Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 172

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published April 30, 2023

Volume 172


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Recorders Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


The Role of Performance in Music Education

Well, it’s time to start thinking about all of our end-of-year performances.  Whether a theatrical, instrumental or choral event, many of our students are about to take the stage as the school year comes to a close.  Performance anxiety, stage fright, cold feet. Whatever you call it, it’s not just for performers! Whether it’s feeling nervous before a big presentation at work, needing a deep breath before making an important phone call, or feeling apprehensive before a job interview, we spend lots of our time preparing for life’s little “performances,” even if we never actually step foot on a stage.

  • For musicians, on-stage performances are a regular part of life—music is meant to be shared and experienced, not just practiced in private! Yet for many music students, recitals and concerts are seen as a form of punishment instead of a reward for months of hard work and preparation. Why is this?

    Whenever we talk to students about what makes them reluctant to perform, we hear a few of the same concerns: what if I mess up? What if everyone else performs better than me? What if I spent a long time composing a new song, and no one likes it? It doesn’t help that media sources often show performances as a venue only reserved for celebrities, where any mistakes can go viral instantly.

    We believe performing should be a celebration and a way for musicians to share their love of music with each other and the world. It’s why we work hard to create an environment where recitals are safe and supportive places to have fun and learn from other students. It’s also why we work with our communities to look for alternate places to perform, from parades to local neighborhood events. The more opportunities a student has to perform, the more natural it will feel. And over time, those feelings of anxiety will be replaced with excitement and joy, making all the practicing and rehearsing well worth the effort.

    So how can you support a reluctant performer? Here’s a few things to talk about the next time your music student expresses anxiety about an upcoming performance opportunity:

    1. It’s totally normal to mess up. Even successful musicians miss a note or forget the lyrics to a song. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” musician. If you make a mistake, just keep playing or try again. Most of the time, people won’t even notice, and if they do, it’s okay. A mistake is just a chance to try again.

    2. Real life isn’t reality TV. The only judge at your performance is yourself. Try your best, and learn from your performance. After a recital, sit down with your student and talk about the positives—what went well? What part was the most fun? Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities, and ask “what would you do differently next time?”

    3. Ask your student how they want to celebrate their performance. Concerts and recitals are a wonderful opportunity to build new family traditions that can last a lifetime. Are you a family that goes out to ice cream after a concert? Or do you make sure to make their favorite meal before each recital? Whatever you do, teach your student that sharing their music with others is an act to be celebrated!

    4. Lastly, make sure to talk about performances regularly, not just once a year during recital season. Ask students if the music they are learning is something they might like to perform, or brainstorm ways they can rehearse their pieces in a low-stress environment, like an at-home performance for extended family and friends.

    While we believe performing is an integral part of any music training, we also know that learning to perform helps students in ways that extend far beyond the music world. Performances encourage goal setting, increase confidence, and teach communication skills that translate into effective public speaking, negotiation, and problem-solving. It’s always our goal to make more than musicians—we want to be part of the process that helps your student grow into someone who can tackle all of life’s little performances, both on and off the stage.


We have just completed our Middle School Band and Orchestra performances at the Southern Star Music Festival at Six Flags.  Friday, April 21st they performed in front of a panel of adjudicators, and received valuable feedback.  The professionalism of this environment was so beneficial as they presented their pieces on the live stage.  Then on Saturday, the 22nd we enjoyed a fun day in the park followed by the Celebration Ceremony in the Six Flags Amphitheater.  This is an annual weekend of fun that our Middle School Band and Orchestra can look forward to.  Well done to all!


Visit for details on all of our end of year events.  Concerts, programs and performances aplenty - you won’t want to miss these!


Performing Arts Camps are registering now.  PAYMENT LINKS are now live too.  We would love to have you join us.  Check out the summer camps page for full details:


We offer electives in the Performing Arts in a variety of areas, starting in the 4th grade. Often families will ask when these electives are offered, and how their student can get involved. Visit for details about all of these electives, including which grades they become available to the Trinity student.  We can’t wait to see you in an Arts elective next school year!



Tickets are now on sale for Disney's THE JUNGLE BOOK KIDS! Join the Lion Cub Performers (1st-5th grades) as they present this incredible show about friendship and finding your community! Please reach out to Mrs. Kenerly with any questions -

Purchase tickets here:

Friday, May 5th at 6pm - Canopy Cast

Saturday, May 6th at 2pm - Canopy Cast

Saturday, May 6th at 6pm - River Cast

Sunday, May 7th at 2pm - River Cast
Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


Our Dance Club recital is rapidly approaching.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our very first Trinity Dance performance!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  Admission is free - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


We are planning a GO Week trip to Vienna and Salzburg, Austria for GO Week 2024.  This will be Performing Arts and Missions focused, which is why it is listed here in the Performing Arts section.  We are beginning to promote the general details of this trip, as we know many of you will be quite interested.  We will tour Vienna and the life of Mozart, Salzburg where Mozart was born and The Sound of Music was filmed, and also partner with local churches for some missions work.

At this time all we need is your name to go on our list of those interested.  We do not have the specifics yet, including cost, but as an international trip it will be one of the more expensive GO Week trips.  Full details will go out some time in August with the rest of the GO Week trips, we are simply creating an interest list at this time.

Please email to let us know your interest and get on our list.


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 171

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published April 23, 2023

Volume 171


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • April 25 Thespian Inductions

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Recorders Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


The Role of Performance in Music Education

Well, it’s time to start thinking about all of our end-of-year performances.  Whether a theatrical, instrumental or choral event, many of our students are about to take the stage as the school year comes to a close.  Performance anxiety, stage fright, cold feet. Whatever you call it, it’s not just for performers! Whether it’s feeling nervous before a big presentation at work, needing a deep breath before making an important phone call, or feeling apprehensive before a job interview, we spend lots of our time preparing for life’s little “performances,” even if we never actually step foot on a stage.

  • For musicians, on-stage performances are a regular part of life—music is meant to be shared and experienced, not just practiced in private! Yet for many music students, recitals and concerts are seen as a form of punishment instead of a reward for months of hard work and preparation. Why is this?

    Whenever we talk to students about what makes them reluctant to perform, we hear a few of the same concerns: what if I mess up? What if everyone else performs better than me? What if I spent a long time composing a new song, and no one likes it? It doesn’t help that media sources often show performances as a venue only reserved for celebrities, where any mistakes can go viral instantly.

    We believe performing should be a celebration and a way for musicians to share their love of music with each other and the world. It’s why we work hard to create an environment where recitals are safe and supportive places to have fun and learn from other students. It’s also why we work with our communities to look for alternate places to perform, from parades to local neighborhood events. The more opportunities a student has to perform, the more natural it will feel. And over time, those feelings of anxiety will be replaced with excitement and joy, making all the practicing and rehearsing well worth the effort.

    So how can you support a reluctant performer? Here’s a few things to talk about the next time your music student expresses anxiety about an upcoming performance opportunity:

    1. It’s totally normal to mess up. Even successful musicians miss a note or forget the lyrics to a song. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” musician. If you make a mistake, just keep playing or try again. Most of the time, people won’t even notice, and if they do, it’s okay. A mistake is just a chance to try again.

    2. Real life isn’t reality TV. The only judge at your performance is yourself. Try your best, and learn from your performance. After a recital, sit down with your student and talk about the positives—what went well? What part was the most fun? Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities, and ask “what would you do differently next time?”

    3. Ask your student how they want to celebrate their performance. Concerts and recitals are a wonderful opportunity to build new family traditions that can last a lifetime. Are you a family that goes out to ice cream after a concert? Or do you make sure to make their favorite meal before each recital? Whatever you do, teach your student that sharing their music with others is an act to be celebrated!

    4. Lastly, make sure to talk about performances regularly, not just once a year during recital season. Ask students if the music they are learning is something they might like to perform, or brainstorm ways they can rehearse their pieces in a low-stress environment, like an at-home performance for extended family and friends.

    While we believe performing is an integral part of any music training, we also know that learning to perform helps students in ways that extend far beyond the music world. Performances encourage goal setting, increase confidence, and teach communication skills that translate into effective public speaking, negotiation, and problem-solving. It’s always our goal to make more than musicians—we want to be part of the process that helps your student grow into someone who can tackle all of life’s little performances, both on and off the stage.


This past weekend our Middle School Band and Orchestra performed at the Southern Star Music Festival at Six Flags.  Friday night they performed in front of a panel of adjudicators, and received valuable feedback as they continue to grow.  The professionalism of this environment was so beneficial as they presented their pieces on the live stage.  Then on Saturday we enjoyed a fun day in the park followed by the Celebration Ceremony in the Six Flags Amphitheater.  This is an annual weekend of fun that our Middle School Band and Orchestra can look forward to.  Well done to all!



Visit for details on all of our end of year events.  Concerts, programs and performances aplenty - you won’t want to miss these!


Performing Arts Camps are registering now.  PAYMENT LINKS are now live too.  We would love to have you join us.  Check out the summer camps page for full details:


Thespian Troupe 8184 will host our annual Thespian Inductions for their newest members this coming Tuesday, April 25th at 6pm in the Student Center!  Please come out and support these students, this will be a fun and momentous occasion for all!

These new inductees have participated in a series of challenges this past week to promote spirit, involvement, and excitement for the Troupe.  These activities promote an understanding of the responsibility and honor it is to be a Thespian at TCS, and also how much fun this community is!  And now it’s time to induct!  

Tuesday, April 25th // 6pm in the Student Center


A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the cast and crew of our MS theatrical production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”!  We are SO PROUD of all of our young actors!  Great things are to come in our MS Theatre department, we hope to see you soon on a TCS stage near you!!


The Lion Cub Performers are excited to invite you to journey with them into The Jungle Book Kids as we celebrate the ideas of community and what home looks like to all of us! Tickets on sale soon!

  • Friday, May 5th @ 6:00pm - Performance #1, Canopy Cast

  • Saturday, May 6th @ 2:00pm - Performance #2, Canopy Cast

  • Saturday, May 6th @ 6:00pm - Performance #3, River Cast

  • Sunday, May 7th @ 2:00pm - Performance #4, River Cast

Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


Our Dance Club recital is rapidly approaching.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our very first Trinity Dance performance!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  Admission is free - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


We are planning a GO Week trip to Vienna and Salzburg, Austria for GO Week 2024.  This will be Performing Arts and Missions focused, which is why it is listed here in the Performing Arts section.  We are beginning to promote the general details of this trip, as we know many of you will be quite interested.  We will tour Vienna and the life of Mozart, Salzburg where Mozart was born and The Sound of Music was filmed, and also partner with local churches for some missons work.

At this time all we need is your name to go on our list of those interested.  We do not have the specifics yet, including cost, but as an international trip it will be one of the more expensive GO Week trips.  Full details will go out some time in August with the rest of the GO Week trips, we are simply creating an interest list at this time.

Please email to let us know your interest and get on our list.


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 170

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published April 16, 2023

Volume 170


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Recorders Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


The Role of Performance in Music Education

Well, it’s time to start thinking about all of our end-of-year performances.  Whether a theatrical, instrumental or choral event, many of our students are about to take the stage as the school year comes to a close.  Performance anxiety, stage fright, cold feet. Whatever you call it, it’s not just for performers! Whether it’s feeling nervous before a big presentation at work, needing a deep breath before making an important phone call, or feeling apprehensive before a job interview, we spend lots of our time preparing for life’s little “performances,” even if we never actually step foot on a stage.

  • For musicians, on-stage performances are a regular part of life—music is meant to be shared and experienced, not just practiced in private! Yet for many music students, recitals and concerts are seen as a form of punishment instead of a reward for months of hard work and preparation. Why is this?

    Whenever we talk to students about what makes them reluctant to perform, we hear a few of the same concerns: what if I mess up? What if everyone else performs better than me? What if I spent a long time composing a new song, and no one likes it? It doesn’t help that media sources often show performances as a venue only reserved for celebrities, where any mistakes can go viral instantly.

    We believe performing should be a celebration and a way for musicians to share their love of music with each other and the world. It’s why we work hard to create an environment where recitals are safe and supportive places to have fun and learn from other students. It’s also why we work with our communities to look for alternate places to perform, from parades to local neighborhood events. The more opportunities a student has to perform, the more natural it will feel. And over time, those feelings of anxiety will be replaced with excitement and joy, making all the practicing and rehearsing well worth the effort.

    So how can you support a reluctant performer? Here’s a few things to talk about the next time your music student expresses anxiety about an upcoming performance opportunity:

    1. It’s totally normal to mess up. Even successful musicians miss a note or forget the lyrics to a song. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” musician. If you make a mistake, just keep playing or try again. Most of the time, people won’t even notice, and if they do, it’s okay. A mistake is just a chance to try again.

    2. Real life isn’t reality TV. The only judge at your performance is yourself. Try your best, and learn from your performance. After a recital, sit down with your student and talk about the positives—what went well? What part was the most fun? Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities, and ask “what would you do differently next time?”

    3. Ask your student how they want to celebrate their performance. Concerts and recitals are a wonderful opportunity to build new family traditions that can last a lifetime. Are you a family that goes out to ice cream after a concert? Or do you make sure to make their favorite meal before each recital? Whatever you do, teach your student that sharing their music with others is an act to be celebrated!

    4. Lastly, make sure to talk about performances regularly, not just once a year during recital season. Ask students if the music they are learning is something they might like to perform, or brainstorm ways they can rehearse their pieces in a low-stress environment, like an at-home performance for extended family and friends.

    While we believe performing is an integral part of any music training, we also know that learning to perform helps students in ways that extend far beyond the music world. Performances encourage goal setting, increase confidence, and teach communication skills that translate into effective public speaking, negotiation, and problem-solving. It’s always our goal to make more than musicians—we want to be part of the process that helps your student grow into someone who can tackle all of life’s little performances, both on and off the stage.


We have launched registration for our summer camps.  Three main areas of interest include Marching Lions / Drum Corps, Drama, and Dance.  Please check out the Summer Camp Landing Page for more information or to register.  We can’t wait to see you at one or more of our Arts Camps this summer!


Thespian Troupe 8184 will be having inductions for their newest members on the evening of Tuesday, April 25th! Students eligible to induct will be invited soon and anyone can join to celebrate our newest honored Theatre students! They will be advancing through a series of challenges the week before, to not only understand the responsibility and honor it is to be a Thespian at TCS, but also how much fun this community is!



A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the cast and crew of our MS theatrical production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”!  This past weekend was a huge success, well done to all!  Great things to come in our MS Theatre department, we hope to see you soon on a TCS stage near you!!


The Lion Cub Performers are excited to invite you to journey with them into The Jungle Book Kids as we celebrate the ideas of community and what home looks like to all of us! Tickets on sale soon!

  • Friday, May 5th @ 6:00pm - Performance #1, Canopy Cast

  • Saturday, May 6th @ 2:00pm - Performance #2, Canopy Cast

  • Saturday, May 6th @ 6:00pm - Performance #3, River Cast

  • Sunday, May 7th @ 2:00pm - Performance #4, River Cast

Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


Join us this summer as students continue to discover their love for Theatre AND grow their God Given talents! Camps for all ages are open for registration now! Check out to register and find out more information!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 169

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published April 2, 2023

Volume 169


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Recorders Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


The Role of Performance in Music Education

Well, it’s time to start thinking about all of our end-of-year performances.  Whether a theatrical, instrumental or choral event, many of our students are about to take the stage as the school year comes to a close.  Performance anxiety, stage fright, cold feet. Whatever you call it, it’s not just for performers! Whether it’s feeling nervous before a big presentation at work, needing a deep breath before making an important phone call, or feeling apprehensive before a job interview, we spend lots of our time preparing for life’s little “performances,” even if we never actually step foot on a stage.

  • For musicians, on-stage performances are a regular part of life—music is meant to be shared and experienced, not just practiced in private! Yet for many music students, recitals and concerts are seen as a form of punishment instead of a reward for months of hard work and preparation. Why is this?

    Whenever we talk to students about what makes them reluctant to perform, we hear a few of the same concerns: what if I mess up? What if everyone else performs better than me? What if I spent a long time composing a new song, and no one likes it? It doesn’t help that media sources often show performances as a venue only reserved for celebrities, where any mistakes can go viral instantly.

    We believe performing should be a celebration and a way for musicians to share their love of music with each other and the world. It’s why we work hard to create an environment where recitals are safe and supportive places to have fun and learn from other students. It’s also why we work with our communities to look for alternate places to perform, from parades to local neighborhood events. The more opportunities a student has to perform, the more natural it will feel. And over time, those feelings of anxiety will be replaced with excitement and joy, making all the practicing and rehearsing well worth the effort.

    So how can you support a reluctant performer? Here’s a few things to talk about the next time your music student expresses anxiety about an upcoming performance opportunity:

    1. It’s totally normal to mess up. Even successful musicians miss a note or forget the lyrics to a song. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” musician. If you make a mistake, just keep playing or try again. Most of the time, people won’t even notice, and if they do, it’s okay. A mistake is just a chance to try again.

    2. Real life isn’t reality TV. The only judge at your performance is yourself. Try your best, and learn from your performance. After a recital, sit down with your student and talk about the positives—what went well? What part was the most fun? Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities, and ask “what would you do differently next time?”

    3. Ask your student how they want to celebrate their performance. Concerts and recitals are a wonderful opportunity to build new family traditions that can last a lifetime. Are you a family that goes out to ice cream after a concert? Or do you make sure to make their favorite meal before each recital? Whatever you do, teach your student that sharing their music with others is an act to be celebrated!

    4. Lastly, make sure to talk about performances regularly, not just once a year during recital season. Ask students if the music they are learning is something they might like to perform, or brainstorm ways they can rehearse their pieces in a low-stress environment, like an at-home performance for extended family and friends.

    While we believe performing is an integral part of any music training, we also know that learning to perform helps students in ways that extend far beyond the music world. Performances encourage goal setting, increase confidence, and teach communication skills that translate into effective public speaking, negotiation, and problem-solving. It’s always our goal to make more than musicians—we want to be part of the process that helps your student grow into someone who can tackle all of life’s little performances, both on and off the stage.


Recently Trinity hosted the District Fine Arts Festival for the Assemblies of God.  Our students had the chance to perform in many different Arts categories including singing, instrumental performance, preaching, puppetry, comedy, physical art, photography and more.  This festival is designed to give students a chance to express their art form in a way that honors the Lord.  They are critiqued on their performance, including their ministry effectiveness, and those who score high enough are invited to the National Fine Arts Festival in early August.  We had 65 students participate this year.  Congratulations to our 18 merit winners, individuals or groups who won their category for the entire state! We also had 43 entries score in the top three in the state. Well done, Trinity!!  And now, on to Columbus, Ohio for the National Festival in a few months.  This is always a highlight for our students.  Make sure to participate next Spring as we host again.  For more information, please email


We have launched registration for our summer camps.  Three main areas of interest include Marching Lions / Drum Corps, Drama, and Dance.  Please check out the Summer Camp Landing Page for more information or to register.  We can’t wait to see you at one or more of our Arts Camps this summer!


Thespian Troupe 8184 will be having inductions for their newest members on the evening of Tuesday, April 25th! Students eligible to induct will be invited soon and anyone can join to celebrate our newest honored Theatre students! They will be advancing through a series of challenges the week before, to not only understand the responsibility and honor it is to be a Thespian at TCS, but also how much fun this community is!



MANEstage Productions presents "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." This 2nd annual musical for Middle School is based on the beloved Charles Schulz comic strip, Charlie Brown and the entire Peanuts bunch explore life's great questions as they play baseball, struggle with homework, discover life through precarious situations and celebrate the joy of friendship.

Limited Front Row Seating available! Score some of the best seats in the house with our Front Row Seating... this ticket comes with a show bag filled with treats from your Charlie Brown cast!

Tickets available now!


The Lion Cub Performers are excited to invite you to journey with them into The Jungle Book Kids as we celebrate the ideas of community and what home looks like to all of us! Tickets on sale soon!

Friday, May 5th @ 6:00pm - Performance #1, Canopy Cast

Saturday, May 6th @ 2:00pm - Performance #2, Canopy Cast

Saturday, May 6th @ 6:00pm - Performance #3, River Cast

Sunday, May 7th @ 2:00pm - Performance #4, River Cast

Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


Join us this summer as students continue to discover their love for Theatre AND grow their God Given talents! Camps for all ages are open for registration now! Check out to register and find out more information!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 168

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 26, 2023

Volume 168


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 2 Recorders Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


It turns out football and music do have a lot in common.  At least for Jason Kelce (NFL - Philadelphia Eagles) and Brandon Facyson (NFL - Indianapolis Colts). Here are two interesting stories of these two individuals and how music enhanced their skill set in all areas of life, and helped them in the professional world of football.  One of these is quite close to home…

Jason Kelce is currently a center for the Philadelphia Eagles.  He took up the baritone saxophone in middle school and high school, and has attributed his musical experiences to his work ethic and practice routines on the field.  “I consider a lot of my growth as a player and as a person happened learning the saxophone: being coached by conductors and teachers, reading sheet music and understanding how to practice by repeating the same thing over and over again and you see how much easier the song becomes,” Kelce said. “If you want to see how very cut-and-dry, how practice can cause you to improve, play an instrument. There’s not going to be anything more cut-and-dry. The first time you play the piano, you’re going to be pretty bad. You’ll get better pretty quick just by practicing. The value of practice and the value in putting in extra time, all of that was taught from music.”

Kelce also had great encouragement from his music and athletic directors.  “(Coach) encouraged guys to play sports and band,” Kelce said of Baker. “I always felt like at Cleveland Heights that there wasn’t this separation between band and athletics. All of my best friends and the guys I hung out with, did both.”

“The band works hard and late hours,” said another of his football coaches. “It’s a heck of a commitment when you have to go to practice after you’re getting out of practice. He balanced his studies and he’s just a well-rounded person. What he did has helped him become the man that he is today. He was passionate about all those things and worked everything out.”

To read the full Jason Kelce article, click here

Brandon Facyson is currently a cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts.  Brandon graduated from Northgate High School right here in Newnan, and was heavily involved in the band program under the direction of Alan Armstrong.  Here is Alan’s story…

This past Friday evening, I was helping aim our senior families over to a group picture on "Senior Night" when one of our school secretaries called to me "Alan, when you get a second, someone wants to see you".  I was preoccupied trying to make sure we got a good picture of all our seniors and assumed it was someone who was upset about something when she called to me again "Alan, you really need to come over".  I walked in her direction and then noticed this young man with a huge grin on his face. 

8 years after his graduation from our HS, one of the finest young men I've ever had the pleasure to teach had come back home to visit.  Brandon played sax in my concert band but also played football.  Early in his HS career, the Athletic Director had half jokingly told me one day "you can't have him, he's special"  Apparently Brandon had told one of the coaches he really enjoyed music and they were afraid I would try to convince him to give up football and join the marching band. 

He played in our concert bands for two years while playing football.

He got out of Band class after his sophomore year to get some extra weight training to bulk up a bit.  He did that with my blessing as it had become obvious to everyone that our AD had been right, he WAS special on the football field and I didn't want to hold him back in that area of his life.  For his senior year, he asked if he could come back to our Wind Ensemble because he had missed playing his horn.  He finished his senior year as a highly recruited Div I quality athlete, a sax player in our top ensemble and an honor graduate as well.  He went on to a standout collegiate career where he also prepared for his ultimate goal, being a doctor. 

After finishing his collegiate career he earned a spot with the Los Angeles Chargers and now plays for the Indianapolis Colts.  When we had a chance to catch up Friday night, I found the same incredibly kind, respectful, amazing young man I had met so many years ago.  We caught up for just a minute or two and then I asked if he was still planning to follow through on his long term goal.  He assured me that was still the "long term" plan, but said with a grin "I might play a few more years though...."  We laughed and I encouraged him to play as long as he wanted and his health held out, but I have NO doubt, this young man will go on to finish his working life as a doctor helping others when he hangs up his uniform for the last time. 

Don't ever let ANYONE tell you kids can't perform at a high level and be successful as an athlete, a musician AND a scholar.  No one said it was easy but I've learned over the years to never put MY limits on kids who wanted to push the boundaries of what people thought was possible, even if one of "those people" was me.

I hope one day EVERY teacher gets to teach a kid like Brandon!

-Alan Armstrong is currently the Head Band Director at Northgate High School, where he has taught students music since the school opened in 1996.  He is in his 34th year of public school teaching. 


Last week Trinity hosted the District Fine Arts Festival for the Assemblies of God.  Our students had the chance to perform in many different Arts categories including singing, instrumental performance, preaching, puppetry, comedy, physical art, photography and more.  This festival is designed to give students a chance to express their art form in a way that honors the Lord.  They are critiqued on their performance, including their ministry effectiveness, and those who score high enough are invited to the National Fine Arts Festival in early August.  We had 65 students participate this year.  Congratulations to our 18 merit winners, individuals or groups who won their category for the entire state! We also had 43 entries score in the top three in the state. Well done, Trinity!!  And now, on to Columbus, Ohio for the National Festival in a few months.  This is always a highlight for our students.  Make sure to participate next Spring as we host again.  For more information, please email



Our Spring show is just around the corner. Rehearsals are now in progress for our upcoming Middle School production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances will be April 14 & 15 - more info to come! Please reach out to Emily Litton at with any questions! We are so proud of our Middle Schoolers and cannot wait to see what they do!



Congratulations to the two casts of The Jungle Book, Kids! We are so excited about the 70 students we have presenting this story! Performances will be in May and more info to come! Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


We have launched registration for our summer camps.  Three main areas of interest include Marching Lions / Drum Corps, Drama, and Dance.  Please check out the Summer Camp Landing Page for more information or to register.  We can’t wait to see you at one or more of our Arts Camps this summer!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 167

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 19, 2023

Volume 167


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


It turns out football and music do have a lot in common.  At least for Jason Kelce (NFL - Philadelphia Eagles) and Brandon Facyson (NFL - Indianapolis Colts). Here are two interesting stories of these two individuals and how music enhanced their skill set in all areas of life, and helped them in the professional world of football.  One of these is quite close to home…

Jason Kelce is currently a center for the Philadelphia Eagles.  He took up the baritone saxophone in middle school and high school, and has attributed his musical experiences to his work ethic and practice routines on the field.  “I consider a lot of my growth as a player and as a person happened learning the saxophone: being coached by conductors and teachers, reading sheet music and understanding how to practice by repeating the same thing over and over again and you see how much easier the song becomes,” Kelce said. “If you want to see how very cut-and-dry, how practice can cause you to improve, play an instrument. There’s not going to be anything more cut-and-dry. The first time you play the piano, you’re going to be pretty bad. You’ll get better pretty quick just by practicing. The value of practice and the value in putting in extra time, all of that was taught from music.”

Kelce also had great encouragement from his music and athletic directors.  “(Coach) encouraged guys to play sports and band,” Kelce said of Baker. “I always felt like at Cleveland Heights that there wasn’t this separation between band and athletics. All of my best friends and the guys I hung out with, did both.”

“The band works hard and late hours,” said another of his football coaches. “It’s a heck of a commitment when you have to go to practice after you’re getting out of practice. He balanced his studies and he’s just a well-rounded person. What he did has helped him become the man that he is today. He was passionate about all those things and worked everything out.”

To read the full Jason Kelce article, click here

Brandon Facyson is currently a cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts.  Brandon graduated from Northgate High School right here in Newnan, and was heavily involved in the band program under the direction of Alan Armstrong.  Here is Alan’s story…

This past Friday evening, I was helping aim our senior families over to a group picture on "Senior Night" when one of our school secretaries called to me "Alan, when you get a second, someone wants to see you".  I was preoccupied trying to make sure we got a good picture of all our seniors and assumed it was someone who was upset about something when she called to me again "Alan, you really need to come over".  I walked in her direction and then noticed this young man with a huge grin on his face. 

8 years after his graduation from our HS, one of the finest young men I've ever had the pleasure to teach had come back home to visit.  Brandon played sax in my concert band but also played football.  Early in his HS career, the Athletic Director had half jokingly told me one day "you can't have him, he's special"  Apparently Brandon had told one of the coaches he really enjoyed music and they were afraid I would try to convince him to give up football and join the marching band. 

He played in our concert bands for two years while playing football.

He got out of Band class after his sophomore year to get some extra weight training to bulk up a bit.  He did that with my blessing as it had become obvious to everyone that our AD had been right, he WAS special on the football field and I didn't want to hold him back in that area of his life.  For his senior year, he asked if he could come back to our Wind Ensemble because he had missed playing his horn.  He finished his senior year as a highly recruited Div I quality athlete, a sax player in our top ensemble and an honor graduate as well.  He went on to a standout collegiate career where he also prepared for his ultimate goal, being a doctor. 

After finishing his collegiate career he earned a spot with the Los Angeles Chargers and now plays for the Indianapolis Colts.  When we had a chance to catch up Friday night, I found the same incredibly kind, respectful, amazing young man I had met so many years ago.  We caught up for just a minute or two and then I asked if he was still planning to follow through on his long term goal.  He assured me that was still the "long term" plan, but said with a grin "I might play a few more years though...."  We laughed and I encouraged him to play as long as he wanted and his health held out, but I have NO doubt, this young man will go on to finish his working life as a doctor helping others when he hangs up his uniform for the last time. 

Don't ever let ANYONE tell you kids can't perform at a high level and be successful as an athlete, a musician AND a scholar.  No one said it was easy but I've learned over the years to never put MY limits on kids who wanted to push the boundaries of what people thought was possible, even if one of "those people" was me.

I hope one day EVERY teacher gets to teach a kid like Brandon!

-Alan Armstrong is currently the Head Band Director at Northgate High School, where he has taught students music since the school opened in 1996.  He is in his 34th year of public school teaching. 



Our Spring show is just around the corner. Rehearsals are now in progress for our upcoming Middle School production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances will be April 14 & 15 - more info to come! Please reach out to Emily Litton at with any questions! We are so proud of our Middle Schoolers and cannot wait to see what they do!



Congratulations to the two casts of The Jungle Book, Kids! We are so excited about the 70 students we have presenting this story! Performances will be in May and more info to come! Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


We have launched registration for our summer camps.  Three main areas of interest include Marching Lions / Drum Corps, Drama, and Dance.  Please check out the Summer Camp Landing Page for more information or to register.  We can’t wait to see you at one or more of our Arts Camps this summer!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 166

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 12, 2023

Volume 166


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


It turns out football and music do have a lot in common.  At least for Jason Kelce (NFL - Philadelphia Eagles) and Brandon Facyson (NFL - Indianapolis Colts). Here are two interesting stories of these two individuals and how music enhanced their skill set in all areas of life, and helped them in the professional world of football.  One of these is quite close to home…

Jason Kelce is currently a center for the Philadelphia Eagles.  He took up the baritone saxophone in middle school and high school, and has attributed his musical experiences to his work ethic and practice routines on the field.  “I consider a lot of my growth as a player and as a person happened learning the saxophone: being coached by conductors and teachers, reading sheet music and understanding how to practice by repeating the same thing over and over again and you see how much easier the song becomes,” Kelce said. “If you want to see how very cut-and-dry, how practice can cause you to improve, play an instrument. There’s not going to be anything more cut-and-dry. The first time you play the piano, you’re going to be pretty bad. You’ll get better pretty quick just by practicing. The value of practice and the value in putting in extra time, all of that was taught from music.”

Kelce also had great encouragement from his music and athletic directors.  “(Coach) encouraged guys to play sports and band,” Kelce said of Baker. “I always felt like at Cleveland Heights that there wasn’t this separation between band and athletics. All of my best friends and the guys I hung out with, did both.”

“The band works hard and late hours,” said another of his football coaches. “It’s a heck of a commitment when you have to go to practice after you’re getting out of practice. He balanced his studies and he’s just a well-rounded person. What he did has helped him become the man that he is today. He was passionate about all those things and worked everything out.”

To read the full Jason Kelce article, click here

Brandon Facyson is currently a cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts.  Brandon graduated from Northgate High School right here in Newnan, and was heavily involved in the band program under the direction of Alan Armstrong.  Here is Alan’s story…

This past Friday evening, I was helping aim our senior families over to a group picture on "Senior Night" when one of our school secretaries called to me "Alan, when you get a second, someone wants to see you".  I was preoccupied trying to make sure we got a good picture of all our seniors and assumed it was someone who was upset about something when she called to me again "Alan, you really need to come over".  I walked in her direction and then noticed this young man with a huge grin on his face. 

8 years after his graduation from our HS, one of the finest young men I've ever had the pleasure to teach had come back home to visit.  Brandon played sax in my concert band but also played football.  Early in his HS career, the Athletic Director had half jokingly told me one day "you can't have him, he's special"  Apparently Brandon had told one of the coaches he really enjoyed music and they were afraid I would try to convince him to give up football and join the marching band. 

He played in our concert bands for two years while playing football.

He got out of Band class after his sophomore year to get some extra weight training to bulk up a bit.  He did that with my blessing as it had become obvious to everyone that our AD had been right, he WAS special on the football field and I didn't want to hold him back in that area of his life.  For his senior year, he asked if he could come back to our Wind Ensemble because he had missed playing his horn.  He finished his senior year as a highly recruited Div I quality athlete, a sax player in our top ensemble and an honor graduate as well.  He went on to a standout collegiate career where he also prepared for his ultimate goal, being a doctor. 

After finishing his collegiate career he earned a spot with the Los Angeles Chargers and now plays for the Indianapolis Colts.  When we had a chance to catch up Friday night, I found the same incredibly kind, respectful, amazing young man I had met so many years ago.  We caught up for just a minute or two and then I asked if he was still planning to follow through on his long term goal.  He assured me that was still the "long term" plan, but said with a grin "I might play a few more years though...."  We laughed and I encouraged him to play as long as he wanted and his health held out, but I have NO doubt, this young man will go on to finish his working life as a doctor helping others when he hangs up his uniform for the last time. 

Don't ever let ANYONE tell you kids can't perform at a high level and be successful as an athlete, a musician AND a scholar.  No one said it was easy but I've learned over the years to never put MY limits on kids who wanted to push the boundaries of what people thought was possible, even if one of "those people" was me.

I hope one day EVERY teacher gets to teach a kid like Brandon!

-Alan Armstrong is currently the Head Band Director at Northgate High School, where he has taught students music since the school opened in 1996.  He is in his 34th year of public school teaching. 


LES MISÉRABLES - All four shows this past weekend were a huge success!!  Congratulations to all of the students who participated - you are all amazing!!  Check back next week for pics and stories of the show experience.  Well done to all!!



Our Spring show is just around the corner. Rehearsals are now in progress for our upcoming Middle School production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances will be April 14 & 15 - more info to come! Please reach out to Emily Litton at with any questions! We are so proud of our Middle Schoolers and cannot wait to see what they do!



Congratulations to the two casts of The Jungle Book, Kids! We are so excited about the 70 students we have presenting this story! Performances will be in May and more info to come! Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


We have launched registration for our summer camps.  Three main areas of interest include Marching Lions / Drum Corps, Drama, and Dance.  Please check out the Summer Camp Landing Page for more information or to register.  We can’t wait to see you at one or more of our Arts Camps this summer!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 165

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 5, 2023

Volume 165


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Set against the backdrop of 19th century France, LES MISÉRABLES tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption – a timeless testament to the idea of, "climbing towards the light." When Valjean comes face to face with grace, he changes his life to share that grace with others, leaving some hope in the midst of a broken world. Themes of extreme poverty, revolution battles, and onstage deaths are present.

Special VIP Tickets! Join us on the front lines of the barricade in premium seating reserved for you and your party. Start your experience with your selection of crepe from Lisa’s Crepes and enjoy other surprises throughout the show!


General Admission - Student - $10

General Admission - Adult - $20

VIP Ticket - $50


Thursday, March 9th at 7pm

Friday, March 10th at 8pm

Saturday, March 11th at 7pm

Sunday, March 12th at 5pm (SENIOR NIGHT)


Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • March 9-12 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 9 Dance Club Recital

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


It turns out football and music do have a lot in common.  At least for Jason Kelce (NFL - Philadelphia Eagles) and Brandon Facyson (NFL - Indianapolis Colts). Here are two interesting stories of these two individuals and how music enhanced their skill set in all areas of life, and helped them in the professional world of football.  One of these is quite close to home…

Jason Kelce is currently a center for the Philadelphia Eagles.  He took up the baritone saxophone in middle school and high school, and has attributed his musical experiences to his work ethic and practice routines on the field.  “I consider a lot of my growth as a player and as a person happened learning the saxophone: being coached by conductors and teachers, reading sheet music and understanding how to practice by repeating the same thing over and over again and you see how much easier the song becomes,” Kelce said. “If you want to see how very cut-and-dry, how practice can cause you to improve, play an instrument. There’s not going to be anything more cut-and-dry. The first time you play the piano, you’re going to be pretty bad. You’ll get better pretty quick just by practicing. The value of practice and the value in putting in extra time, all of that was taught from music.”

Kelce also had great encouragement from his music and athletic directors.  “(Coach) encouraged guys to play sports and band,” Kelce said of Baker. “I always felt like at Cleveland Heights that there wasn’t this separation between band and athletics. All of my best friends and the guys I hung out with, did both.”

“The band works hard and late hours,” said another of his football coaches. “It’s a heck of a commitment when you have to go to practice after you’re getting out of practice. He balanced his studies and he’s just a well-rounded person. What he did has helped him become the man that he is today. He was passionate about all those things and worked everything out.”

To read the full Jason Kelce article, click here

Brandon Facyson is currently a cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts.  Brandon graduated from Northgate High School right here in Newnan, and was heavily involved in the band program under the direction of Alan Armstrong.  Here is Alan’s story…

This past Friday evening, I was helping aim our senior families over to a group picture on "Senior Night" when one of our school secretaries called to me "Alan, when you get a second, someone wants to see you".  I was preoccupied trying to make sure we got a good picture of all our seniors and assumed it was someone who was upset about something when she called to me again "Alan, you really need to come over".  I walked in her direction and then noticed this young man with a huge grin on his face. 

8 years after his graduation from our HS, one of the finest young men I've ever had the pleasure to teach had come back home to visit.  Brandon played sax in my concert band but also played football.  Early in his HS career, the Athletic Director had half jokingly told me one day "you can't have him, he's special"  Apparently Brandon had told one of the coaches he really enjoyed music and they were afraid I would try to convince him to give up football and join the marching band. 

He played in our concert bands for two years while playing football.

He got out of Band class after his sophomore year to get some extra weight training to bulk up a bit.  He did that with my blessing as it had become obvious to everyone that our AD had been right, he WAS special on the football field and I didn't want to hold him back in that area of his life.  For his senior year, he asked if he could come back to our Wind Ensemble because he had missed playing his horn.  He finished his senior year as a highly recruited Div I quality athlete, a sax player in our top ensemble and an honor graduate as well.  He went on to a standout collegiate career where he also prepared for his ultimate goal, being a doctor. 

After finishing his collegiate career he earned a spot with the Los Angeles Chargers and now plays for the Indianapolis Colts.  When we had a chance to catch up Friday night, I found the same incredibly kind, respectful, amazing young man I had met so many years ago.  We caught up for just a minute or two and then I asked if he was still planning to follow through on his long term goal.  He assured me that was still the "long term" plan, but said with a grin "I might play a few more years though...."  We laughed and I encouraged him to play as long as he wanted and his health held out, but I have NO doubt, this young man will go on to finish his working life as a doctor helping others when he hangs up his uniform for the last time. 

Don't ever let ANYONE tell you kids can't perform at a high level and be successful as an athlete, a musician AND a scholar.  No one said it was easy but I've learned over the years to never put MY limits on kids who wanted to push the boundaries of what people thought was possible, even if one of "those people" was me.

I hope one day EVERY teacher gets to teach a kid like Brandon!

-Alan Armstrong is currently the Head Band Director at Northgate High School, where he has taught students music since the school opened in 1996.  He is in his 34th year of public school teaching. 



Our Spring show is just around the corner. Rehearsals are now in progress for our upcoming Middle School production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances will be April 14 & 15 - more info to come! Please reach out to Emily Litton at with any questions! We are so proud of our Middle Schoolers and cannot wait to see what they do!



Congratulations to the two casts of The Jungle Book, Kids! We are so excited about the 70 students we have presenting this story! Performances will be in May and more info to come! Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


We are currently in rehearsals for all ages of our Dance Club, PreK through 12th grade.  This new offering for our students has become quickly popular, and we are working toward our first Trinity recital!  The recital will take place at the Wadsworth Theatre in Downtown Newnan on May 9th at 6pm.  More information to come - please reach out to Kelsea Krisle at with any questions.


Performing artist Luis Alas is one of Trinity’s own.  He has collaborated with Performing Arts, and also attends Trinity Church Español.  This is a great opportunity for a night of fun in Downtown Newnan.


We are excited to offer opportunities this summer for all grades to continue growing in their love for performance! From one week camps to full productions, there is something for every type of performer! Make sure to check out the Camp Landing Page to see dates and costs as well as register!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 164

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 26, 2023

Volume 164


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • March 9-12 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


This week in the Band Room four middle school students spent 30 minutes going over parts for one of their songs.  It was fun, productive . . . and profound.  They are forming a bond that will last them for a long time, and music is the medium.  The Band Room has become a safe place for them to be authentic in expression and personality.  And the benefits will certainly help them in all areas of their lives.

This sense of teamwork and camaraderie is one of a long list of benefits music education affords our Arts students, and supports our view that the Arts are a highly valuable part of your student’s well-rounded education at TCS.  Continually emerging evidence suggests the area of the brain controlling both musical ability and language comprehension are more related than previously thought.  Improved memory, strengthened hand-eye coordination, powerful study habits, teamwork, heightened mental processing, and improved problem solving abilities are all strongly supported benefits of a solid music education.

The New England Board of Higher Education published Tuning In: Six Benefits of Music Education for Kids by Jenny Silverstone.  This article is a great read if you want to explore these benefits in greater detail, including links to specific studies.  “Music education is an important aspect of providing children with a well-rounded education. When allowed to work in harmony with other subjects and areas of study, music helps children grow in self-esteem, build essential skills and prepare for bright futures.”


We are excited to offer opportunities this summer for all grades to continue growing in their love for performance! From one week camps to full productions, there is something for every type of performer! Make sure to check out the Camp Landing Page to see dates and costs as well as register!

High School THEATRE

Les Miserables Experience


Support our High School Roaring Dramatics and upcoming production of LES MISÉRABLES.

We are doing a fundraiser where ANYONE (students, parents, grandparents!) can purchase these shirts to not only represent the incredible message of redemption in LES MISÉRABLES, but also directly fund needed costumes, sets, and props!

ORDER BY END OF DAY TOMORROW, MONDAY, Feb. 27th to join the revolution and remind our community of the beauty of GRACE and REDEMPTION in Christ as shown through the story of Les Misérables!

  • Youth Sizes - $15

  • Adult Sizes - $20


Presenting the Les Miserables EXPERIENCE! This night will be the perfect way for families to engage with the content of LES MISÉRABLES in an age appropriate way! We will have crafts and immersive activities for all ages AND will be joined by Lisa’s Creperie to purchase food! The night will end with our understudy students and other special guests performing select pieces from the show! Get the best of LES MISÉRABLES with the whole family!


Set against the backdrop of 19th century France, LES MISÉRABLES tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption – a timeless testament to the idea of, "climbing towards the light." When Valjean comes face to face with grace, he changes his life to share that grace with others, leaving some hope in the midst of a broken world. Themes of extreme poverty, revolution battles, and onstage deaths are present.

Special VIP Tickets! Join us on the front lines of the barricade in premium seating reserved for you and your party. Start your experience with your selection of crepe from Lisa’s Crepes and enjoy other surprises throughout the show!


  • General Admission - Student - $10

  • General Admission - Adult - $20

  • VIP Ticket - $50



Our High School Thespians, Troupe 8184, had the honor of attending the Georgia Thespian Conference two weeks ago. There they presented their One Act play, The 39 Steps: Even More Abridged to two sold out crowds, competed for scholarships, and even won an award for the tech team! We are proud of our Thespians and the hard work they put into growing their gifts and talents!




Rehearsals are about to start for our upcoming Middle School production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances will be in April and more info to come! Please reach out to Emily Litton at with any questions! We are so proud of our Middle Schoolers and cannot wait to see what they do!



Congratulations to the two casts of The Jungle Book, Kids! We are so excited about the 70 students we have presenting this story! Performances will be in May and more info to come! Please reach out to Rebekah Kenerly at with any questions!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 163

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 19, 2023

Volume 163


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-12 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


This week in the Band Room four middle school students spent 30 minutes going over parts for one of their songs.  It was fun, productive . . . and profound.  They are forming a bond that will last them for a long time, and music is the medium.  The Band Room has become a safe place for them to be authentic in expression and personality.  And the benefits will certainly help them in all areas of their lives.

This sense of teamwork and camaraderie is one of a long list of benefits music education affords our Arts students, and supports our view that the Arts are a highly valuable part of your student’s well-rounded education at TCS.  Continually emerging evidence suggests the area of the brain controlling both musical ability and language comprehension are more related than previously thought.  Improved memory, strengthened hand-eye coordination, powerful study habits, teamwork, heightened mental processing, and improved problem solving abilities are all strongly supported benefits of a solid music education.

The New England Board of Higher Education published Tuning In: Six Benefits of Music Education for Kids by Jenny Silverstone.  This article is a great read if you want to explore these benefits in greater detail, including links to specific studies.  “Music education is an important aspect of providing children with a well-rounded education. When allowed to work in harmony with other subjects and areas of study, music helps children grow in self-esteem, build essential skills and prepare for bright futures.”


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or


Les Miserables Experience

Save the date for our Les Miserables Experience on Friday, March 3rd! This night will be the perfect way for families to engage with the content of Les Miserables in an age appropriate way! We will have crafts and immersive activities for all ages AND will be joined by Lisa’s Creperie to purchase food! The night will end with our understudy students performing select pieces from the show! Get the best of Les Miserables with the whole family!

Full productions Thursday through Sunday, March 9th-12th. More details to come!


Save the Date for our middle school's MANEstage Production of "You're a Good Man,  Charlie Brown" performing on April 14th and 15th. Stayed tuned for ticketing info and behind the scenes peeks coming soon!!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 162

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 12, 2023

Volume 162


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


This week in the Band Room four middle school students spent 30 minutes going over parts for one of their songs.  It was fun, productive . . . and profound.  They are forming a bond that will last them for a long time, and music is the medium.  The Band Room has become a safe place for them to be authentic in expression and personality.  And the benefits will certainly help them in all areas of their lives.

This sense of teamwork and camaraderie is one of a long list of benefits music education affords our Arts students, and supports our view that the Arts are a highly valuable part of your student’s well-rounded education at TCS.  Continually emerging evidence suggests the area of the brain controlling both musical ability and language comprehension are more related than previously thought.  Improved memory, strengthened hand-eye coordination, powerful study habits, teamwork, heightened mental processing, and improved problem solving abilities are all strongly supported benefits of a solid music education.

The New England Board of Higher Education published Tuning In: Six Benefits of Music Education for Kids by Jenny Silverstone.  This article is a great read if you want to explore these benefits in greater detail, including links to specific studies.  “Music education is an important aspect of providing children with a well-rounded education. When allowed to work in harmony with other subjects and areas of study, music helps children grow in self-esteem, build essential skills and prepare for bright futures.”


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or


Les Miserables Experience

Save the date for our Les Miserables Experience on Friday, March 3rd! This night will be the perfect way for families to engage with the content of Les Miserables in an age appropriate way! We will have crafts and immersive activities for all ages AND will be joined by Lisa’s Creperie to purchase food! The night will end with our understudy students performing select pieces from the show! Get the best of Les Miserables with the whole family!

Full productions March 9th-Saturday 12th. More details to come!


Save the Date for our middle school's MANEstage Production of "You're a Good Man,  Charlie Brown" performing on April 14th and 15th. Stayed tuned for ticketing info and behind the scenes peeks coming soon!!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 161

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 5, 2023

Volume 161


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available.  In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre.  Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age.  We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music.  Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.  

Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement.  These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop.  Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.

“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.  “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.”  We firmly believe this to be true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years.  “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”    

We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life.  We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this.  Enjoy your musical journey all through life!  It’s worth it!!

Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age.  Click the link here to read more…


Join us on Monday night, February 6th, at 7pm in The Gathering Place as we take a journey through classical time periods of music.  We will enjoy the HS Chamber Group and HS Chorus as they perform Bach, Debussy, Mozart, Brahms and more.  This is a quaint and cultural annual event you won’t want to miss.  Free admission, we hope to see you there!


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or


Les Miserables Experience

Save the date for our Les Miserables Experience on Friday, March 3rd! This night will be the perfect way for families to engage with the content of Les Miserables in an age appropriate way! We will have crafts and immersive activities for all ages AND will be joined by Lisa’s Creperie to purchase food! The night will end with our understudy students performing select pieces from the show! Get the best of Les Miserables with the whole family!

Full productions March 9th-Saturday 12th. More details to come!


Save the Date for our middle school's MANEstage Production of "You're a Good Man,  Charlie Brown" performing on April 14th and 15th. Stayed tuned for ticketing info and behind the scenes peeks coming soon!!


Our registration for Drama Club is open and we are excited to present, DISNEY’s THE JUNGLE BOOK KIDS! We have a limited number of spots available, and we are happy to add you to waiting list until spots re-open!

Club will start the week of February 6th!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 160

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 29, 2023

Volume 160


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available.  In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre.  Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age.  We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music.  Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.  

Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement.  These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop.  Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.

“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.  “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.”  We firmly believe this to be true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years.  “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”    

We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life.  We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this.  Enjoy your musical journey all through life!  It’s worth it!!

Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age.  Click the link here to read more…


The Trinity Roaring Dramatics production of Les Miserables is in need of some creative space! Our design and construction team is looking for space to be utilized as storage and a work space as we create the set for the upcoming spring musical Les Miserables! If you or someone you know has some space that is protected from the elements, and don't mind a group of high schoolers and volunteers in that space between next week and the first week of March, we would love to hear from you! Please email - Thank You!


Join us on Monday night, February 6th, at 7pm in The Gathering Place as we take a journey through classical time periods of music.  We will enjoy the HS Chamber Group and HS Chorus as they perform Bach, Debussy, Mozart, Brahms and more.  This is a quaint and cultural annual event you won’t want to miss.  Free admission, we hope to see you there!


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or


It’s not too late to sign up!  Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling!  This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons.  We can't wait to see you on Monday afternoons!!

5th-8th Grade students

1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023

3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays

Performance set for March 27

$50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt

Please email if interested.


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…
What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest.  If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access.  For more information, please email


Les Miserables Experience

Save the date for our Les Miserables Experience on Friday, March 3rd! This night will be the perfect way for families to engage with the content of Les Miserables in an age appropriate way! We will have crafts and immersive activities for all ages AND will be joined by Lisa’s Creperie to purchase food! The night will end with our understudy students performing select pieces from the show! Get the best of Les Miserables with the whole family!

Full productions March 9th-Saturday 12th. More details to come!


Save the Date for our middle school's MANEstage Production of "You're a Good Man,  Charlie Brown" performing on April 14th and 15th. Stayed tuned for ticketing info and behind the scenes peeks coming soon!!


Our registration for Drama Club is open and we are excited to present, DISNEY’s THE JUNGLE BOOK KIDS! We have a limited number of spots available, and we are happy to add you to waiting list until spots re-open!

Club will start the week of February 6th!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 
Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 159

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 22, 2023

Volume 159


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available.  In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre.  Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age.  We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music.  Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.  

Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement.  These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop.  Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.

“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.  “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.”  We firmly believe this to be true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years.  “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”    

We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life.  We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this.  Enjoy your musical journey all through life!  It’s worth it!!

Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age.  Click the link here to read more…


The Trinity Roaring Dramatics production of Les Miserables is in need of some creative space! Our design and construction team is looking for space to be utilized as storage and a work space as we create the set for the upcoming spring musical Les Miserables! If you or someone you know has some space that is protected from the elements, and don't mind a group of high schoolers and volunteers in that space between next week and the first week of March, we would love to hear from you! Please email - Thank You!


Join us on Monday night, February 6th, at 7pm in The Gathering Place as we take a journey through classical time periods of music.  We will enjoy the HS Chamber Group and HS Chorus as they perform Bach, Debussy, Mozart, Brahms and more.  This is a quaint and cultural annual event you won’t want to miss.  Free admission, we hope to see you there!


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or


Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling!  This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons.  We can't wait to see you next semester!  Please email if interested. 

  • 5th-8th Grade students

  • 1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023

  • 3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays

  • Performance set for March 27

  • $50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest.  If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access.  For more information, please email



As Spring approaches we are excited to rejoin as a cast to start rehearsals and welcome any who are wishing to join the production set to perform April 14th and 15th. Parents of cast members, be on the lookout for a parent/cast meeting coming soon! If you are wishing to join the production, please email


Our initial registration for Drama Club has now opened to our current club members.  We will send the school-wide email on Monday to see the additional level of interest.

1st-5th grades

We are excited to offer another opportunities for your 1st-5th graders to participate in Drama Club this semester! We will have a limited number of spots available, so please be ready to sign up soon! 

COST: $200 - This payment will include guaranteed high-quality video and photography, as well as other fun things!  

Right now we are planning Mondays and Thursdays. The announcement for our show title and form to sign up will be through forms on Blackbaud and available NEXT WEEK.

Club will start the week of January 23rd!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 158

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 15, 2023

Volume 158


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available.  In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre.  Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age.  We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music.  Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.  

Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement.  These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop.  Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.

“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.  “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.”  We firmly believe this to true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years.  “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”    

We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life.  We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this.  Enjoy your musical journey all through life!  It’s worth it!!

Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age.  Click the link here to read more…


Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling!  This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons.  We can't wait to see you next semester!  Please email if interested. 

  • 5th-8th Grade students

  • 1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023

  • 3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays

  • Performance set for March 27

  • $50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest.  If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access.  For more information, please email


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or 


1st-5th grades

We are excited to offer other opportunities for your 1st-5th graders to participate in Drama Club this semester! We will have a limited number of spots available, so please be ready to sign up soon! 

COST: $200 - This payment will include guaranteed high-quality video and photography, as well as other fun things!  

Right now we are planning Mondays and Thursdays, but this is not confirmed. The announcement for our show title and form to sign up will be through forms on Blackbaud and available NEXT WEEK.

Club will start the week of January 23rd!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at


Rehearsals are underway! Parents and cast members, be on the lookout this week for rehearsal schedule and important dates!

Save the date for the show, March 9th-11th!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 157

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 8, 2023

Volume 157


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 5-7 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


At TCS we promote music education from the very first class available.  In PreK-3 we start our youngest students on a track including Music and Theatre.  Mrs. Emily Litton is doing an incredible job in Preschool and Kindergarten, taking students systematically through movement and experience that begins to stoke a love for music even at this young age.  We use a program called Prodigies ( that takes them all the way through 3rd grade in their foundational understanding of music.  Mrs. Cathy Settle also excels as she takes over in 1st grade and beyond, and by using the same Prodigies curriculum the students are seamlessly continuing their music education journey.  

Then in 4th and 5th grade students begin to select instrumental or choral classes, allowing more performance-based opportunities as they streamline their Arts involvement.  These opportunities continue all the way through high school, and increase in rigor and function as the students develop.  Our goal is to provide a musical track all the way through the Trinity experience, and to create lifelong musicians.

“Research has found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas.  “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving is really bringing a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning,” says Mary Luehrisen, executive director of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a not-for-profit association that promotes the benefits of making music.”  We firmly believe this to true at Trinity, and want as many students as possible embracing this musical journey for years and years.  “The horizons are higher when you are involved in music . . . Your understanding of art and the world, and how you can think and express yourself are enhanced.” says Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing musician.”    

We believe music education enhances your student in all areas of life.  We seek to make students “well rounded” and advocate that music must be a part of this journey in order to accomplish this.  Enjoy your musical journey all through life!  It’s worth it!!

Here’s our January article supporting the many benefits of music education, and starting at an early age.  Click the link here to read more…


Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling!  This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons.  We can't wait to see you next semester!  Please email if interested. 

  • 5th-8th Grade students

  • 1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023

  • 3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays

  • Performance set for March 27

  • $50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest.  If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access.  For more information, please email


We love to provide opportunities for our students to exhibit the many talents that God has gifted them... and the Elementary Talent Show is a highly anticipated event! Sign up below:


For more information: or 


1st-5th grades

We are excited to offer other opportunities for your 1st-5th graders to participate in Drama Club this semester! We will have a limited number of spots available, so please be ready to sign up soon! 

COST: $200 - This payment will include guaranteed high-quality video and photography, as well as other fun things!  

Right now we are planning Mondays and Thursdays, but this is not confirmed. The announcement for our show title and form to sign up will be through forms on Blackbaud and available NEXT WEEK.

Club will start the week of January 23rd!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lizzie Perez at


Rehearsals are underway! Parents and cast members, be on the lookout this week for rehearsal schedule and important dates!

Save the date for the show, March 9th-11th!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Google Link:

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 156

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published January 1, 2023

Volume 156


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


Happy New Year!  We have so many exciting things in store, and I’m so glad we are all part of the Trinity family!  From plays, to concerts, to trips and festivals - this is sure to be a continuation of the growth we’ve all been experiencing in Performing Arts at Trinity.  

We will continue with our articles like we have been posting all year, the next one will be posted in next week’s newsletter.  There are so many benefits to the Arts and your students’ development.  They benefit as a musician, as a student, as a maturing young adult, and as a child of God - all from being involved actively in the Arts.

Lord, grant us an incredible new year, filled with your Presence and your perfect will!  We can’t wait to see what YOU have in store for us in 2023 and beyond.


Drum Club is a Spring after school activity that keeps our 5th-8th grade percussionists rolling!  This is also a good way to plug in to our Drum Corps in future seasons.  We can't wait to see you next semester!  Please email if interested.

  • 5th-8th Grade students

  • 1st Rehearsal - Monday, January 9, 2023

  • 3:30-5pm weekly on Mondays

  • Performance set for March 27

  • $50/student fee includes drum sticks and club shirt


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd. 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest.  If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access.  For more information, please email


We have a few openings available starting in January and would love to get your student involved in private lessons.  To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

 Here is a list of our current instructors.  

  • Stacee Adams - Piano - 

  • Terri Ingram - Horn - 

  • Natalie King - Violin - 

  • Sharissa Manwaring - Strings - 

  • Bill Melton - Low Brass - 

  • Katie Palmer - Trumpet - 

  • Lizzie Perez - Theatre, Voice -  

  • Cathy Settle - Piano, Voice - 

  • Wayne Sipe - Guitar - 

  • Nathanael Woodruff - Guitar -   

  • Shae Johnson - Voice - 

  • Caleb Ramirez - Piano - 

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 155

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 11, 2022

Volume 155


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.  Here are just a few to start, but many more dates and events will be posted soon…

  • December 15 Lower School Christmas Extravaganza

  • February 1 Deadline for All Forms - Fine Arts, Southern Star, Literary

  • February 3-4 MS & HS District Honor Bands

  • February 6 Winter Classics Concert - HS Chamber Group & Chorus

  • February 9-11 ThesCon - Columbus, GA

  • February 23 Elementary Talent Show

  • March 9-11 HS Musical - Les Miserables

  • March 17-18 District Fine Arts Festival

  • April 14-15 MS Musical - You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown

  • April 21-22 Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival

  • April 27 Performing Arts Awards Night

  • May 1 Orchestra Concert

  • May 2 Band Concert

  • May 3 MS Talent Show

  • May 3-5 Marching Lions Auditions

  • May 11 Chorus Concert


“When I grow up, I want to be just like you!”  We hear this all through life in one way or another.  Someone younger than us sees something they admire, and they make a comment about that trait being worth pursuing as they navigate life.  For me, when I grow up I still want to feel and act young.  In the world of brain function and neural response this is actually attainable through music.  We’ve been referencing brain function in our monthly articles all throughout the school year, and here is another article that defends the theory that brain development and function all throughout life is enhanced by involvement in the Arts. 

In “The Argument for Music Education” there are interesting findings as people age.  For us parents and grandparents, the continued enjoyment of music performance is equally as important as to our students.  In the research from this article, “some of the most surprising results came from musicians in their sixties and seventies, who showed stronger memory, attention, and hearing abilities than did contemporaries who had never participated in music training. We also found direct evidence for differences in brain function between older musicians and nonmusicians. Neural responses to speech generally slow as we age. Not so in lifelong musicians: A 65-year-old musician’s neural responses are indistinguishable from those of a 25-year-old nonmusician … Musical experience early in life imparts lifelong neuroplasticity.”  Interested in more on this subject?  Click the link here to read further… 

It’s not enough to just take music for a year or two.  The encouragement is that it becomes a lifelong pursuit for all, and the benefits are real and tangible.  Keep practicing!  Keep playing music!  And keep enjoying live music for as long as possible, for all your life.  You will be glad you did!  And when you “grow up” you will look back with benefits aplenty!


Here are some pictures of our concerts this December.  Our students have treated us to so many different forms of music, and we hope you have enjoyed each and every one.  A very merry Christmas to you from all of us!!


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest. If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access. For more information, please email


We have a few openings available starting in January and would love to get your student involved in private lessons.  To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

Here is a list of our current instructors.  

  • Stacee Adams - Piano - 

  • Terri Ingram - Horn - 

  • Natalie King - Violin - 

  • Sharissa Manwaring - Strings - 

  • Bill Melton - Low Brass - 

  • Katie Palmer - Trumpet - 

  • Lizzie Perez - Theatre, Voice -  

  • Cathy Settle - Piano, Voice - 

  • Wayne Sipe - Guitar - 

  • Nathanael Woodruff - Guitar -   

  • Shae Johnson - Voice - 

  • Caleb Ramirez - Piano - 

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 154

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published December 4, 2022

Volume 154


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.  Here are just a few to start, but many more dates and events will be posted soon…

  • December 5  Recorders Concert - 6pm, HS Auditorium

  • December 6  Band Concert - 7pm, HS Auditorium

  • December 8 Chorus Concert - 7pm, First Baptist Church, Newnan

  • December 9-11 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • December 10 HS All State Auditions - Whitewater High School

  • December 15 Lower School Christmas Program 6pm

*Questions or comments, please contact


“When I grow up, I want to be just like you!”  We hear this all through life in one way or another.  Someone younger than us sees something they admire, and they make a comment about that trait being worth pursuing as they navigate life.  For me, when I grow up I still want to feel and act young.  In the world of brain function and neural response this is actually attainable through music.  We’ve been referencing brain function in our monthly articles all throughout the school year, and here is another article that defends the theory that brain development and function all throughout life is enhanced by involvement in the Arts. 

In “The Argument for Music Education” there are interesting findings as people age.  For us parents and grandparents, the continued enjoyment of music performance is equally as important as to our students.  In the research from this article, “some of the most surprising results came from musicians in their sixties and seventies, who showed stronger memory, attention, and hearing abilities than did contemporaries who had never participated in music training. We also found direct evidence for differences in brain function between older musicians and nonmusicians. Neural responses to speech generally slow as we age. Not so in lifelong musicians: A 65-year-old musician’s neural responses are indistinguishable from those of a 25-year-old nonmusician … Musical experience early in life imparts lifelong neuroplasticity.”  Interested in more on this subject?  Click the link here to read further… 

It’s not enough to just take music for a year or two.  The encouragement is that it becomes a lifelong pursuit for all, and the benefits are real and tangible.  Keep practicing!  Keep playing music!  And keep enjoying live music for as long as possible, for all your life.  You will be glad you did!  And when you “grow up” you will look back with benefits aplenty!


This past Thursday was the first of our December concerts, with many more to come. Our Orchestra performed wonderfully, and the progress is evident. Check out these pictures from the concert. And be sure to catch some of the upcoming performances as well. We can’t wait to see you there!


We have just launched our newest area of Performing Arts - DANCE!!  Mrs. Kelsea Krisle will be leading this club after school, and there is a place for students of all ages.  Check out the details below…

What To Expect: This club is designed for all ages at Trinity.  We will meet after school one day per week for each age range (schedule below).  Various styles will be taught including ballet, tap, contemporary and hip-hop

Season: The club season will begin the week of January 9, 2023.  Students will rehearse weekly until the end of season recital in early May.


  • Mondays High School 3:45-5pm

  • Tuesdays Elementary 1st-3rd 3:45-4:45pm

  • Wednesdays PreK/K 2:15-3:15pm (At GO Church)

  • Thursdays Middle School 3:45-5pm

  • Fridays Elementary 4th-5th 3:45-4:45pm

Location: PreK/K will take place on the GO Church campus (transportation will not be provided back to the main campus) // All other age levels will take place on the main campus.

Costumes: These will be included within the club fee.  All performers will receive a costume that will be theirs to keep.  (Shoes will be purchased by each family separately)

Recital: Each semester season will end with a student recital.  This upcoming semester will conclude in early May.  More details to come…

Club Fee: $170 per student, per semester.  Fees are used for costumes, instructor fees, supplies, and other items.

We have attached forms to many Blackbaud accounts, for those who have already expressed interest. If you don’t see this form to register, please let us know and we will make sure you have access. For more information, please email


We have a few openings available starting in January and would love to get your student involved in private lessons.  To enhance the Performing Arts experience at Trinity Christian School we offer the opportunity for private instruction, with a growing number of vocal and instrumental options. Our programs offer instruction at various levels to include those who are newly discovering their musical talents, as well as those who have been refining their art for years.  Interested in private instruction?  This is the place for you!

Here is a list of our current instructors.  

  • Stacee Adams - Piano - 

  • Terri Ingram - Horn - 

  • Natalie King - Violin - 

  • Sharissa Manwaring - Strings - 

  • Bill Melton - Low Brass - 

  • Katie Palmer - Trumpet - 

  • Lizzie Perez - Theatre, Voice -  

  • Cathy Settle - Piano, Voice - 

  • Wayne Sipe - Guitar - 

  • Nathanael Woodruff - Guitar -   

  • Shae Johnson - Voice - 

  • Caleb Ramirez - Piano - 

For information regarding private music lessons, please contact one of the above instructors or visit  

To register, please contact  All private music lessons are taught on the TCS campus, and are scheduled on an individual basis.  We can’t wait to get you started!!


There are so many exciting events happening throughout the school year in the Arts.  Here are a few to put on your calendar as you begin to look toward the Spring semester.  Great things to come…

  • High School Chamber Group & Chorus - Winter Classics Concert - February 6

  • High School Musical - Les Miserables - March 9-11

  • District Fine Arts Festival - March 17-18

  • Middle School Musical - You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown - April 14-15

  • Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival - April 21-22

  • Performing Arts Awards Night - April 27


Elementary Drama Club - 101 Dalmations

Tickets on sale NOW for 101 Dalmatians Kids! 

We are so excited to present TWO Casts of amazingly talented 1st-5th graders for performances in December. All performances will be in Building 1 in the Student Center.

Performances are:

  • Friday, December 9 at 6pm (Thunderbolt Cast)

  • Saturday, December 10 at 2pm (Thunderbolt Cast)

  • Saturday, December 10 at 6pm (Kanine Krunchies Cast)

  • Sunday, December 11 at 2pm (Kanine Krunchies Cast)

Thunderbolt Cast ticket links:

Kanine Krunchies Cast ticket links:

Contact for more information.


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help! 

Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 153

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published November 27, 2022

Volume 153


Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director



Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events.  Here are just a few to start, but many more dates and events will be posted soon…

  • December 1 Orchestra Concert - 7pm, HS Auditorium

  • December 3 MS All State Auditions - Ola Middle School

  • December 5  Recorders Concert - 6pm, HS Auditorium

  • December 6  Band Concert - 7pm, HS Auditorium

  • December 8 Chorus Concert - 7pm, First Baptist Church, Newnan

  • December 9-11 Elementary Drama Club Performances

  • December 10 HS All State Auditions - Whitewater High School

  • December 15 Lower School Christmas Program 6pm

*Questions or comments, please contact


In Performing Arts, we teach students of all ages to play instruments. From Preschool all the way through High School, and from beginners to more advanced students, we see them at all levels of maturity and development. One of our joys is to see a student develop throughout the years we teach them in areas like patience, self confidence, and even social skills. We believe that playing a musical instrument plays a direct role in their development in these areas and more. Being involved in the Arts touches a student on all levels, and truly prepares today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world. Check out this article for 10 Reasons Why Every Child Should Play a Musical Instrument.


There are so many exciting events happening throughout the school year in the Arts.  Here are a few to put on your calendar as you begin to look toward the Spring semester.  Great things to come…

  • High School Chamber Group & Chorus - Winter Classics Concert - February 6

  • High School Musical - Les Miserables - March 9-11

  • District Fine Arts Festival - March 17-18

  • Middle School Musical - You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown - April 14-15

  • Southern Star Band & Orchestra Festival - April 21-22

  • Performing Arts Awards Night - April 27


Elementary Drama Club - 101 Dalmations

Tickets on sale NOW for 101 Dalmatians Kids! 

We are so excited to present TWO Casts of amazingly talented 1st-5th graders for performances in December. All performances will be in Building 1 in the Student Center.

Performances are:

  • Friday, December 9 at 6pm (Thunderbolt Cast)

  • Saturday, December 10 at 2pm (Thunderbolt Cast)

  • Saturday, December 10 at 6pm (Kanine Krunchies Cast)

  • Sunday, December 11 at 2pm (Kanine Krunchies Cast)

Thunderbolt Cast ticket links:

Kanine Krunchies Cast ticket links:

Contact for more information.

Join us Friday, December 2nd and Saturday, December 3rd for our High School play, Closed for the Holidays. Groups of people, all looking for their own Christmas miracle, end up at the Valdosta Community Shelter as the Georgia/Florida line has frozen over. By interacting with each other, they come to find Christmas isn't in things or presents, it's celebrated with the people around you. Student directed by MJ Poling, and performed by our 9th-12th grade Roaring Dramatics.

Tickets include a hot chocolate bar and will be sure to get anyone ready for the upcoming holiday season! Tickets on sale soon!


Many of our parents ask us how they can help.  If you are interested in volunteering in any area of the Arts, please fill out the following Google Form.  We will make sure your information gets to the correct staff member and we get you plugged in.  We have amazing families - thank you in advance for your help!