Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts
Published January 8, 2023
Volume 157
Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director
Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.
February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary
February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands
February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus
February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA
February 23 Elementary Talent Show
March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables
March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival
April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival
April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night
May 1 Orchestra Concert
May 2 Band Concert
May 3 MS Talent Show
May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions
May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances
May 11 Chorus Concert
At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available. In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre. Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age. We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music. Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.
Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement. These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop. Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.
“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.” We firmly believe this to true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years. “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”
We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life. We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this. Enjoy your musical journey all through life! It’s worth it!!
Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age. Click the link here to read more…
Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling! This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons. We can't wait to see you next semester! Please email if interested.
5th-8th Grade students
1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023
3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays
Performance set for March 27
$50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt
We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!! Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages. Check out the details below…
What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity. We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below). Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop
Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023. Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.
Mondays High School 3:45-5pm
Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm
Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)
Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm
Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm
Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.
Costumes: These will be included within the club fee. All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep. (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)
Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital. This upcoming semester will conclude in early May. More details to come…
Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester. Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.
We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest. If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access. For more information, please email
We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:
For more information: or
1st-5th grades
We are excited to offer other opportunities for your 1st-5th graders to participate in Drama Club this semester! We will have a limited number of spots available, so please be ready to sign up soon!
COST: $200 - This payment will include guaranteed high-quality video and photography, as well as other fun things!
Right now we are planning Mondays and Thursdays, but this is not confirmed. The announcement for our show title and form to sign up will be through forms on Blackbaud and available NEXT WEEK.
Club will start the week of January 23rd!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at
Rehearsals are underway! Parents and cast members, be on the lookout this week for rehearsal schedule and important dates!
Save the date for the show, March 9th-11th!
Many of our parents ask us how they can help. If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form. We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in. We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help!
Google Link: