Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 73

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 28, 2021

Volume 73

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Welcome Chris Litton - Campus Audio / Video Engineer!!!

Chris Litton & Family.jpg

We have a new team member in Performing Arts, Mr. Chris Litton.  We are so excited to welcome him as our Campus Audio / Video Engineer.  Chris and his family have been a part of Trinity Church and School for some time now, and his increased role will bring great expertise and passion to all of our Performing Arts events.

Chris’ wife, Emily, currently serves as our Pre School Music Director.  They also serve in Trinity Church weekly.  They have one daughter, Ellie.  Please help us welcome Chris to this new position!

An Evening of Classics Concert

Thank you for your flexibility as we reschedule our Evening of Classics concert.  We still would like to have this event, and will be sending out information on a new date and time soon.  Please be on the lookout for updates within the next week or two.

High School Musical - NEW DATES - May 6-8

Our new Production Dates for the High School Musical will be May 6-8

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions? Please e-mail

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 72

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 21, 2021

Volume 72

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Congratulations ALL STATE Students!!!

Two of our students, Sean Cooper (11th Grade) and Peyton DeGeorge (7th Grade) submitted auditions for All State through GMEA.  We are so proud of these two for their efforts.  We desire to enter these types of festivals and competitions more and more.  Way to go, Sean and Peyton!!!

Next, we have our eyes set on Solo & Ensemble Festival, which will take place in late April.  We will enter one or more solos, a duet, a quartet, and an ensemble.  Be on the lookout for more information.  Performing Arts is growing, and our students are rising continuously to the next level!

Middle School Spring Theatre Opportunities

Make Magic with Disney Musicals Cabaret, MS Spring production

Come join use for a cabaret performance from a variety of Disney musicals.

High School Musical - Mark Your Calendars

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions?  Please e-mail

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 71

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 14, 2021

Volume 71

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Congratulations ALL STATE Students!!!

Two of our students, Sean Cooper (11th Grade) and Peyton DeGeorge (7th Grade) submitted auditions for All State through GMEA.  We are so proud of these two for their efforts.  We desire to enter these types of festivals and competitions more and more.  Way to go, Sean and Peyton!!!

Next, we have our eyes set on Solo & Ensemble Festival, which will take place in late April.  We will enter one or more solos, a duet, a quartet, and an ensemble.  Be on the lookout for more information.  Performing Arts is growing, and our students are rising continuously to the next level!

Elementary Drama Club

Lower Elementary - Mondays 2:45 to 4 pm/4:30 pm (longer after spring break) 

First-class February 8th! Sign up here: 

Upper Elementary - Tuesday 3:30 to 5 pm. First-class January 26th. New members sign up by February 9th! Sign up here:

Middle School Spring Theatre Opportunities

Make Magic with Disney Musicals Cabaret, MS Spring production

Come join use for a cabaret performance from a variety of Disney musicals. To audition, please prepare your favorite Disney song!! 

Auditions: Thursday, February 11th 3:30 to 5:00 pm

High School Musical - Mark Your Calendars

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions?  Please e-mail

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 70

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 7, 2021

Volume 70

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Congratulations ALL STATE Students!!!

Two of our students, Sean Cooper (11th Grade) and Peyton DeGeorge (7th Grade) submitted auditions for All State through GMEA.  We are so proud of these two for their efforts.  We desire to enter these types of festivals and competitions more and more.  Way to go, Sean and Peyton!!!

Next, we have our eyes set on Solo & Ensemble Festival, which will take place in late April.  We will enter one or more solos, a duet, a quartet, and an ensemble.  Be on the lookout for more information.  Performing Arts is growing, and our students are rising continuously to the next level!

Elementary Drama Club

Lower Elementary - Mondays 2:45 to 4 pm/4:30 pm (longer after spring break) 

First-class February 8th! Sign up here: 

Upper Elementary - Tuesday 3:30 to 5 pm. First-class January 26th. New members sign up by February 9th! Sign up here:

Middle School Spring Theatre Opportunities

Make Magic with Disney Musicals Cabaret, MS Spring production

Come join use for a cabaret performance from a variety of Disney musicals. To audition, please prepare your favorite Disney song!! 

Auditions: Thursday, February 11th 3:30 to 5:00 pm

High School Musical - Mark Your Calendars

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions?  Please e-mail

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 69

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 31, 2021

Volume 69

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


High School Chamber Group & Middle School Strings - Concert on the Patio

(Or in The Gathering Place, depending on weather)
Tuesday, February 9 @7pm

Come one, come all - this concert is meant to be quaint and festive. These two groups will perform, and then we will have refreshments and a fire pit for all to enjoy. Masks will be required indoors; no tickets necessary. See you there!

Elementary Drama Club

Lower Elementary - Mondays 2:45 to 4 pm/4:30 pm (longer after spring break) 

First-class February 8th! Sign up here: 

Upper Elementary - Tuesday 3:30 to 5 pm. First-class January 26th. New members sign up by February 9th! Sign up here:

Middle School Spring Theatre Opportunities

Middle School auditions for HS musical - "Fiddler on the Roof"

  • We will be auditioning Middle schoolers to fill a small need of ensemble members with strong voices and movement ability. There are only a few roles available for Middle School students. 

Monday February 1st OR Thursday February 4th - 2:45 to 3:45

HS Performing arts room (Auditioners come to the gym after elective), please pick up in HS carline at 3:45pm.

**If you can not make this audition please contact Mrs. Adams 

Make Magic with Disney Musicals Cabaret, MS Spring production

Come join us for a cabaret performance from a variety of Disney musicals. To audition, please prepare your favorite Disney song!! 

Auditions: Thursday, February 11th 3:30 to 5 pm

High School Musical - Mark Your Calendars

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions?  Please e-mail

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 68

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 24, 2021

Volume 68

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


High School Chamber Group & Middle School Strings - Concert on the Patio

(Or in The Gathering Place, depending on weather)
Tuesday, February 9 @7pm

Come one, come all - this concert is meant to be quaint and festive.  These two groups will perform, and then we will have refreshments and a fire pit for all to enjoy.  Masks will be required indoors; no tickets necessary.  See you there!

Email for any questions.

High School Musical - Mark Your Calendars

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions?  Please e-mail

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level! 

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 67

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 17, 2021

Volume 67

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


High School Musical Auditions - Fiddler On the Roof

January 12th & 13th 3:45pm to 5pm 

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Open to all levels and flexible with all availability. 

Sign-up for an audition time on the High School Performing Arts Room door or just come after school!

If possible, please prepare the pre-selected songs, karaoke tracks attached:

Boys Song: "Now I Have Everything" - start at the beginning

Girls Song: "Far From the Home I Love" - start at about 1:10

Email for any questions.

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level! 

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 66

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 10, 2021

Volume 66

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


High School Musical Auditions - Fiddler On the Roof

January 12th & 13th 3:45pm to 5pm 

Production Dates: March 11th - 13th

Open to all levels and flexible with all availability. 

Sign-up for an audition time on the High School Performing Arts Room door or just come after school!

If possible, please prepare the pre-selected songs, karaoke tracks attached:

Boys Song: "Now I Have Everything" - start at the beginning

Girls Song: "Far From the Home I Love" - start at about 1:10

Email for any questions.

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level! 

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 65

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 3, 2021

Volume 65

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


A note from the Director

It’s been such a joy to have each of your students in the classroom this school year! We have faced many challenges over the first semester, and have been able to weather the storm well. Here are some of the successes we have had so far:

  • Three theatrical productions including Alice in Wonderland, Annie Kids, and the Christmas Cabaret

  • Winter concerts for all of our instrumental groups: Recorders, Strings, Bands and Drum Corps

  • Drum Corps performances at all of our home football games, and also the State Championship in Atlanta

  • Chorus and Lower School Christmas programs

These could not have happened without your support, and so we want to say a huge THANK YOU!

In addition to these productions and performances, we were also able to complete a full lighting installation in the High School Auditorium, as well as curtains to create a theatrical setting.  These improvements will serve the arts well for years to come. Thank you so much for your giving!  The Annual Fund played a major role in these improvements.

Performing Arts Departments around the country have struggled to find ways to keep students engaged. Virtual learning and even class and school shutdowns have made it very difficult to motivate students to maintain their journey in the arts; however, at Trinity, we are blessed! Dr. Mark Anthony and the school administration have been amazing in encouraging us to continue in safe yet productive ways as we promote the arts. Our students are learning and thriving in vocal, instrumental and theatrical ways all across our campus. God has truly been good to us all!

From our hearts to yours, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year! We pray God’s grace and blessing on each of you and your families as we take this second semester journey. We’re looking forward to great things in Performing Arts as we continue to partner together. 

Happy New Year!

Tim Hurt

Performing Arts Director

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 64

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 13, 2020

Volume 64

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter ConcertS: A HUGE SUCCESS!!!

This past Tuesday night we had students from 4th Grade through High School perform on this night of instrumental music.  Each group did so well, and we definitely saw the progression from first year players to the most proficient students in high school.

Way to go, Lions!  We are so proud of you!!

Upcoming Programs

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • 5th Grade Program - 12pm Noon

  • 2nd Grade Program -1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

Final details to come from your teachers


Annie Kids & A Christmas Cabaret - WELL DONE!!!

This past Saturday our Elementary Theatre students performed two shows of Annie Kids, and they were amazing!  We can certainly see the future of Theatre at TCS.  Well done, students!  You blew us away!!  

We can’t wait to see what’s next in your theatrical future!!!

