Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 222

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published May 26, 2024

Volume 222


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


“Bearing the image of the Creator as we cultivate creativity.”

We think about themes when we lead our students throughout each school year.  We consider themes when planning concerts or seasons or events.  And we implement these themes as we teach, train and mentor our students through these particular journeys.  All of these themes center around the creativity that God has placed within each of us, which mirrors our mission statement for Performing Arts: “Bearing the image of the Creator as we cultivate creativity.

Themes are present throughout all of scripture, and include redemption, freedom, growth, joy, God’s covenant with us, and so many more!  As we come to the end of our school year, and launch into “next seasons” both on the calendar and in life, we ask you to consider God’s theme for you.  His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness!  He has given you everything you need to accomplish His will for your life, and to use the creativity within you to glorify His Son!

Students, you are valuable in God’s kingdom.  The gifts He has placed within you are amazing, and you are displaying those throughout these end of year concerts and performances.  And adults, you are valuable too!  You and I have the privilege to mentor young lives, to impart within each of the students so many themes of life and godliness. 

I am so blessed to be able to oversee so many amazing people in our Arts Department.  God is doing amazing things in and through us, and I can’t wait to see how His plan continues to unfold.  Many thanks to each of you, for your involvement, support, and prayers.  Here’s to great themes ahead, to amazing musical adventures together, and for God to be the center of it all!

Marching Lions News


Week 1- July 8-11 5:00-8:30 PM

Week 2- July 15-19 1:00-9:00 PM

Sign Up Here: 


Summer Camps

Rising Middle School and High School Show.

Recently we announced our ONE WEEK SUMMER SHOW INTENSIVE IS....High School Musical 2!

Here is the info you need to sign up!

Dates: July 8th-13th

Times: 9am-5pm

Who (age groups): Completed 5th through 12th Grade students

Location: TBA, On Campus at TCS

Cost: $250 per student

Registration Link:

More Information -


Theatre - One Week Show Intensive-


To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School, we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

Here is a list of our current instructors.  

Stacee Adams - Piano - 

Jason Christian - Guitar -

Meagan Dixon - Clarinet, Voice -

Terri Ingram - Horn, Piano -

Monica Lee - Voice, Piano -

Sharissa Manwaring - Violin -

Bill Melton - Low Brass -

Katie Palmer - Trumpet -

Lizzie Perez - Theatre, Voice -

Natalie Pinson - Violin -  

Caleb Ramirez - Piano -

Cathy Settle - Piano, Voice -

Elisabeth Veal - Harp - 

Nathanael Woodruff - Guitar, Piano - 

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


We use Big Note Music for on site repair of many of our musical instruments.  If you have an instrument that needs repair as the school year begins, this may be a great option for you.  The process works with you filling out an online form, pre-paying for the repair, and then they come for a scheduled repair session right on our Trinity campus.  Your student wouldn’t be away from their instrument except when it’s on the repair table.  This convenient option has worked for us for a few years now.  Simply fill out the online form and let us know that a repair has been scheduled.

Online Link to Schedule a Repair: