Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 187

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published September 17, 2023

Volume 187


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Bearing the image of the Creator as we

cultivate creativity


We are now finishing our fourth week of school, and are already noticing improvement in  each of our Arts areas!  The students came in ready and hungry to learn, and are truly soaking it all up!  From amazing auditions in all of our Theatre groups, to first notes in the Band and Orchestra rooms, to new students coming in and bringing solid gifts, we at Trinity are truly blessed!

As we progress through the school year, the students’ efforts at home are just as important as on campus.  We know that practice at home and individual time invested in their part to play makes a huge difference.  Students come in more confident when they have worked at home, and make much larger strides in their personal development.  And the group as a whole benefits as well, with each person contributing fully to the group effort.  

Parents, please continue to encourage your student to put in the effort.  This encouragement from home is vital as we partner together.  Keep working on memorization of lines and lyrics, practicing those scales over and over, working on vocal technique, studying theory, and so much more.  

Lastly, THANK YOU for your support and encouragement.  We sense this in great measure from you, our parents!  Our families are outstanding, and we are seeing God do great things in the Arts as we continue to partner together!


Want to stay informed?  Check back here weekly for upcoming events including concerts, shows, trips and more…

  • September 22 - Marching Lions Band Night

  • September 26 - Coweta County Marching Band Expo

  • October 12-14 - HS One Act Performances

  • October 26 - HS One Act Region Competition

  • November 4-5 - Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • November 10-12 - MS Musical Performances

  • November 30 - December 2 - HS Theatre 2nd Stage Performances

  • December 2 - MS Band All State Audition

  • December 4 - 4th Grade Recorders Christmas Concert

  • December 4 - Orchestra Christmas Concert

  • December 5 - Band Christmas Concert

  • December 7 - Chorus Christmas Concert

  • December 9 - All State Band Auditions (HS)

  • December 12 - Dance Club Recital


It’s back - our annual Band Night with the Marching Lions!  This is where we invite alumni, parents and friends to join us as we perform in the stands for the Homecoming Varsity Football game.  This year’s game will take place on Friday, September 22nd vs. North Clayton.  We would love for you to join us as we perform and cheer our team on to victory!  Here are the details:

  • Confirm Please - simply respond to this email so we can have music ready for you

  • Music - we provide you with flip folders, so no memorization is necessary

  • Rehearsal - we have one rehearsal the week of Homecoming.  This year, the rehearsal is on Tuesday, September 19th from 6:45 - 7:45pm in the Band Room

  • Game - the game is on Friday, September 22nd.  Call time is 6:30pm in the HS Auditorium / Multi Purpose Room

  • Attire - simply come in Trinity colors / spirit wear

We can’t wait to see you all again for Band Night!  It’s always a highlight of the year for us.  Feel free to invite others as well.  See you there!!


We have exciting news!  Our Marching Lions now have a practice area in the West Student Parking Lot!  We have lined this lot, similar to what many other schools with marching bands do, and our band can now practice their field formations here after school.  This will help this growing program continue to learn and enhance field shows and work on their marching basics.

What does this mean for you?  If you are a student who drives to school, we would ask that during marching season you do not park in the first section of this student lot beyond 4pm.  Normal school day and afternoon carline will not be affected at all, but at 4pm several days each week during marching season the band will utilize this area.  

There are three sections of the student lot, and only one of these sections is lined.  This is the only section we will need available for these 4pm rehearsals - you will notice the purple lines on the pavement of this section.  Thank you so much for your consideration here, and helping our Marching Lions be the very best they can be!


Each year we have an annual event we participate in called the Fine Arts Festival, and we would LOVE for you to join us this year!  This is a growing program for our Performing Arts families, and so much fun!  And the ministry and experience of each student is invaluable!  For more information about this festival, please visit   

Are you ready to participate in Fine Arts Festival 2024? Our Fine Arts Festival Launch will be Monday night, October 2 at 6pm in The Gathering Place. We will be laying out our plans and basic schedules for the 2024 FAF Season! We are also introducing some new groups and leaders at this launch meeting. This meeting is for all students, grades 6-12, who are interested in participating in the upcoming Fine Arts season AND their parents. Please add the 2024 Launch to your calendar. To help you make this meeting easier, pizza will be provided for dinner. Please RSVP here: If you have questions please email me at 

We can’t wait to launch our next season of Fine Arts, and to have you there with us!!



Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 6pm

Join us in the Student Center in Building 1 to go over details about this event.

Open to all currently inducted Thespians and any students that want to become Thespians this year!


ALL of our shows for the beginning of the year have been cast! Congrats to all the talented actors listed below! Save the dates for performances coming up!


Performing Saturday, Oct. 14 and Sunday, Oct. 15


Performing Saturday, Nov. 4th and Sunday, Nov. 5th


Performing Thursday, Nov. 9th-Saturday, Nov. 11th


Performing in January 2024


As we continue to grow as performers and technicians, we want to look for ways to continue to learn, try new things, and master techniques. This year, we are offering “morning workouts” where High School students can attend before school to stretch their Theatre muscles.

We will be releasing a calendar monthly, but days will vary based on skills, upcoming events, and more. At times, we will have guest teachers, and students will be able to take advantage of experts in this field!

Workouts are week days from 7:30-8am in Room 502.


Looking to volunteer?

Dance Club would love to have you join us this December!

Multiple opportunities available! Please see the link below for more information regarding rehearsal and recital dates, times, and location!

SignUp Genius Link:

For additional information, email Kelsea Krisle at 



To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School, we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. We have several new offerings this year, including clarinet, voice, and even harp. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

Here is a list of our current instructors.  

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


We use Big Note Music for on site repair of many of our musical instruments.  If you have an instrument that needs repair as the school year begins, this may be a great option for you.  The process works with you filling out an online form, pre-paying for the repair, and then they come for a scheduled repair session right on our Trinity campus.  Your student wouldn’t be away from their instrument except when it’s on the repair table.  This convenient option has worked for us for a few years now.  Simply fill out the online form and let us know that a repair has been scheduled.

Online Link to Schedule a Repair: