Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts
Published September 18, 2022
Volume 143
Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director
Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events. Here are just a few to start, but many more dates and events will be posted soon…
October 4 All State Band - Deadline to submit application
October 13-15 HS One Act Performances
November 2 HS Variety Show - Lunchtime
November 10, 12, 14 MS Musical Performances
November 15-17 HS Musical Auditions
November 29 4th Grade Recorders Concert - 4:30pm
November 29 Band Concert - 6:30pm
December 1 Orchestra Concert - 7pm
December 8 Chorus Concert - 7pm First Baptist Church
December 10 Elementary Drama Club Performances
December 15 Lower School Christmas Program 6pm
*Questions or comments, please contact
Our Performing Arts staff are committed to the academic success of each student that frequents our rehearsal rooms. This year more than ever, we are focused on the well-rounded student, knowing that they will soon be the young adults of our world who will have influence over their generation and future generations to come. They will become professionals in music, law, education, trades, and so much more. And we firmly believe that their involvement in the Arts is a key to their long term success.
“Music research indicates that music education not only has the benefits of self-expression and enjoyment, but is linked to improved cognitive function, increased language development from an early age, and positive social interaction. Music listening and performance impacts the brain as a whole, stimulating both halves – the analytical brain and the subjective-artistic brain, affecting a child’s overall cognitive development and possibly increasing a child’s overall intellectual capacity more than any other activity affecting the brain’s bilateralism.” This excerpt is taken from the attached article (click to open and read the full article) and supports our theory that as students develop cognitively, the Arts is a major asset for their success.
We are so glad you have chosen to be involved in the Arts. There are so many different facets to what we do, and we would love to explore with you ways for your students to become further involved. As always, we’re here to help.
We had our rehearsal for Band Night this past Thursday evening, and the excitement is high! Thanks to all who came out to prepare. I can’t wait for Friday, September 16th, when we put the show together at the football game. If you missed the rehearsal, but still would like to participate, please contact Mr. Hurt for more information.
Elementary Drama Club - 101 Dalmations
This club has begun rehearsing and students are well on their way. Enrollment is full at this time, with a waiting list. Performance date is set for Saturday, December 10. Mark your calendars - you won’t want to miss it!
Contact for updates and information.
Middle School Musical -
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
Our show has been cast! Congrats to all the INCREDIBLE students that came to auditions!!
Shows will be in November. Information about tickets will be announced as we get closer.
Contact for updates and information.
HS Fall One Act
The 39 Steps, Even More Abridged
Rehearsals are underway for our One Act performance
Shows are Thursday, October 13 - Saturday, October 15
Tickets on sale soon
Spring Musical - Les Miserables
OPEN TO 9th-12th GRADERS (with special invitation if younger roles are needed)
Auditions are the week of November 14th // Performances March 9-11
Directed by Lizzie Perez - for more questions
Many of our parents ask us how they can help. If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form. We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in. We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help!
Google Link: