vida” which means “Assemblies of God, Sewing Life”.

Trinity Church Youth Mission Trip team pictured l to r back row: Holly Savoy, Abby Wozniak, Rebecca Savoy, Josh Savoy, Ethan Heilman, Timothy Savoy, and Aiden Collins.

Front row pictured l to r: Kristen Savoy, Alexa Collins, Sean Savoy, Pastor Ben Heilman, and Sam Fader

The church building was a house and it served their community of 2-3 blocks surrounding it in a poor area. The church pastor shared that everything the church does focuses on serving the community in the surrounding area. The church serves in many ways throughout the week including a feeding program for at risk kids and Mom’s. On Wednesday nights the church hosts outdoor music and preaches in the streets where people listen from their homes and stand on their balconies participating.

The mission team connected with the community and built relationships through various ways. They led soccer camps in the mornings for children ages 5-15 and VBS in the afternoons for children 13 and under. The team spent a week serving at the end of June beginning of July while the children had a 2-week break from school. Several of the mission team members spoke Spanish. Sam, Josh, and Sean were all able to communicate and help with translation. The mission team performed funny skits, songs with motions, crafts, and shared bible stories. They helped with a children’s service on Saturday afternoon and attended the church service in the church house on Sunday morning.

Rebecca Savoy and the little boy mentioned in the story.

Holly Savoy shares “As we preparing for this trip, we had all these ideas for how we would organize a great soccer camp. We showed up to a dirt “soccer field” with dogs wandering around and kids wearing sandals, crocs, and some sneakers. These kids weren’t looking for some elite soccer camp, they just needed to be loved and feel wanted! God just used soccer to get us to this specific areas to reach these kids and this community. As we offered what we thought we had, God used it for so much more. It was definitely an unforgettable experience!”

Rebecca Savoy, TCS 10th grader shares, “All week we were getting to know the kids through the soccer camp and VBS. As we got to love on these kids, we told them ‘Jesus te ama!’ which means Jesus loves you in Spanish. On the last day, as we said our goodbyes, ones of the little boys I had hung out with a lot gave me a hug and said ‘Jesus te ama!’ right before I said it to him. God was able to use me to bring His truth to those sweet kids, and I am so grateful for that opportunity.”

TCS Graduate Abby was given candy from a student on the last day who she had done crafts with and played soccer with all week and she said, “I have nothing to give you back”. The child replied with “You gave me your heart this week.”

“God took what we offered and used it for Him.” Pastor Ben shared, “It was awesome to see our students to get out of their comfort zone and share what Jesus has done in their lives. They all stepped out and shared their Faith. Our teens laid hands on and prayed over the 5-6 Columbian teens.” 
The pastor of Asambleas de Dios Sembrando Vida shared feedback “When your team showed up this week, the spiritual atmosphere changed. The team just loved on the kids and built relationships” . What a blessing for our mission team and for the families in the community in Armenia.

Trinity Church and Trinity Christian School hosts Father Daughter and Mother Son Night

Trinity Church and Trinity Christian School hosts Father Daughter and Mother Son Night

By Samantha DePriest

Last week Trinity Church partnered with Trinity Christian School Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) to host a Father Daughter Dance and Mother Son Game Night on Friday, February 24th. The purpose for these fun events was to provide an opportunity for families to spend meaningful time together and make memories that would last a lifetime. 

Due to an overwhelming response, there were 2 dances and both were sold out. What an amazing turn out and blessing for our families! Our Mother Son Game night was full as well and such a gift of time for all in attendance.

Trinity Varsity Football Coach and M46 Dad cofounder Kenny Dallas opened up the Father Daughter Dances with a word of prayer and encouragement to our Dad’s. M46 DADS inspires and equips fathers to intentionally fight for the hearts of their children (M46 Dads). They meet on the last Friday morning of the month here in the Student Center at Trinity Church/Trinity Christian School at 6:30am. The next meeting is Friday, March 31st. Coach Dallas encourages Dad’s to constantly pour into their children and to “fill their cups”.

Our Fathers and daughters enjoyed a special time of dancing, meeting Disney princesses, and enjoying a sweet treat together that included strawberries, marshmallows, pretzels, and graham crackers to dip in chocolate.

Trinity Church Kids Pastor Kami Hellman opened up the Mother Son Game event with a word of encouragement from the story about Bathsheba and King Solomon. King Solomon wrote about the importance of following a mother’s guidance throughout life in Proverbs.

Pastor Kami encouraged our Mom’s to savor every moment with their sons, to embrace their endless energy, and savor their silliness. The Mother’s and sons came dressed up in 4 different colors and broke into teams. Two of the teams made their own ice cream sundaes and took pictures in the photo booth in the High School Multipurpose Room, while the other 2 teams went outside to play kickball in the stadium. Moments after the first 2 groups went outside to play kickball, it started raining cats and dogs. They boys of course loved playing in the rain and getting soaking wet. The Mom’s cheered their boys on for a few innings while taking shelter under the tent. The boys said it was the “BEST NIGHT EVER!” and the Mom’s did too. Once everyone came inside and enjoyed their sundaes, the games continued. Lots of laughter filled the air and we are pretty sure everyone left tired.

Trinity Church Kids Pastor Kami Hellman shared, “As we all know, we can get so caught up in the busyness of life that we forget to slow down and enjoy our families. Our families are a gift from God and we want to treasure the time we have together. Thank you TCS, for your amazing support and involvement in these events. We look forward to hosting these special family events again next year. All of the proceeds benefited our missions-giving through the church and we were able to raise nearly $3,000! We split the money between our youth missions. The first is Speed the Light (link) which buys vehicles for missionaries, helps provides wells, and other vital equipment needed to spread the gospel and our kids missions. The second youth mission we support is Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) which provides missionaries with the funds needed to supplement feeding programs, school fees, and whatever else they need to reach boys & girls around the world with the good news of Jesus! Our goal for Speed the Light and BGMC is $25,000 EACH for 2023! Last year we raised around $22,000 each. With God’s help, we can do it!”

Coach Dallas’s wife, Shannon Dallas, captured so many precious moments at the Father Daughter dance and below are the links for each of the dances for viewing, saving, and printing.

5:30pm Daddy Daughter Dance Pictures

7pm Daddy Daughter Dance Pictures

Annual Trinity Franksgiving Meal Impacts Community

Happy Franksgiving

By Samantha DePriest

Photos by Oscar Camejo

It all started back in November of 2003 when Patricia Ann Griffin (Johnson) started the “Thanksgiving Plates” outreach. Mrs. Patricia’s son Frankie Johnson (or “Mr. Frankie” as we all know him around Trinity), his wife Dorothy, and the Trinity Church outreach team prepared and serve a Thanksgiving meal to members of our community. A few years back Trinity Church Pastor John Steinklauber started calling it “Franksgiving” as a light joke and it stuck. Franksgiving continues to be a blessing each November.

Over 100 volunteers met in the Gathering Place on Thanksgiving morning at 9am with their delicious dishes and desserts. A record number of volunteers showed up to help prep and deliver of hundreds of plates by 12:30pm.  Volunteers dropped off food, prepared plates, and delivered meals. They came with turkey, ham, chicken, potato salad, mac & cheese, green beans, collard greens, rolls, cornbread dressing, pound cake, sweet potato pie, and pumpkin pie all made with love.

Once the meals in to go boxes were made, a team of happy helpers hand delivered them to families in the community including but not limited to; Highlands Apartments, Eastgate Apartments, Lower Fayetteville Rd mobile homes, Welcome Rd mobile homes across from Trinity Baptist Church, Wynnmead Community, Palmetto mobile homes behind Frank’s restaurant, homes in Newnan, Stay Lodge and Home Lodge extended stay motels, and homeless walking the streets.

Because of the generosity of both time and resources, this years Franksgiving was the best yet as 873 meals were served! This is the highest number ever! Frankie shares, “God gets all get glory!” What a beautiful illustration of the impact that can be made when a growing group of compassionate believers come together to reach those in need right across the street.