Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts
Published January 3, 2021
Volume 65
Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director
A note from the Director
It’s been such a joy to have each of your students in the classroom this school year! We have faced many challenges over the first semester, and have been able to weather the storm well. Here are some of the successes we have had so far:
Three theatrical productions including Alice in Wonderland, Annie Kids, and the Christmas Cabaret
Winter concerts for all of our instrumental groups: Recorders, Strings, Bands and Drum Corps
Drum Corps performances at all of our home football games, and also the State Championship in Atlanta
Chorus and Lower School Christmas programs
These could not have happened without your support, and so we want to say a huge THANK YOU!
In addition to these productions and performances, we were also able to complete a full lighting installation in the High School Auditorium, as well as curtains to create a theatrical setting. These improvements will serve the arts well for years to come. Thank you so much for your giving! The Annual Fund played a major role in these improvements.
Performing Arts Departments around the country have struggled to find ways to keep students engaged. Virtual learning and even class and school shutdowns have made it very difficult to motivate students to maintain their journey in the arts; however, at Trinity, we are blessed! Dr. Mark Anthony and the school administration have been amazing in encouraging us to continue in safe yet productive ways as we promote the arts. Our students are learning and thriving in vocal, instrumental and theatrical ways all across our campus. God has truly been good to us all!
From our hearts to yours, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year! We pray God’s grace and blessing on each of you and your families as we take this second semester journey. We’re looking forward to great things in Performing Arts as we continue to partner together.
Happy New Year!
Tim Hurt
Performing Arts Director