Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 113

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 16, 2022

Volume 113


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Super Deadline for ALL FORMS - see below for forms & info


    Southern Star Band Festival

    Fine Arts

    Solo & Ensemble

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Feb 10 Elementary Talent Show

  • Feb 24-26 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 1

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 2

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 25 & 26 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - 7pm

  • May 4 Middle School Talent Show

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5. National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL



There are multiple events which require registration or a completed interest form.  Below is the information you will need for each of these events as they approach.  ALL of these forms are due by February 1, 2022 - this will eliminate any confusion on when to turn in your information.  We look forward to getting your students involved in each of these events!


Literary Competition - Paper Form (pdf)

Literary is a performance competition that gives students an opportunity to musically or theatrically perform in front of judges who will evaluate each performance based on their memorization, preparation, and performance quality. Students will be given a title list of songs that will be acceptable for this competition. 

The Vocal/Instrumental opportunities are as follows:

  • Female Vocal Solo

  • Male Vocal Solo

  • Piano Solo

  • Ladies’ Trio

  • Men’s Quartet

Please turn this form in to Mrs. Settle with payment by FEBRUARY 1, 2022

Southern Star Band Festival - Google Form

Southern Star - This is a Band Festival we plan to participate in at Six Flags, Atlanta.  We would go on that Friday and perform before judges.  We would also get a mini-clinic with our band right there on stage.  Then, on Saturday, we would all enjoy the park that day until the evening.  Saturday evening there is a closing ceremony for all bands involved, we would all attend this together.  Students would also have another one day pass to Six Flags to use any time throughout the year.  If you have a season pass already, this can be factored into the cost as savings to you.  There will be a cost for this trip, somewhere around $100 per student.  Chaperone opportunities are available too.  This is our major trip for the Spring Semester.  We would like 100% of the group to go as we arrange our pieces with each of you in mind.

Fine Arts - Google Form

This is a competition that is held in our District (state of Georgia) and then qualified entries are invited to Nationals in Orlando, FL.  There are many solo and group opportunities for instrumentalists.  All Festival information is included in the following form.  This is an INTEREST FORM only, formal registration for the Festival will come closer to the event once we have our individual and group entries all formed.

Solo & Ensemble Band Festival - Paper Form (pdf)

This is a great opportunity for solos and ensembles to get critique from qualified judges.  This feedback is so helpful as each student and group advances in their skill.  We encourage students to do this, and it is a loose format, so they can play their song of choice, as long as it’s approved by the Band Director.  We have had soloists, duets, small and large ensembles all participate in the past.

Please turn this form in to Mr. Hurt, Mr. Melton, or Mrs. Manwaring with payment by FEBRUARY 1, 2022


TCS is eagerly anticipating our annual Elementary Talent Show!

What a special time to showcase the wide variety of God-given gifts represented in our student body!

The Elementary Talent Show will be held on Thursday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center located in the Early Learning building.

Please fill out the google form below with your student’s talent selection and include any required information.

 All selections MUST be submitted by Tuesday, February 1st.

Participants will present their selection before our talent team on February 8th from 3:30-4:30.

Please reach out to Cathy Settle or Emily Litton with any questions!

Elementary Talent Show

GoogleForm Link:


Elementary Drama Club

GoogleForm Link:


Drum Club is our Spring Semester offering for students 5th through 12th Grade interested in all things percussion!  It will accomplish several goals:

  • Recruitment for young drummers interested in joining MS Drum Corps next year
    Breakout advanced sessions for older and more experienced players

  • Leadership opportunities

  • Experiment with different percussion instruments

  • Improvisation, Creativity, and Performance

  • Recital at the end of the season

This is new to Trinity, and a custom and creative group for all ability levels.  Advanced students will be challenged; younger students will be motivated.  

Email to register or for more information.


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 112

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 9, 2022

Volume 112


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

    *Newnan has cancelled the 2022 parade

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Super Deadline for ALL FORMS - see below for forms & info


    Southern Star Band Festival

    Fine Arts

    Solo & Ensemble

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Feb 10 Elementary Talent Show

  • Feb 24-26 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 1

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 2

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 25 & 26 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


Our annual Elementary Talent Show, a highlight for our 1st through 5th graders, will be held on Thursday, February 10th. The dress rehearsal (mandatory) will be held on February 8th. This is a great chance for these students to showcase their talents on stage. Contact for more information or to sign your student up. We can’t wait!!


There are multiple events which require registration or a completed interest form.  Below is the information you will need for each of these events as they approach.  ALL of these forms are due by February 1, 2022 - this will eliminate any confusion on when to turn in your information.  We look forward to getting your students involved in each of these events!


Literary Competition - Paper Form (pdf)

Literary is a performance competition that gives students an opportunity to musically or theatrically perform in front of judges who will evaluate each performance based on their memorization, preparation, and performance quality. Students will be given a title list of songs that will be acceptable for this competition. 

The Vocal/Instrumental opportunities are as follows:

  • Female Vocal Solo

  • Male Vocal Solo

  • Piano Solo

  • Ladies’ Trio

  • Men’s Quartet

Please turn this form in to Mrs. Settle with payment by FEBRUARY 1, 2022

Southern Star Band Festival - Google Form

Southern Star - This is a Band Festival we plan to participate in at Six Flags, Atlanta.  We would go on that Friday and perform before judges.  We would also get a mini-clinic with our band right there on stage.  Then, on Saturday, we would all enjoy the park that day until the evening.  Saturday evening there is a closing ceremony for all bands involved, we would all attend this together.  Students would also have another one day pass to Six Flags to use any time throughout the year.  If you have a season pass already, this can be factored into the cost as savings to you.  There will be a cost for this trip, somewhere around $100 per student.  Chaperone opportunities are available too.  This is our major trip for the Spring Semester.  We would like 100% of the group to go as we arrange our pieces with each of you in mind.

Fine Arts - Google Form

This is a competition that is held in our District (state of Georgia) and then qualified entries are invited to Nationals in Orlando, FL.  There are many solo and group opportunities for instrumentalists.  All Festival information is included in the following form.  This is an INTEREST FORM only, formal registration for the Festival will come closer to the event once we have our individual and group entries all formed.

Solo & Ensemble Band Festival - Paper Form (pdf)

This is a great opportunity for solos and ensembles to get critique from qualified judges.  This feedback is so helpful as each student and group advances in their skill.  We encourage students to do this, and it is a loose format, so they can play their song of choice, as long as it’s approved by the Band Director.  We have had soloists, duets, small and large ensembles all participate in the past.

Please turn this form in to Mr. Hurt, Mr. Melton, or Mrs. Manwaring with payment by FEBRUARY 1, 2022


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 111

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 2, 2022

Volume 111


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Solo & Ensemble Forms

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Literary Application 

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Feb 24-26 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 1

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium - Week 2

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 25 & 26 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL



We have been busy, and have much to celebrate!  Performing Arts is on the move - Chorus, Band, Orchestra and Theatre all had performances and concerts this past Fall.  Here are some of the highlights.

  • 5th Grade through High School Chorus - below are pictures of our 5th Grade and Middle School Choruses, two of the groups that performed at the Chorus Concert on December 6th.

4th Grade through Middle School Orchestra - below are pictures of our 4th Grade and Middle School Orchestras, two of the groups that performed at the Recorders & Orchestra Concert on December 13th.

5th Grade through High School Band - Below is a picture of the High School Chamber Group, one of the groups that performed at the Band Concert on December 14th.

Middle School Theatre - Into the Woods, JR. - Below are two of our actresses, part of the cast for this first annual musical entirely made up of Middle School students. Performances were in mid-November.

Elementary Theatre Club - Frozen KIDS - below is a scene from one of the casts that performed December 11th. These young actors certainly rose to the challenge, and the future of Theatre at Trinity is bright!


Six of our Band members and three of our Orchestra members auditioned for All State in December.  Students who receive high enough scores are selected to our region’s District Honor Band.  Students with even higher scores proceed to the second round of auditions for the All State Band in early January.  The District Honor Band (3 of our students selected) will perform on Saturday, February 5th at the Nixon Performing Arts Center in Newnan.  Please see the list of students below - we are so proud of them!

  • Sophia Hurt - MS Band Audition - Honor Band Selection - 2nd Round Audition Selection

  • Autumn Mankus - MS Band Audition - Honor Band Selection

  • Vincent Mullins - MS Band Audition - Honor Band Selection

  • Sophie Young - MS Band Audition

  • Russ Bryan - MS Orchestra Audition

  • Asher Tate Griffith - MS Orchestra Audition

  • Regean Work - MS Orchestra Audition

  • Sean Cooper - HS Band Audition

  • Kylie Beckmanb - HS Band Audition


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 110

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 12, 2021

Volume 110


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Dec 13 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Dec 14 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Solo & Ensemble Forms

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Literary Application 

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 26 & 27 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


Join us this Christmas as our Choruses, Orchestras, Recorders and Bands perform the Sounds of the Season. 

  • Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm

  • Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 109

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 5, 2021

Volume 109


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Dec 6 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • Dec 11 Elementary Drama Club Performances - Frozen Jr. - 3pm & 5pm

  • Dec 11 High School All State Band Auditions - Whitewater HS

  • Dec 13 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Dec 14 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Solo & Ensemble Forms

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Literary Application 

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 26 & 27 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


Join us this Christmas as our Choruses, Orchestras, Recorders and Bands perform the Sounds of the Season. 

  • Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6th - First Baptist, Newnan @ 7pm

  • Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm

  • Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm


Our Elementary Drama Club- The Lion Cub Performers

bring this fanciful and heartwarming stage adaptation of the celebrated animated film to the TCS stage!

This show has two amazing casts consisting of 1st-5th grade students.



Runtime for the show is about 45 minutes.

Get your tickets here:


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 108

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 28, 2021

Volume 108


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Nov 30 - Dec 1 HS Musical Auditions - Beauty and the Beast

  • Dec 4 Middle School All State Band Auditions - Union Grove MS

  • Dec 6 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • Dec 11 Elementary Drama Club Performances - Frozen Jr. - 3pm & 5pm

  • Dec 11 High School All State Band Auditions - Whitewater HS

  • Dec 13 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Dec 14 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Solo & Ensemble Forms

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Literary Application 

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 26 & 27 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


Auditions for the High School musical are right around the corner.  Here are the details you will need to know:

  • Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

  • Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

  • To sign up for an audition spot:

  • Audition packets are available (printed) in the HS Reception area.  This document has character descriptions and a page on how to prepare (a link to the script, scenes to prepare, songs to be familiar with, etc.)  

Here is the Google Doc link as well:


Lion Cub Performers Presents... Disney's Frozen, KIDS

  • Saturday, December 11

  • 1st-3rd Grade Program @ 3pm

  • 4th & 5th Grade Program @ 5pm


Join us this Christmas as our Choruses, Orchestras, Recorders and Bands perform the Sounds of the Season. 

  • Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6th - First Baptist, Newnan @ 7pm

  • Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm

  • Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 107

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 21, 2021

Volume 107


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Nov 30 - Dec 1 HS Musical Auditions - Beauty and the Beast

  • Dec 4 Middle School All State Band Auditions - Union Grove MS

  • Dec 6 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • Dec 11 Elementary Drama Club Performances - Frozen Jr. - 3pm & 5pm

  • Dec 11 High School All State Band Auditions - Whitewater HS

  • Dec 13 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Dec 14 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • Jan 17 MLK Day Parade - Downtown Newnan

  • Jan 27-29 GMEA Music Educator’s Conference

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Solo & Ensemble Forms

  • Feb 1 Student Deadline to Submit Literary Application 

  • Feb 3-5 ThesCon Conference - Columbus, GA

  • Feb 7 Winter Classics Concert - The Gathering Place - 7pm

  • Mar 3-5 Beauty and the Beast - HS Auditorium

  • Mar 12 Literary Region Competition 

  • Mar 19 & 26 Literary Finals Competition

  • Mar 26 & 27 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - HS Auditorium - 7pm

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • May 11 Middle School Talent Show

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


Auditions for the High School musical are right around the corner.  Here are the details you will need to know:

  • Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

  • Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

  • To sign up for an audition spot:

  • Audition packets are available (printed) in the HS Reception area.  This document has character descriptions and a page on how to prepare (a link to the script, scenes to prepare, songs to be familiar with, etc.)  

Here is the Google Doc link as well:


Lion Cub Performers Presents... Disney's Frozen, KIDS

  • Saturday, December 11

  • 1st-3rd Grade Program @ 3pm

  • 4th & 5th Grade Program @ 5pm


Join us this Christmas as our Choruses, Orchestras, Recorders and Bands perform the Sounds of the Season. 

  • Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6th - First Baptist, Newnan @ 7pm

  • Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm

  • Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14th - HS Auditorium @ 7pm


Our Middle School students just performed Into the Woods, JR., and they were stellar!!!  This was our inaugural Middle School musical here at Trinity, and these students didn’t disappoint.  The acting, singing and dancing were electric, and we saw such growth in each student involved.

With this production, we also launched MANEstage Productions, our new production company branded specifically for Middle School students.  Now each school has their own brand within our Theatre Department:

Elementary Drama Club Lion Cub Performers

Middle School MANEstage Productions

High School Roaring Dramatics

Special thanks to Mrs. Emily Litton and her team, Mr. Litton, Mr. Zarlenga, Miss Kaela, our amazing Drama Mamas, all of our Theatre families, and an incredibly supportive Admin Team.  Our community is truly special here on campus, and we felt that at every performance.  Way to go Lions!


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 106

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 14, 2021

Volume 106


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • Elementary Drama Club Performances - Frozen Jr. - December 11 - 3pm & 5pm

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group - February 7, 2022

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Beauty and the Beast

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Our Middle School students performed Into the Woods, JR. this past weekend, and were stellar!!!  This was our inaugural Middle School musical here at Trinity, and these students didn’t disappoint.  The acting, singing and dancing were electric, and we saw such growth in each student involved.

With this production, we also launched MANEstage Productions, our new production company branded specifically for Middle School students.  Now each school has their own brand within our Theatre Department:

  • Elementary Drama Club Lion Cub Performers

  • Middle School MANEstage Productions

  • High School Roaring Dramatics

Special thanks to Mrs. Emily Litton and her team, Mr. Litton, Mr. Zarlenga, Miss Kaela, our amazing Drama Mamas, all of our Theatre families, and an incredibly supportive Admin Team.  Our community is truly special here on campus, and we felt that at every performance.  Way to go Lions!!


Announcing our Roaring Dramatics High School Spring Musical

..."A Tale as Old as Time".... 

Disney's Beauty and the Beast!

Our new Theatre Director, Lizzie Charlton, brings this musical back to the TCS stage on Trinity’s 30th year!

Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

Audition prep and signups coming soon!


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 105

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 7, 2021

Volume 105


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Middle School Musical - THIS WEEK - November 11 & 13 (see below) - Into the Woods Jr.

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • Elementary Drama Club Performances - Frozen Jr. - December 11 - 3pm & 5pm

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group - February 7, 2022

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Beauty and the Beast

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


This week we hosted Carolina Sound, an acapella singing group out of Mt. Olive University in North Carolina. This ministry touring group sang and ministered through a variety of Christian, Showtune, Pop and other styles, and connected perfectly with our students. They showed ministry through song and truly honored the Lord. And they also inspired our students on next level performance and how we can use our gifts to honor God! It was such a great experience for our students.


Save your seat for...

INTO THE WOODS Jr. - a middle school production!

Be careful what you wish for, as Stephen Sondheim’s and James Lapine’s off-kilter fairytale comes to life in this adaptation of their groundbreaking, Tony Award-winning musical.  Into the Woods JR. features all of your favorite characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and the Witch — in this lyrically rich retelling of classic Brothers Grimm fables.

Runtime for this show is 1 hour with a brief intermission.

Reserve your tickets below:


Announcing our Roaring Dramatics High School Spring Musical

..."A Tale as Old as Time".... 

Disney's Beauty and the Beast!

Our new Theatre Director, Lizzie Charlton, brings this musical back to the TCS stage on Trinity’s 30th year!

Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

Audition prep and signups coming soon!


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 104

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published October 31, 2021

Volume 104


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • HS Karaoke Battle Royale - Thursday, November 4 @ 6pm

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Congratulations to our High School Theatre students for a job well done!  They performed Peter and the Starcatcher this past Thursday in Columbus and received a 2nd Place Award in the competition.  We are so proud of each of these students for their hard work and performance.  Way to go!!!


This is going to be a Theatrical Highlight of the year, for sure…

  • Meet our new Theatre Director, Lizzie Charlton

  • See our HS students in action as they take the stage in this karaoke battle

  • Q & A on all things Theatre and what Miss Lizzie envisions for the future

  • Food & Fellowship

Scan below to sign up for the Karaoke Battle or to RSVP!


Announcing our Roaring Dramatics Spring Musical

..."A Tale as Old as Time".... 

Disney's Beauty and the Beast!

Our new Theatre Director, Lizzie Charlton, brings this musical back to the TCS stage on Trinity’s 30th year!

Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

Audition prep and signups coming soon!


Come one, come all - get your tickets now!  Come support our Middle School students as they perform Into the Woods Jr.  There has been quite a buzz on the Middle School campus, and we can’t wait to see these students in action.  See below and scan for ticket information.


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

 Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 103

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published October 24, 2021

Volume 103


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Final Performance - Tuesday, October 26

  • HS One Act Competition - Brookstone School, Columbus - Thursday, October 28

  • HS Karaoke Battle Royale - Thursday, November 4 @ 6pm

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Come join us this Tuesday night, as we perform once more for the GHSA One Act Competition! This is a night where we can support our Theatre Troupe once more before they compete on October 28th at Regionals. Stay after for a short feedback conversation with the cast!
Tuesday  - October 26th at 6 pm 

Pay what you can - Donations welcomed, but not required


Announcing our Roaring Dramatics Spring Musical

..."A Tale as Old as Time".... 

Disney's Beauty and the Beast!

Our new Theatre Director, Lizzie Charlton, brings this musical back to the TCS stage on Trinity’s 30th year!

Auditions will be held November 30th and December 1st

Callbacks to follow on December 2nd

Audition prep and signups coming soon!



Our Arts Academy is growing. We are able to serve dozens of Trinity students through these private lessons. One area we are looking to expand is guitar instruction, in particular electric guitar and contemporary acoustic guitar. We are in search of a guitar instructor to teach lessons after school one or two days a week. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact - we would love to see if there is a good fit out there in our Trinity community.

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 102

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published October 17, 2021

Volume 102


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Final Performance - Tuesday, October 26

  • HS One Act Competition - Brookstone School, Columbus - Thursday, October 28

  • HS Karaoke Battle Royale - Thursday, November 4 @ 6pm

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Our Theatre department is pleased to announce the addition of Lizzie Charlton.  She comes to us from the Athens area, and brings a wealth of knowledge in all things Theatre!  Lizzie will be mainly working with our High School students and the upcoming musical, to be performed the first week of March.  She has a degree in Communication with a Theatre Focus from Southeastern University, and has directed and performed in both school and community theatre.

