Upper Elementary News

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 55

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 11, 2020

Volume 55

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



We are praying that each of you has a wonderful and restful Fall Break with family and friends. We are so blessed by all that God has done in Q1, and we cannot wait to see all that God has in store for us in Q2.


Mr. Vinson, Mr. Higgins and Mr. Tipton spoke on what it means to bear the image of God for our Spiritual Emphasis Week. Ask your child what they learned!

octoBER MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 1:15-16 (ESV)

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him. 


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • Returning in Q2


Ask your child about this month’s image that is being focused on in our Habitudes leadership/character development classes. 

  • 6th Grade: The Starving Baker - This is a common hazard for leaders. We’re like the baker who spends so much time baking bread for others, we forget to eat ourselves. Leaders must feed themselves for personal growth.

  • 7th and 8th: The Talking Stick - The Talking Stick reminds us that before we lead we must listen. Leaders seek to understand the perspective of others before they communicate their own point. They show empathy and ask good questions. As a result, they earn the right to be heard.


Don’t forget that all of the remote work from Thursday and Friday will be due upon our return on Monday, October 19.


  • 8th Grade Picture Day = Tuesday, October 20

  • 6th and 7th Grade Picture Day = Wednesday, October 21

  • NOTE: Students are required to be in normal dress code attire


Staff Contacts

Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenge. 

Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org

  • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 54

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 4, 2020

Volume 54

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Matthew 5:9 contains one of the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” What a challenging verse when you reflect on the implications it communicates. As Christians, we are called to bring peace to the environments around us. Whether we are the one who has caused the offense, or whether someone has offended us, Jesus expects us as His followers to initiate and secure peace in our relationships with others. By doing so, we reflect His image of peacemaking in a way that warrants us being called “sons”, much like when a son is the spitting image of his biological father. Peacemaking is a trait we seek to instill in the hearts of our students as we challenge them to embrace the image of God they possess while pursuing healthy relationships with their peers.


Mr. Vinson spoke from Matthew 13:44 on The Parable of the Hidden Treasure, reminding us that while we should always strive to do the right thing, even when it is costly (Nee House motto), that the cost we end up paying does not compare to all that we gain by following Jesus.

octoBER MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 1:15-16 (ESV)

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him. 

*REMINDER: Extra Credit Memory Verse Quiz this week in all Bible classes!


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Reagan Peavy

  • 5th - Sadie Diamond


As a reminder, with Mrs. Parrish’s recent resignation, please send any correspondence that you would have normally sent to her directly to me (adam.vinson@tcslions.org) moving forward, and I will make sure the information is distributed to the appropriate faculty members.


  • Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes. 

  • Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenge. 

Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org

  • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 53

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 27, 2020

Volume 53

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



The book of Malachi addresses Israel’s sin of offering less than their best to God when it came to their worship. Rather than bringing God their best animal sacrifices as they had been commanded to, they were bringing the sick, the lame and the blind - essentially their leftovers that had no real value to them. God’s response is that our offering and its level of excellence reflects the worth we are seeking to attribute to God Himself. In the New Testament, the same standards apply, even though animal sacrifices are no longer relevant for today (Thank you Jesus!). Instead, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1) by seeking to bring God glory through doing our best in everything we do (I Cor. 10:31). As we come to the end of Q1 in the next couple of weeks and begin looking to Fall Break, let me encourage you to spur your child on to finish out this quarter strong by doing their very best. While each student’s “best” will look different, we know that as each student sows into their school work with full effort, they are bound to reap the rewards of those efforts!


Mr. Higgins (Director of Student Development) spoke from I Samuel 24 and what it means to be a man after God’s own heart. By looking at David’s example of faith, humility, and love for his enemies, Mr. Higgins challenged our students to do the same.


And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Heidi Paschal

  • 5th - Asher Griffith


As a reminder, with Mrs. Parrish’s recent resignation, please send any correspondence that you would have normally sent to her directly to me (adam.vinson@tcslions.org) moving forward, and I will make sure the information is distributed to the appropriate faculty members.


  • Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes. 

  • Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenge. 

Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org

  • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 52

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 20, 2020

Volume 52

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Zechariah 8:14 is a passage that reflects God’s heart to be very intentional in both the ways He corrects/rebukes and in the ways He affirms/loves His people. As an image bearer of God, I know I desire to be the same. I shared with our staff this week that I am not naturally good at being affirming or encouraging. I’m great at the correction and rebuke side of things when I see someone doing the wrong thing, but I have to work at the piece where I affirm, celebrate and encourage others when they are doing what is right. My ongoing goal is to grow into the type of person that can echo what God says in the book of Zechariah. I want to be a person who is just as intentional in the ways that I encourage and uplift our staff and our students as I am with addressing and correcting issues that I might see in both. I hope you will see that more and more in the ways our faculty and staff interact with you and your child as well. We have such a heart for helping your students learn, grow and develop this year. While we want to hold them accountable to their choices and actions, we also want to be very intentional in creating an environment where your child always feels loved, supported and cared for on a daily basis. Let me know how we are doing throughout this year!


Coach Ross spoke on the call we have as Christians to find ways to serve others in need, the character trait of the Wycliffe House. Using Romans 1:20 and Luke 19:1-10, Coach Ross helped us see that God has created each of us in unique ways to image God and has given us strength to support those in our life who need help. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.


And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Gus Schaefer

  • 5th - Maia Word


With the NFL and college football seasons kicking off, we want to celebrate the return of football by allowing our students to wear their favorite football jersey or shirt on Friday, September 25 with jeans or normal dress code bottoms. Students may also wear their normal Friday TCS spirit wear attire too. All students who participate will earn house points!


Don’t forget that Trinity outerwear is required in the classrooms and hallways. Non-TCS jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts may be worn outside when arriving and departing, but once on campus, students are expected to be in TCS outerwear if they choose to wear something on top of their collared shirt. TCS outerwear is available for purchase in our school store.


  • Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes. 

  • Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

  • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenge. 

Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org

  • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 51

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 13, 2020

Volume 51

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



In the book of Haggai, the prophet challenged the people of Israel who had returned from captivity in Babylon to examine their spiritual priorities as they put their lives back together. The defeat to Babylyon was a major ordeal that completely disrupted their lives (calendars, schedules, normal activities, etc.). After returning home the people had done a great job of rebuilding their own homes, but the temple of God remained in ruins. (Haggai 1:2-5) They had prioritized their personal lives, but their participation in worship was not getting the focus it deserved.

Studying this book of the Bible challenged me particularly in my own efforts of how I put the pieces of my life back together after the state of quarantine we endured through the spring and summer. What I want to avoid is a scenario where I return to work, return to social activities, but fail to return to my previous involvement in spiritual activities, particularly in the ways I serve my local church.

Let me encourage you to step back and examine whether you are working to rebuild the spiritual aspects of your life as much as you are the earthly aspects. We certainly endured a crazy season of life when our schedules and daily activities were completely altered from the norm. Now that we are back in school and many have returned to work, this is a great opportunity to re-engage with the local church, especially now that many are hosting in-person services once again. Let us not be guilty of being people who are ready to attend a Friday night football game, but not quite ready to attend Sunday worship!


Mr. Vinson spoke on the call we have as Christians to stand against culture when it is wrong, the character trait of the Robinson House. Using Lev. 18:1-5 and Romans 12:1-2, Mr. Vinson helped us see that God’s Word defines right and wrong for us, and we are called to live according to its standards rather than conforming to the cultural norms around us. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.


And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Sawyer Boone

  • 5th - Elle Jerger


Encourage your child to take advantage of the opportunity to earn house points by coming to school dressed in their house color on Thursday, Sept. 17! Students may wear jeans or normal dress code/uniform bottoms with a house color shirt. Hats may also be worn if they coincide with the house color. 

  • Nee House (4th Grade) - PURPLE

  • Wycliffe House (5th Grade) - BLACK


  • Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes. 

  • Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)

    • Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY. 

    • All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

    Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenge. 

    Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org

    • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 50

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 6, 2020

Volume 50

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal


Are you wondering about spring pictures from last school year/Spring 2020? 

Please email Stacy at specialtyphoto@bellsouth.net and copy tracy.harrelson@tcslions.org on the email inquiry so that we can assist on our end with that information. 

The deadline for requesting Spring picture proofs is Friday, September 11th.


4 weeks down and Labor Day is here! We hope each of you is having a wonderful, extended weekend together, and we look forward to seeing you back for Week 5.


Mr. Vinson spoke on the call we have as Christians to do what is right, even when it is costly, the character trait of the Nee House. Using a variety of passages, Mr. Vinson shared how we are to image God well by seeking to do what is right always, to step up in situations where the right thing isn’t being done, and to expect some kickback from others when we try to do the right thing. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.


And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Sadie Brunson

  • 5th - Lily Grace Peterson


To help simplify and keep our students organized, we have the following schedule in place to limit the amount of assessments a child will see in a given day. Please use the following schedule to help your child prepare at home when appropriate.

  • 4th Grade Assessment Schedule

    • Monday = Bible

    • Tuesday = Math or ELA (not both)

    • Wednesday = Science or History

    • Thursday = Math or ELA

    • Friday = Science or History

  • 5th Grade Assessment Schedule

    • Monday = none

    • Tuesday = Math or ELA

    • Wednesday = Science or History

    • Thursday = Math or ELA

    • Friday = Bible, Science or History


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 49

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published August 30, 2020

Volume 49

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Did you know that every morning our faculty gathers at 7:20am before the start of the day to pray for our students? I love being able to being each morning with our hearts and minds focused on the Author and Finisher of our faith! Each year we have a specific prayer list we pray over and I wanted to share this year’s list with you so you can be praying at home too. 

We are praying for:

  • The continued health and safety of teachers, students and families

  • Our faculty and students to see the image of God in each other in a way that shapes our daily interactions with each other

  • The ability to see each day on campus as a gift from God to be used for His glory

  • Wisdom to acclimate new students and to keep distance learning students connected

  • The development of meaningful, spiritual relationships between faculty and students


Mr. Higgins spoke on using our creative gifts (given to us by God) for God’s glory rather than our own, the character trait of the Lewis House. Using passages from Genesis, Ephesians and Colossians, Mr. Higgins showed how God shows Himself as a Creator and has given us the ability to create with our talents and abilities as well. As image bearers of God, we are called to do everything, including using our gifts and talents, for His glory. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.


He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Jayden Contreras

  • 5th - Ryleigh Tilley


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 48

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published August 23, 2020

Volume 48

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Did you know that every morning our faculty gathers at 7:20am before the start of the day to pray for our students? I love being able to being each morning with our hearts and minds focused on the Author and Finisher of our faith! Each year we have a specific prayer list we pray over and I wanted to share this year’s list with you so you can be praying at home too. 

We are praying for:

  • The continued health and safety of teachers, students and families

  • Our faculty and students to see the image of God in each other in a way that shapes our daily interactions with each other

  • The ability to see each day on campus as a gift from God to be used for His glory

  • Wisdom to acclimate new students and to keep distance learning students connected

  • The development of meaningful, spiritual relationships between faculty and students


Mr. Higgins spoke on using our creative gifts (given to us by God) for God’s glory rather than our own, the character trait of the Lewis House. Using passages from Genesis, Ephesians and Colossians, Mr. Higgins showed how God shows Himself as a Creator and has given us the ability to create with our talents and abilities as well. As image bearers of God, we are called to do everything, including using our gifts and talents, for His glory. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.


He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.

  • 4th - Jayden Contreras

  • 5th - Ryleigh Tilley


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 47

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published August 16, 2020

Volume 47

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



What a blessing to be back on campus this week! We are so thankful for God’s blessing and provision. Each day is truly a gift from God, and we are thoroughly enjoying the interaction with each of your children. Please keep me updated on how we are doing in our level of service to your family. I would love to help resolve any issues your child may be experiencing at the start of the year.

New Elementary School Drop-off Video

Please watch the video below for this year’s new procedures for drop-off.


Mr. Higgins challenged our students to see each day on campus as a gift from God this year. We were able to have 8th grade in the gym for middle school chapel and 5th grade in the gym for upper elementary chapel. The rest of our students joined in live from the classrooms. Next week we look forward to welcoming 7th and 4th grades to chapel in the gym.


To help accommodate the COVID-19 restrictions, we are changing our approach to memory verses in Bible classes this year. Normally, our students would regularly recite memory verses in class together. To avoid so many students talking at the same time, we will not be reciting our verses in class. Instead, we are encouraging families to recite memory verses together at home to help our students learn. To help aid in this approach, see the details of our memory verse approach for this year. 

  • Our 4th-8th graders will memorize 1 passage of scripture per month - Instead of memorizing verses weekly, our students will focus on 1 passage per month. 

  • Our 4th-8th graders will memorize the same verses - Our hope is that this will help families who have multiple children in 4th-8th grade. By memorizing the same verse each month, siblings can partner together in practicing memory verses at home. 


    • He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 46

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published August 10, 2020

Volume 46

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



I cannot tell you how excited I am to start this new school year! As a staff, we are viewing every single day that we are able to have school on campus as a gift from God. We want to maximize our time as we seek to love each student by pouring into them both academically and spiritually. Thank you for entrusting your child’s education with us. We count it a great privilege to partner with you.


Please be sure to watch the traffic flow video below. We will be taking our students’ temperatures while they are still inside your vehicle. We appreciate you informing your child ahead of time, so they are prepared.


  • Do you have a mask for your child?

  • Do you have a water bottle for your child? (remember, water fountains are deactivated)

  • Do you have uniform/dress code attire?

  • Do you have school supplies?

  • Do you have a dismissal card?

  • Do you have your child’s schedule printed?


For details, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org)


  • Drama Club 


  • Art Club - 4th-5th grades

  • Running Club - 1st-3rd grades


  • Art Club - 1st-3rd grades

  • Chess Club - 1st-5th grades


  • Running Club - 4th-5th grades


  • Distance Learning Program - email me if you would like for your child to begin the year off campus with distance learning. 

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com 

Staff Contacts

  • Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (lauren.parrish@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc. 

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

Based on the new guidelines released by Dr. Anthony in our Reopening Plan, please email me directly if you would like to have your child begin the school year under the distance learning format.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 46

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published August 2, 2020

Volume 45

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Please check RenWeb and reference your child’s schedule after reviewing the instructions and guidelines given in my scheduling email. If you see any issues, please email me ASAP so we can get any errors resolved.


On Thursday, August 6, all of our new 4th-8th grade parents are invited to come meet teachers, walk schedules and pick up Chromebooks (7th and 8th grade only) early before our school-wide Orientation Day. Our staff would love to welcome you to the Trinity family with an ice cream social (outside) while giving you a chance to ask any questions you might have about the new year. We also hope to pair your new student up with a “TCS buddy” as well. Feel free to walk through the hallways and check out our classrooms too. Please use the following schedule if you would like to join us for this early drop-in opportunity. For those that attend, the school-wide Orientation on Monday, August 10 will not be needed. 

  • Upper Elementary (4th and 5th Grades)

    • 5:00-5:45pm - Student Last Name (A-K)

    • 5:45-6:30pm - Student Last Name (L-Z)

  • Middle School (6th-8th Grades)

    • 6:30-7:15pm - Student Last Name (A-K)

    • 7:15-8:00pm - Student Last Name (L-Z)

ORIENTATION PLANS (4th-5th) - MONDAY, August 10

We are excited to welcome you and your family to our campus to kick off the new school year! Orientation will look a little different this year and will be based on each student’s last name. Please review the schedule below and plan to attend during your student’s time slot. Orientation is not mandatory but will provide each student the opportunity to accomplish the following:

Orientation Day Goals

  • Walk through daily schedule (can be printed from RenWeb beginning Aug. 1)

  • Meet your teachers, including your Homeroom Teacher

  • Turn in orientation paperwork (to be emailed prior to Aug. 7) to your Homeroom Teacher

  • Turn in classroom school supplies to your Homeroom Teacher

  • Pick up dismissal card number from your Homeroom Teacher

Orientation Day Schedule (Student Last Name) - Please plan to attend at the appropriate time so we can maintain fewer families on campus at one time. 

  • 8:00 - 10:00 am - Group 1 (A-C) 

  • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Group 2 (D-J)

  • 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Group 3 (K-P)

  • 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Group 4 (Q-Z)


Based on the new guidelines released by Dr. Anthony in our Reopening Plan, please email me directly if you would like to have your child begin the school year under the distance learning format.


Don’t forget to submit your orders for our optional middle school spirit wear. Orders are due by Monday, August 10. You can order through the link below.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 44

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021 - UES.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published July 26, 2020

Volume 44

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



On Thursday, August 6, all of our new 4th-8th grade parents are invited to come meet teachers, walk schedules and pick up Chromebooks (7th and 8th grade only) early before our school-wide Orientation Day. Our staff would love to welcome you to the Trinity family with an ice cream social (outside) while giving you a chance to ask any questions you might have about the new year. We also hope to pair your new student up with a “TCS buddy” as well. Feel free to walk through the hallways and check out our classrooms too. Please use the following schedule if you would like to join us for this early drop-in opportunity. For those that attend, the school-wide Orientation on Monday, August 10 will not be needed. 

  • Upper Elementary (4th and 5th Grades)

    • 5:00-5:45pm - Student Last Name (A-K)

    • 5:45-6:30pm - Student Last Name (L-Z)

  • Middle School (6th-8th Grades)

    • 6:30-7:15pm - Student Last Name (A-K)

    • 7:15-8:00pm - Student Last Name (L-Z)

ORIENTATION PLANS (6th-8th) - MONDAY, August 10

We are excited to welcome you and your family to our campus to kick off the new school year! Orientation will look a little different this year and will be based on each student’s last name. Please review the schedule below and plan to attend during your student’s time slot. Orientation is not mandatory but will provide each student the opportunity to accomplish the following:

Orientation Day Goals

  • Walk through daily schedule (can be printed from RenWeb beginning Aug. 1)

  • Meet your teachers, including your FLEX teacher

  • Turn in orientation paperwork (to be emailed prior to Aug. 7) to your FLEX teacher

  • Turn in classroom school supplies to your FLEX teacher

  • Receive locker assignment and lock combination from your FLEX teacher

  • Pick up dismissal card number from your FLEX teacher

Orientation Day Schedule (Student Last Name) - Please plan to attend at the appropriate time so we can maintain fewer families on campus at one time. 

  • 8:00 - 10:00 am - Group 1 (A-C) 

  • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Group 2 (D-J)

  • 1:00 - 3:00 pm - Group 3 (K-P)

  • 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Group 4 (Q-Z)


Based on the new guidelines released by Dr. Anthony in our Reopening Plan, please email me directly if you would like to have your child begin the school year under the distance learning format.


Don’t forget to submit your orders for our optional middle school spirit wear. Orders are due by Monday, August 10. You can order through the link below.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 43

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published May 24, 2020

Volume 43

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal


End of Year Reminders

  1. If you have items remaining here at school, please make plans to pick up before the end of next week. Our next pick up time slot will be Wednesday, May 27 from 9am-12pm. Items not picked up by the end of the week will be donated. 

  2. Class Request Forms need to be dropped off or emailed to tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org by the end of next week. We plan to start working on student schedules immediately. 

  3. We will continue to update you on plans for next year as they become available. Be on the lookout for summer emails from Mr. Vinson to begin in early June.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 42

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published May 17, 2020

Volume 42

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal


End of Year Reminders

  1. If you have items remaining here at school, please make plans to pick up before the end of next week. Our next pick up time slot will be Wednesday, May 27 from 9am-12pm. Items not picked up by the end of the week will be donated. 

  2. Class Request Forms need to be dropped off or emailed to tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org by the end of next week. We plan to start working on student schedules immediately. 

  3. We will continue to update you on plans for next year as they become available. Be on the lookout for summer emails from Mr. Vinson to begin in early June.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 41

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published May 10, 2020

Volume 41

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal


MATH ASSESSMENT (Thursday, May 14)

Final math tests will take place Thursday, May 14. These tests will be used  as the final math grade for this school year and will provide important information to help our teachers prepare for the start of next school year. The assessment results will also be used to help determine class placement for next year, including honors and advanced classes. 

VIRTUAL FIELD DAY (Friday, May 15)

Let’s end the year on a fun note with activities planned by our PE teachers. This will be one of the final opportunities for House Points so don’t miss out!


  • Monday, May 18 - READING DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Stone, we will also have class parties at 9:30am with your child’s homeroom teacher. In addition, our UES Awards program will be at 7pm (virtual link to be provided)

  • Tuesday, May 19 - ART DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Hackworth

  • Wednesday, May 20 - STEAM Day - special activities planned by Mr. Prewitt

  • Thursday, May 21 - UES Stuff Pickup Day (8-10am and 5-6pm) - We will follow a similar procedure for how we did packet pickups. All of your child’s personal items from the classroom will be bagged upon your arrival. Student medications from the nursing office will be included with your child’s items for pickup.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 40

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published May 3, 2020

Volume 40

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



  1. Week of May 4 - Assignments that need to be turned in this week will all be communicated to you on Friday, May 1 and will not be due until Friday, May 8. This will provide a weekend and an entire week to complete required assignments. 

  2. Week of May 11 - There will be no new work collected this week beyond a math assessment that all students will take on Thursday, May 14.

Month of May Events

Below you will find important events coming up for the month of May!

  • Week of May 4th-May 8th - 5th grade parents are encouraged to drop off items that will be included in a special Time Capsule to commemorate our 5th graders entry into MS. Specific instructions will be emailed to you. Note: The 5th Grade Walk is being planned as part of our first day of school activities for the 20/21 school year. 

  • Thursday, May 14th - Math Exam/Final Assessment

  • Friday, May 15 - Virtual Field Day

  • Monday, May 18 - READING DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Stone, we will also have classroom awards given at 9:30am with your child’s homeroom teacher. In addition, our UES Awards program will be at 7pm (virtual link to be provided)

  • Tuesday, May 19 - ART DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Hackworth

  • Wednesday, May 20 - STEAM Day - special activities planned by Mr. Prewitt

  • Thursday, May 21 - UES Stuff Pickup Day (9-10am and 5-6pm) - We will follow a similar procedure for how we did packet pickups. All of your child’s personal items from the classroom will be bagged upon your arrival.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 39

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published April 26, 2020

Volume 39

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Parents, as Governor Kemp takes steps to begin reopening Georgia it is hard to forecast where we might be as a state once we reach the month of May. To be proactive, we want to make adjustments to our current plans in anticipation that some of you may be called back to work, presenting new challenges to your students who will be forced to remain at home with distance learning. To help reduce the stress and workload that your child may face with your own responsibilities picking back up at work potentially, we are planning the following adjustments for the month of May. 

  1. For the month of May, we are reducing the amount of work/assignments that will be submitted back to teachers. Live teaching and instructional videos will continue, but assignments and assessments will decrease during the month of May. 

  2. Week of May 4 - Assignments that need to be turned in this week will all be communicated to you on Friday, May 1 and will not be due until Friday, May 8. This will provide a weekend and an entire week to complete required assignments. 

  3. Week of May 11 - There will be no new work collected this week beyond a math assessment that all students will take on Thursday, May 14. 

Our hope is that these accommodations will help support your family during the month of May as circumstances begin to change and family dynamics are altered with jobs reopening. 

Month of May Events

Below you will find important events coming up for the month of May!

  • Week of May 4th-May 8th - 5th grade parents are encouraged to drop off items that will be included in a special Time Capsule to commemorate our 5th graders entry into MS. Specific instructions will be emailed to you. Note: The 5th Grade Walk is being planned as part of our first day of school activities for the 20/21 school year. 

  • Thursday, May 14th - Math Exam/Final Assessment

  • Friday, May 15 - Virtual Field Day

  • Monday, May 18 - READING DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Stone, we will also have classroom awards given at 9:30am with your child’s homeroom teacher. In addition, our UES Awards program will be at 7pm (virtual link to be provided)

  • Tuesday, May 19 - ART DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Hackworth

  • Wednesday, May 20 - STEAM Day - special activities planned by Mr. Prewitt

  • Thursday, May 21 - UES Stuff Pickup Day (9-10am and 5-6pm) - We will follow a similar procedure for how we did packet pickups. All of your child’s personal items from the classroom will be bagged upon your arrival.