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 63

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 6, 2020

Volume 63

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details? Please see below for details about each upcoming event:

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • 5th Grade Program - 12pm Noon

  • 2nd Grade Program -1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

  • 5th Grade Has been MOVED to Thursday, December 17 (See Above)

  • Middle School & High School Choruses are no longer performing on December 7 / We are looking forward to a Winter Concert later in the season.  More info to come…

4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 62

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 29, 2020

Volume 62

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details? Please see below for details about each upcoming event:

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • 5th Grade Program - 12pm Noon

  • 2nd Grade Program -1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

  • 5th Grade Has been MOVED to Thursday, December 17 (See Above)

  • Middle School & High School Choruses are no longer performing on December 7 / We are looking forward to a Winter Concert later in the season.  More info to come…

4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Theatre News!!!

Annie KIDS! - Elementary - December 5th

Please mark your calendars to come in support of our growing Elementary Theatre program! Annie KIDS is right around the corner, on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are on sale now!

Get your tickets here:

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 61

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 22, 2020

Volume 61

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details? Please see below for details about each upcoming event:

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • Noon Lunch Hour - No Program

  • 2nd Grade Program - 1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

Program Date: Monday, December 7 - 7pm - First Baptist Church, Newnan

4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Theatre News!!!

Annie KIDS! - Elementary - December 5th

Please mark your calendars to come in support of our growing Elementary Theatre program! Annie KIDS is right around the corner, on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are on sale now!

Get your tickets here:

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 60

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 15, 2020

Volume 60

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details? Please see below for details about each upcoming event:

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • Noon Lunch Hour - No Program

  • 2nd Grade Program - 1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

Program Date: Monday, December 7 - 7pm - First Baptist Church, Newnan

4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Theatre News!!!

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Annie KIDS! - Elementary

Please mark your calendars to come in support of our growing Elementary Theatre program! Annie KIDS is right around the corner, on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are on sale now!

Get your tickets here:

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 59

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 1, 2020

Volume 58

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Spirit Stores Opening Again - One Week Blitz!

Yes, you heard it!  We’re opening our Spirit Stores, with some new options, great for Christmas presents or just to support the Arts at Trinity.  This is a ONE WEEK BLITZ, and the stores close next week Friday, November 13.  All orders will be in hand before we break for Christmas.  Happy shopping...

Band -

Chorus -

Theatre -

Orchestra -

Drum Corps -

Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details? Please see below for details about each upcoming event:

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • Noon Lunch Hour - No Program

  • 2nd Grade Program - 1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

  • 5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

Program Date: Monday, December 7 - 7pm - First Baptist Church, Newnan

  • 4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

  • 5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

  • 5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

  • 6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

  • 7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Theatre News!!!

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Annie KIDS! - Elementary

Please mark your calendars to come in support of our growing Elementary Theatre program! Annie KIDS is right around the corner, on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are on sale now!

Get your tickets here:

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level!

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 58

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 1, 2020

Volume 58

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Winter Concert Schedule

Looking for your child’s Winter Concert schedule and details?  Here is a snapshot of what each grade level will look like this December.  Please email your teacher if you have additional questions.  We can’t wait to see you at each of these events!

PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st through 3rd Grade

Program Date: Thursday, December 17 - TCS Gym

Programs will be staggered throughout the school day:

  • PreSchool Program - 9am

  • Kindergarten Program - 10am

  • 1st Grade Program - 11am

  • Noon Lunch Hour - No Program

  • 2nd Grade Program - 1pm

  • 3rd Grade Program - 2pm

2 tickets per student, to be sent home closer to the program

Please enter Middle School Side / Exit Elementary School Side

More details to come from your teachers

  • 5th Grade, Middle School & High School Chorus

Program Date: Monday, December 7 - 7pm - First Baptist Church, Newnan

  • 4th Grade Recorders & 4th Grade Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 4pm - TCS Gym

  • 5th Grade & Middle School Strings

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - 5pm - TCS Gym

  • 5th Grade, Middle School & High School Bands

Program Date: Tuesday, December 8 - TCS Gym

  • 6pm - 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, MS Drum Corps 

  • 7pm - 7th/8th Grade Band, HS Chamber Group, Varsity Drum Corps 

Theatre Christmas Cabaret

Program Date: Saturday, December 12 - High School Auditorium

Open to any MS or HS student

Actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists, comedians, etc.  

Sign up by November 13 - SIGN UP HERE!

Theatre News!!!

Alice in Wonderland

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated in Alice in Wonderland.  The show was a huge success, and so many students were able to participate.  We are proud of you, Lions!  Way to go!!

Christmas Cabaret MS and HS - December 12th 

A Holiday Variety show for us to glorify the Lord and celebrate the season! This is open to any student in MS or HS. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, Comedians, etc.. are welcome!! Sign up by November 13th. SIGN UP HERE!

Annie KIDS! - Elementary

Please mark your calendars to come in support of our growing Elementary Theatre program! Annie KIDS is right around the corner, on Saturday, December 5th. Tickets will go on sale November 8th!

Acting Class

Due to increased interest, we will be providing evening acting classes for students who want to dig deeper into acting without the pressure of preparing for a show. These classes are open to any level! 

Middle School Acting Classes

High School Acting Classes