Here’s a snapshot of what to look forward to:

  • Showtune Battle Royale - this is a fun karaoke-style event with high school students, planned for the first week in November.  (See flyer below)  It is also a chance for parents to come and meet Lizzie.  This event is when we will announce the title for our upcoming musical - the big reveal!  You won’t want to miss it.  More information to come soon…

  • High School musical auditions - these will take place the first week of December.  More details to come, and we’ll discuss in detail at the Battle Royale.

  • High School musical dates are set for March 3, 4 & 5, 2022.  Mark your calendars!

Make sure to welcome Lizzie Charlton when you see her!  The future of Theatre at Trinity is bright!



Our Arts Academy is growing. We are able to serve dozens of Trinity students through these private lessons. One area we are looking to expand is guitar instruction, in particular electric guitar and contemporary acoustic guitar. We are in search of a guitar instructor to teach lessons after school one or two days a week. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact - we would love to see if there is a good fit out there in our Trinity community.

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 101

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published October 10, 2021

Volume 101


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Final Performance - Tuesday, October 26

  • HS One Act Competition - Brookstone School, Columbus - Thursday, October 28

  • HS Karaoke Battle Royale - Thursday, November 4 @ 6pm

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Our Theatre department is pleased to announce the addition of Lizzie Charlton.  She comes to us from the Athens area, and brings a wealth of knowledge in all things Theatre!  Lizzie will be mainly working with our High School students and the upcoming musical, to be performed the first week of March.  She has a degree in Communication with a Theatre Focus from Southeasten University, and has directed and performed in both school and community theatre.

Here’s a snapshot of what to look forward to:

  • Showtune Battle Royale - this is a fun karaoke-style event with high school students, planned for the first week in November.  (See flyer below)  It is also a chance for parents to come and meet Lizzie.  This event is when we will announce the title for our upcoming musical - the big reveal!  You won’t want to miss it.  More information to come soon…

  • High School musical auditions - these will take place the first week of December.  More details to come, and we’ll discuss in detail at the Battle Royale.

  • High School musical dates are set for March 3, 4 & 5, 2022.  Mark your calendars!

Make sure to welcome Lizzie Charlton when you see her!  The future of Theatre at Trinity is bright!



Yard signs are now available for Performing Arts students.  Place your purchase here:

This opportunity is available from now until October 13.  All of our departments are represented.  Thank you so much for showing your support for the Arts at Trinity.


Our Arts Academy is growing. We are able to serve dozens of Trinity students through these private lessons. One area we are looking to expand is guitar instruction, in particular electric guitar and contemporary acoustic guitar. We are in search of a guitar instructor to teach lessons after school one or two days a week. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact - we would love to see if there is a good fit out there in our Trinity community.

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 100

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published October 3, 2021

Volume 100


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • All State Band Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • High School One Act - Final Performance - Tuesday, October 26

  • HS One Act Competition - Brookstone School, Columbus - Thursday, October 28

  • HS Karaoke Battle Royale - Thursday, November 4 @ 6pm

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan



Our Theatre department is pleased to announce the addition of Lizzie Charlton.  She comes to us from the Athens area, and brings a wealth of knowledge in all things Theatre!  Lizzie will be mainly working with our High School students and the upcoming musical, to be performed the first week of March.  She has a degree in Communication with a Theatre Focus from Southeasten University, and has directed and performed in both school and community theatre.

Here’s a snapshot of what to look forward to:

  • Showtune Battle Royale - this is a fun karaoke-style event with high school students, planned for the first week in November.  (See flyer below)  It is also a chance for parents to come and meet Lizzie.  This event is when we will announce the title for our upcoming musical - the big reveal!  You won’t want to miss it.  More information to come soon…

  • High School musical auditions - these will take place the first week of December.  More details to come, and we’ll discuss in detail at the Battle Royale.

  • High School musical dates are set for March 3, 4 & 5, 2022.  Mark your calendars!

Make sure to welcome Lizzie Charlton when you see her!  The future of Theatre at Trinity is bright!





Our Arts Academy is growing. We are able to serve dozens of Trinity students through these private lessons. One area we are looking to expand is guitar instruction, in particular electric guitar and contemporary acoustic guitar. We are in search of a guitar instructor to teach lessons after school one or two days a week. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please contact - we would love to see if there is a good fit out there in our Trinity community.

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 99

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published September 26, 2021

Volume 99


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • All State Band Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Our High School students completed the One Act presentation of Peter and the Starcatcher this past weekend.  Thank you so much for your support as you came to cheer them on.  We are so proud of our students, and know the future of Theatre at Trinity is bright!  

And a special thank you to Kelsi Adams for all of her hard work mentoring and training these students.  We appreciate you, Kelsi!!! 


For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 98

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published September 19, 2021

Volume 98


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Peter and the Starcatcher - September 24 & 25 (see below)

  • All State Band Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • Middle School All State Band Auditions - December 4

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • High School All State Band Auditions - December 11

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival - April 23, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Get your tickets now and come support our students as they perform our annual One Act play. Each year we participate in the state One Act competition, and this first performance is a chance for us to perform it for you, our Trinity family. A few weeks later we will perform for the One Act competition judges and receive critique and a rating. This will determine which schools make it to the State Competition in November. Come cheer us on, and enjoy our Theatre Department as we present Peter and the Starcatcher.

  • September 24 & 25 at 7pm - High School Auditorium





For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 97

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published September 12, 2021

Volume 97


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Performance dates set for September 24 & 25

  • Instrumental All State Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - Auditions will be in December; Performance dates set for March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Get your tickets now and come support our students as they perform our annual One Act play. Each year we participate in the state One Act competition, and this first performance is a chance for us to perform it for you, our Trinity family. A few weeks later we will perform for the One Act competition judges and receive critique and a rating. This will determine which schools make it to the State Competition in November. Come cheer us on, and enjoy our Theatre Department as we present Peter and the Starcatcher.

  • September 24 & 25 at 7pm - High School Auditorium



For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 96

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published September 5, 2021

Volume 96


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • High School One Act - Performance dates set for September 24 & 25

  • Instrumental All State Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Auditions September 3; Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan



For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 95

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published August 29, 2021

Volume 95


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Trinity Marching Lions - Debut Performance at our first home Varsity Football game, September 3

  • High School One Act - Performance dates set for September 24 & 25

  • Instrumental All State Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Auditions September 3; Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan


Our Middle School musical auditions are in the books. If you missed this opportunity and are still interested in joining this musical experience, please contact Emily Litton at We can’t wait to see this production in November!



For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 94

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published August 22, 2021

Volume 94


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director




Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Trinity Marching Lions - Debut Performance at our first home Varsity Football game, September 3

  • High School One Act - Performance dates set for September 24 & 25

  • Instrumental All State Auditions - Registration due by October 5; Auditions in early December

  • Middle School Musical - Auditions September 3; Performance dates set for November 11 & 13

  • December Chorus Concert - Monday, December 6 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan

  • December Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, December 13 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • December Band Concert - Tuesday, December 14 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • Spring Musical Dates - March 3-5, 2022 - Show TBD

  • District Fine Arts Competition - April 8 & 9, 2022

  • May Orchestra & Recorders Concert - Monday, May 2, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Band Concert - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 @ 7pm - HS Auditorium

  • May Chorus Concert - Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 7pm - First Baptist, Newnan



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Screen Shot 2021-08-22 at 5.53.14 AM.png

For students wishing to further their music education through private instruction, Trinity offers lessons through our Music Arts Academy.  Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Lessons are offered on campus before, during, and after school.  

Please visit to learn more or to register.  You can see a list of our instructors as well as general Academy information.  Click the Student Registration tab and you can fill out the forms to register.  Please email completed forms to

We can’t wait to help you further your knowledge on your instrument.  It is our joy to help each student in their musical journey!