Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts
Published May 1, 2022
Volume 127
Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director
Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.
May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm
May 3 Band Concert - 7pm
May 4 Middle School Talent Show
May 4-6 Marching Lions Materials & Auditions
May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm
May 18 HS Variety Show
June 6-10 Elementary Drama Camp
June 13-17 MS Drama Camp
June 6-24 HS Summer Show
July 18-22 HS Drama Intensive
July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp
Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL
Our concerts start THIS WEEK, and you won’t want to miss them! All of our students have all made such great progress! Please see below for concert information. This was also in your syllabus and here on Inside the Pride - we keep the calendar updated all year!
We can’t wait to see you soon!!
May 2 - Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm in the TCS Gym
May 3 - Band Concert - 7pm in the TCS Gym
May 9 - Chorus Concert - 7pm at First Baptist Church, Newnan
The Middle School Drum Corps has become a highlight for 6th through 8th graders. We have a Summer Series that will help students see if they like this group, and also prepare for the MS football season. Here are the details:
Who: 6th through 8th grade students interested in Drum Corps
What: Percussion instruction on marching drums including snare, bass, tenor, cymbals, and auxiliary percussion
When: Six Mondays throughout the summer, all are from 6-8pm
Monday, June 6
Monday, June 13
Monday, June 20
Monday, June 27
Monday, July 11
Monday, July 18
Where: Band Room
Purpose: To create excitement for Drum Corps, to begin learning our show for the 2022 MS Football season, to experiment and see if a student likes this group and wants to join MS Drum Corps in the Fall.
Interested? Please contact Mr. Hurt for sign up information -
Auditions are THIS WEEK! And we are so excited about this upcoming season!!
We plan to meet with students May 4-6 as we plan the 2022 Marching Lions season. We are calling it “auditions” but for some it is simply gathering some information and giving you music to work on over the summer. Please make sure to attend this week Wednesday through Friday. See below for your group and those specifics.
Color Guard - 3:30-5:00pm - Gym
You don’t need to bring anything with you / you could change into PE type clothes if you like or just stay in school attire / you will be learning basic skills and fundamentals you can work on over the summer / you will begin learning some of our routines / we will measure for uniforms.
Pep Band (Winds) & Rhythm Band (Drum Set, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keys) - 3:45pm Monday OR Tuesday - Band Room
You will receive your music for the summer and some basic information you will need for camp / your portion should not take long, 30 minutes max / we will measure for uniforms / please let us know which day you will be coming.
Drum Corps - 3:45-5:45pm - Band Room
We will rehearse audition materials together on Wednesday and Thursday / You will sign up for a time on Friday to audition on the drum of your choice / multiple instrument auditions are allowed for any student / we will measure for uniforms. We will send you packets BEFORE auditions if you plan to be in the Drum Corps. Students, be on the lookout for these soon.
Please let us know if you have any questions - email
Camp Dates: July 25-29, 2022 // 9am - 4pm daily
$100 per student
Drum Corps:
9th Grade through 12th Grade
We are adding pit / front ensemble elements as well - stationary percussion and rhythm section instruments
Auditions will be held May 4-6, 2022 - if you miss these, you can still join - please contact Mr. Hurt for more details
Pep Band (Horns & Winds)
8th Grade through 12th Grade
Suggested instruments include: flute/piccolo, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, mellophone, tuba
Color Guard
7th Grade through 12th Grade
No experience necessary
Dance, choreography, flags & more
May sessions will help students prepare for the summer, camp, and into the football season - May 4-6
Interested? Please contact Mr. Hurt for sign up information -
One Week
Rising 1st Graders - 4th Graders
$125 // Monday, June 6th-Friday, June 10th - 9am-12pm
*TWO Performances: Friday (June 10th) evening and Saturday (June 11th) morning/afternoon
Directed by Emily Litton (and assisted by Lizzie Charlton)
Learn duets and group numbers from popular musicals set to a theme!
Discover your God given talents and confidence through performance and new friendships! Great for both new performers and theatre lovers! Open to anyone in the community!
For more information/questions, email Lizzie Charlton at
Register here:
One Week
Rising 5th Graders - 9th Graders
$125 // Monday, June 13th-Friday, June 17th - 9am-12pm
*TWO Performances: Friday (June 17th) evening and Saturday (June 18th) morning/afternoon
Directed by Emily Litton and Lizzie Charlton
Perform solos, duets, and group numbers from popular musicals set to a theme!
Develop your God given talents and confidence through performance while learning more about the stage and meeting new friends! Great for both those who have never performed before and those used to the stage! Open to anyone in the community!
For more information/questions, email Lizzie Charlton at
Register here:
3 Weeks
Rising 9th Graders - Graduating Seniors
$300 // June 6th-June 24th - 1pm-6pm (1pm-9pm final week)
*AT LEAST TWO Performances June 23rd-24th
Directed by Lizzie Charlton
Learn a full musical in three weeks while creating compelling characters and performing for our community! Tracks to perform or learn/design technical elements! Open to anyone in the community!
For more information/questions, email Lizzie Charlton at
Register here:
One Week
Rising 9th Graders - Graduating Seniors
$175 // July 18th-July 22nd - 1pm-5pm
*TWO Performances Friday, July 22nd evening and Saturday, July 23rd afternoon/evening
Directed by Lizzie Charlton
Choose between two tracks: performance or writing/directing and dive into technique while developing our own plays in addition to other dramatic pieces. Perfect for those interested in developing their technique and style as a performer or creative. Open to anyone in the community!
For more information/questions, email Lizzie Charlton at
Register here: