Developing A Heart Of Worship

Developing A Heart Of Worship

By Samantha DePriest

Last school year our Lower School began a new initiative to help further cultivate a heart of worship in our students. Mrs. Sherry Randolph, Lower School principal, shared “I consider our third graders to be the leaders of our Lower School. I am excited to provide an opportunity where they can shine God’s light before others.” The Third Grade Worship Team is made up of students who have a desire to lead and perform at our Wednesday morning Chapel services on stage in front of their classmates.

New this school year Mrs. Leslie Cook, Lower School Academic Dean, is leading this group of amazing worship leaders in the making and has added several enhancements to the program. Mrs. Cook enjoys teaching and further developing students on how to lead the student body through worship and song. Also new this year is a practice session included once a week, during recess, where the third grade worship team learns that weeks songs and motions for the upcoming chapel. They perform two songs during chapel this school year, typically one upbeat praise song with choreographed moves and one worship song. Mrs. Cook shared that she does have a little help choreographing the motions from her own children, Riley (tenth grade) and Henry (eighth grade) who are both heavily involved in the Arts program at TCS and Legacy Theatre.

Parents have shared that their children can't wait to be in third grade to be a part of the worship team and teachers hear the excitement in the classroom from all the students about the anticipation of third grade worship team.

Third grade teacher Mrs. Courtney Gable shared, “Parents and teachers spend so much time talking about the Lord’s love with our students and children, it is incredible to see our third graders leading in an example of telling the Lord how much we love him, back. It is a gift to watch our students model worshiping our Savior for younger students. As a mama, seeing my daughter leading worship reminds me why we have our children at Trinity and why I am teaching here. The Lord is moving and working in and through our school and I am so thankful the eternal impact TCS is having on our family!”

Emily Gaylor is a TCS mom to third grade worship team leader John Paul and shares, “For years now, if you asked him what he wants to be when he grows up, he would say a worship pastor. As the upper classmen of the Lower Elementary school (3rd grade), those who choose to are given the opportunity to lead worship during the weekly Chapel service. We can’t thank Trinity Christian School enough for the many opportunities provided for him to follow his passions.

Another third grade teacher Mrs. Janelle Akey shares, “What a blessing to see our students leading all of us in worship!  If you only knew how excited the students get each week having this opportunity to lead and participate in this way.  The students beam with joy even as they are being asked to rehearse for the worship set, and later can't wait to share with the class the words to the song, the new motions learned, and what the song means to them.  I also believe they see this opportunity as a privilege and with honor. They seek to give Him praise and to make His glory known. As we would all agree, our God is so worthy of all our praise. This message is evident throughout our Chapel experiences and through the voices and hearts of our third grade students.”

Enhancements made to the worship team program this school year also include building our song library so that teachers in all grades may easily pull from a collection of songs to help connect students with scripture. All students are also learning and practicing motions during chapel which helps to tuck verses of scripture in their hearts. The introduction of songs before chapels also helps students and staff familiarize themselves with the songs to enhance their worship experience as well. The vision of the program is to continue building anticipation for chapel by raising up servant leaders both on stage and in the seats while developing hearts for worship.

Investing In The Next Generation with Ken Coleman

Investing In The Next Generation with Ken Coleman

By Samantha DePriest

Ken Coleman pictured center with TCS NHS students.

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

Trinity Christian School hosted Ken Coleman, a Dave Ramsey Show co-host, and nationally best-selling author of The Proximity Principle and From Paycheck to Purpose for two days of empowering events this past week. He serves as a leading expert in the fields of career choice and personal finance as he shares about how to find your God-given purpose in life. During the general session, Mr. Coleman gave a dynamic public presentation titled “Created to Contribute” that was open to all TCS families, alumni, and the entire community. The following day, he spent the day in closed sessions with both high school students and faculty to import practical wisdom on leadership and following Gods calling on our lives.

Image by Oscar Camejo

Image by Oscar Camejo

God created us to work” as seen in Genesis Chapter 2. Because humans are created in God’s image, work is a way to reflect God’s glory. Ken shared how this next generation may not look at work in a favorable way. Often they look at their parents generation discussing work in a negative connotation thus changing the way this rising generation of future leaders approaches career selection and the role that work plays in their lives.

Ken encouraged our students, parents, and alumni to “seek to be who God created you to be.” He shared that often there are three voices that can stop us from pursuing God’s calling on our lives that are fear, doubt, and pride. Worrying that something bad is going to happen if we move forward is how fear prevents us from moving forward. Lacking belief that something good will happen if we move forward is how doubt disables us. And caring more about what other people think is often how pride prevents us from following God’s calling for our lives. Often satan uses confusion to discourage and distract us from finding our purpose that God has created us for. It’s only when we seek clarity with confidence that we can discover our mission in life.

After giving his presentation on Tuesday evening,, Ken opened it up for a time of questions and answers for the audience. Through his coaching session, he shared three vital questions to discuss with students when seeking God’s purpose for their lives.

  1. Who are the people you want to help?

  2. What is the problem or desire that those people that you connect to? What are the problems that break your heart?

  3. What are the solutions or the solution to the problem that you get excited about?

God has created each of us with a specific purpose and plan for our lives. In Psalm 139: 13-14, the Bible says “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Ken discussed three identifying questions that can help us to help our students find their calling by asking our young people to start thinking about and share:

  1. Talent - What comes easy to them? What do they do best?

  2. Passion - What work do they love to do most?

  3. Mission - What results motivate them and matter deeply to them?

Ken Coleman in HS Staff Session 

Image by Samantha DePriest

On Wednesday morning Ken was back on campus and met with high school faculty about the academic patterns and challenges facing young people today. Valuable insight was shared that will help our high school staff better prepare our students for the future. He spoke about the importance of apprenticeship and introducing work early to students. By encouraging exploration and discovery in our students, he shared will help turn them into thinkers, “question askers”, and path finders.

Ken Coleman leading HS Chapel

Image by Samantha DePriest

Our Wednesday morning high school chapel was led by Ken as he taught a message to our ninth through twelfth graders of the importance of learning to wait and be patient on God’s timing. He preached about the life of Joseph and how his story can be divided into four acts. First of favor and blessing, then of abandonment, next of accusation, and lastly of being forgotten. One common theme throughout Joseph’s life was that he trusted God even in the trials and knew that God was always with him. Ken encouraged our students to trust the process, no matter where they are and to start developing their own Faith.

Ken Coleman autographing his book and coaching students in the Junior/Senior breakout session.

Image by Samantha DePriest

Lastly, Ken hosted a breakout session for junior and senior students where he answered questions about what comes next after graduation from TCS, career choices, and money issues. Several students asked questions concerning navigating their future. Ken

encouraged our students to “lock in on your talent and look for clues of what you enjoy, what you are good at, and what comes easy to you.” He discussed the four kinds of work in the world: ideas, people, processes, and objects and challenged our students to think about which of them they feel that God is calling them to care most about. By putting our students in situations where they can gain first hand knowledge and experience in various fields while forming connections, they will in turn get closer and closer to learning what their God given purpose is.

Lastly, Ken shared tools and resources with students to help them navigate this exciting chapter of life that is often filled with more questions than answers. He provided each of the students with an online assessment to help clarify their purpose as well as gifting them each a copy of his book “From Paycheck To Purpose: The Clear Path to Doing Work You Love”.

This event would not have been possible without the support of many sponsors and TCS Staff.



By Samantha DePriest

Marching Band Mrs. Katie Palmer, pictured left, with members of the Marching Lions.

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Did you know that our TCS Marching Lions are now an award winning marching band? This past weekend at the Super Bowl of Sound Marching Band Competition, our Marching Lions took the field in their first-ever Marching Band competition.

Since we have just under 24 members, TCS Marching Lions falls under Class A. The band received superior ratings in multiple categories and took second place in their division as well. Performing Arts Director Mr. Tim Hurt shares, “We are proud that the 2024 Marching Lions made history for Trinity Christian School and represented their school and the Lord well. We look forward to seeing the growth in the future to come!"

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

“We were also in the silver class which is both class A and class AA bands which was a total of 5 bands.” shares Mrs. Katie Palmer, TCS Marching Band Director. “There were a total of 14 bands in the whole competition. The TCS Marching Lions received Superior ratings in Percussion, Guard, Drum Major, and overall band earning the band an overall superior rating. “ 


Class A                   up to 24 wind players Class AAA             50-74 wind players 

Class AA                25-49 wind players             Class AAAA          75-100 wind players

Class OPEN            101+

Image by TCS student Addison Davis

In class A, we received 1st place Drum Major, 1st place Percussion, and 2nd place guard. Our Marching Lions were awarded as the Grand champions for class A. They also received recognition for earning 2nd place in their division. And lastly our TCS Marching Lions won the Spirit award over all the bands which means they were selected as the fan favorite.   

Image by TCS student Addison Davis

TCS Colorguard Director Mrs. Kim Pinkerton shares, “It was such a blessing to be able to go to this competition.  When the competition we were originally entered in was cancelled last Monday, we didn't know what we were going to do.  Thankfully, the directors of the Super Bowl of Sound at Central High School in Carrollton were able to accommodate us and get us into their competition at the last minute.  Everyone there was so friendly and welcoming.  They kept thanking us for coming when we were the ones who were thankful that they could get us into the competition so quickly.  I told so many people at the competition that this was just another example of my favorite Bible verse, Romans 8:28.  ‘The Lord truly does work all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.’  What we thought was a terrible situation on Monday turned out to be a true blessing on Saturday!”

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Middle School Girls Flag Football Is Added To Growing List Of TCS Athletics

Middle School Girls Flag Football Is Added

To Growing List Of TCS Athletics

By Samantha DePriest

1st TCS MS Flag Football team

(image by Kayla Duffey)

“Empowering student athletes through discipline, character building and team work” is the mission of our Athletics program at Trinity Christian School. The ability to offer our students a wide variety of extracurricular activities has always been a focus of our school. This year was the first year for our middle school girls flag football team. Our team played in the Georgia Middle School Athletic Association League (GMSAA). 

Coaches Jennifer Hall and Lady Grooms led the team and were assisted by three High School Varsity Flag Football players Anna Grace Moore, Bella Goode, and Leighanna Beatenbough and Varsity Football player Caleb Goode.

Coach Jennifer Hall shared, “This is the first year that middle school flag football has been a sport in Georgia and our team was excited to be a part of seeing this popular sport grow! Many of these eighth graders will move on to join our JV and Varsity program next year. Thank you to Varsity Coach Kayla Freund and to our athletic department’s Lance Duncan and Josh Henry for supporting this new team at Trinity! We were also privileged to have high schoolers that assisted in coaching the team. Thank you to Caleb Goode, Anna Grace Moore, Leighanna Beatenbough, and Bella Goode.”

The team finished the season with three big wins against Lambert (14-6), Roswell (30-0), and Hillgrove (19-6). We are excited to see what the future holds for this incredible team of student athletes and look forward to next season.

MS Flag Football team pictured with the Chick-fil-A cow at the TCS Homecoming Football game.

Keira Moore: TCS Student on Mission for Christ

Keira Moore: TCS Student on Mission for christ

By Samantha DePriest

With over 1,300 alumni and almost 2,000 currently enrolled students, we enjoy learning about and highlighting how God blesses our students with opportunities to put into practice all that they are learning in the classroom. After all, our mission is to prepare today’s student to impact tomorrow's world: by educating minds for cultural engagement, equipping hearts for character development, and empowering hands for compassionate service.

Recently we connected with high school student Keira Moore. Keira is a senior at TCS and has jumped right in to all that our school offers after becoming a Lion her junior year. You may recognize her from the Chapel Worship Team on Wednesday mornings. Keira also serves in NHS, Beta Club, Student Council, and the Annual Fund Ambassador team. She also is a part of the Thespian Honor Society, Trinity Roaring Dramatics, All State Chorus, and Literary. Keira is a member of Trinity Church where she serves and leads worship in kids, youth, and adult ministries. She is also very involved in Trinity Fine Arts and the CALLED program through the Assemblies of God. Keira shares, “This helps me grow in the gifts and calling God has given me, specifically in the area of worship leadership and preaching. When I was in sixth grade, I attended the National Fine Arts Festival, was praying in a worship service, and felt God nudging me to accept His call on my life to vocational ministry. Next year, I plan to go to Evangel University to study worship leadership and eventually become a worship pastor.”

In her own words, “At my previous church, Grace Fellowship, I participated in Grace Student Arts, a program for middle and high school students to discover, develop, and deploy their God-given talents and gifts, specifically in the area of the arts. With this team, I've been on multiple missions trips in the states, going to Washington D.C., Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, and South Carolina. We led services in churches, rehabilitation centers like Teen Challenge, nursing homes, and public parks, where we would minister through singing, preaching, dancing, acting, leading worship, playing instruments, and sharing our testimonies, in order to share the Gospel. Going on a mission trip year after year, I made lasting friendships, became bolder in professing my faith in God in uncomfortable situations, and personally experienced His faithfulness.”

Keira goes on to share, “This past summer, I went on my first international mission trip with Trinity Church Youth Ministries to the country of Antigua and Barbuda. We led a VBS for the children on the island and held youth services. It was an amazing experience to see a different culture and way of life, and then get to join in worshipping the same God with them, from children to adults.

To me, serving is an act of worship. My time on mission taught me that service is humbling ourselves before God and offering up time and talents, trusting Him to use it as He will for His glory. In Barbuda, I learned that when we serve for God alone, the joy of the Lord is our strength. 

I want to be wherever God calls me, whether that means going or staying. I trust God to direct my steps, lead me where He wills, and provide ways for me to get there. I plan to go to London for GoWeek, and am so excited to share the love, salvation, and hope found in God to the people there, specifically youth!”

Keira encourages fellow classmates and friends to get involved in missions. She shares, “They are so culturally and spiritually eye-opening, and definitely worth it. If you're worried about the money or timing of a trip, "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 There are many people out there that want to support you financially in the call to preach the gospel! If you think you're not spiritually "ready" to go on a trip, that's a good reflection point. Grow in the ways you need to grow, but don't let that stop you from serving others through missions. God uses the little you think you have in big ways, and His "power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 

Serving through missions isn't just about going overseas. Mark 16:15 tells us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation," and that includes us and our community! There are so many people right here who need to hear the Gospel, and we should be the ones to share it with them. I find myself convicted by the quote, "Why would God choose to send you overseas if you're not willing to go across the street?" God wants to work in and through you in every circumstance, season, encounter, and part of your life. Say yes to God and let the Holy Spirit transform your life.” Where do you feel God calling you to serve?



By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Christian School is honored to have Mike Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Ford in Newnan recognize several of our Fall student athletes with the “Athlete of the Week” Award. We join Mr. Fitzpatrick in saying that we are wholeheartedly proud of these athletes who demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, and determination in their sport and on their teams. Below are our most recent recipients of the Fitzpatrick “Athlete of the Week Award” for the month of September. Way to go Lions!!

Bakari Hamilton



Bakari Hamilton is an outstanding leader, young man, and impact player for us.  This past week, just in the first half, he had 18 rushes for 92 yards and 3 TDs! 

Sam Wood

Cross Country


Sam recently broke the school's 5000 meter record, which was unbroken for the last 8 years!

Olivia Freeman

Cross Country


Olivia has run XC at Trinity for 7 years and is the ultimate teammate leading our team and making us better!

Lucia Lanier



Lucia is our team captain, She is a great team leader, and she possesses strong leadership skills. She excels in communication with her teammates and Coaches.

Kaylee Croft



Last week Kaylee batted .500 over 3 games going 4 for 8. She pitched 2 complete Regional games. 14 innings with 18 K’s and only 1 ER. Whitewater game 7IP 2 hitters with only 73 pitches thrown, 6K’s 0BB and 1 ER. Mary Persons game 7IP with 0 ER, 1BB and 12K’s. Kaylee is also ranked 14th in the state as a pitcher.

Honoring Mason Sells

HONORING Mason Sells

By Samantha DePriest

Mason Scott Sells

On Monday September 23rd, our Trinity Christian School community suffered a tremendous loss as Mason Scott Sells went to be with the Lord after experiencing cardiac arrest from getting hit in the chest with a soccer ball during an intramural soccer game on his college campus. His passing was both unexpected and tragic. We share in grief along with Mason’s parents Scott and Rachael Sells and sister Abigail, TCS Alumni/Class of 2024.

On Saturday September 28th, our school and church community joined together in lifting up and honoring the beautiful life of TCS Honor Graduate Class of 2022 Mason Scott Sells. His service was held at TCS, the very place where he spent more than twelve years learning about God, developing his own Faith, maintaining excellent grades in his academic classes, creating life long friendships, and playing soccer with his teammates. The room was filled with family, friends from the past and present, teammates, former coaches, teachers, and principals from over the years, friends from church, a charter bus full of 60+ ATO fraternity brothers, and more. In fact, many in the room considered Mason a best friend. If you knew Mason, you knew that he was a friend to all.

Mason Sells pictured in the center with his parents on Mercer Parent Weekend on September 21, 2024.

Just a day before he passed, he had spent quality time with his parents as it was Parents Weekend at Mercer University. What a gift that time together was. Mason was in his junior year and majoring in Accounting. He was on both the Dean’s List and Presidents List during his time at Mercer for his strong academic performance in the classroom. It has been said that school came easy to him which allowed him more time to invest in meaningful friendships. Mason also belonged to the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and played on the intramural soccer team. He had a job he loved, working with and for people he liked, and a girlfriend he truly adored. In his Dad’s words, “He went out on top.

His parents recalled, “As a child, Mason enjoyed all things outdoors from animals to adventures, including catching snakes and scorpions. Mason was quick witted and loved a good laugh. He was known for having the highest integrity, and was a faithful, reliable, and loyal friend. He loved life, from cliff jumping at the lake to going to concerts with friends. He was naturally fearless. Mason was also honorable and trustworthy and could be counted on.” His little sister Abigail shared, “My brothers life may have short but it was absolutely beautiful. There was no one funnier, more daring, more authentic, or more alive than my brother. He was amazing at absolutely everything he tried and he di everything with 100% effort.

Rachael, Mason, Abigail, and Scott Sells.

Image by Debbie McFarland, Cedar Hill Studio.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 23: 1-4, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Mason graduating with Honors from TCS, Class of 2022.

During the Celebration of Life service, three of Mason’s Bible teachers shared the gospel and about Mason’s strong Faith foundation. Mr. Tyson Moore was both Mason’s and Abigail’s seventh grade Bible teacher as well as Mason’s Middle School Soccer Coach all three years. He shared some of Mason’s own thoughts that he had written down after a Chapel one day back in seventh grade. “Just pray. Surrender your life to him and accept Him as your Savior. You must trust in Him and believe that He can deliver you. You can go to heaven and live with Him, if you accept Him as your eternal God. John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only and only son that whomever believes in Him shall not parish but have eternal life.’”

Mr. Ryan Tipton was Mason’s eighth grade Bible teacher and also Abigail’s eighth and twelfth grade Bible teacher. Mr. Tipton shared encouragement and prayed over the family. Lastly, Mr. Patrick Brannon, who was Mason’s twelfth grade Bible teacher. shared stories of Mason during his senior year at TCS. Fellow TCS Class of 2023 alumni and Mercer ATO fraternity brother, Nathan Jones shared, “Mason was a man of few words but he spoke truth. Mason was a true friend and such a caring young man.” Another dear friend shared that Mason was a teacher who “taught him humility, love, and being there for the people that mattered. He gave me friendship, company, and wisdom. He always encouraged us to be the best version of ourselves.

Mason played Goalie in Middle School and was celebrated by his entire team for incredible saves in penalty kicks.

Mason moved onto the field his last two years of high school ball and left big shoes to fill for anyone who wore the jersey number #17.

In Psalms 34:18, the Bible provides encouragement for those feeling grieved and sadness in the difficult days ahead, “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Please join us as we pray for the Sells family in the difficult weeks and months ahead. Today is Mason’s 21st birthday and we know that he is celebrating in heaven. For encouragement and to learn more about Mason and his beautiful life, a recording of Mason’s Celebration of Life service is below:

TCS Students Invited into The Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra

TCS Students Invited into The

Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra

By Samantha DePriest

TCS Director of Performing Arts, Mr. Hurt, and Mrs. Manwaring, TCS Orchestra Director, are thrilled to announce some exciting news from our Arts department. The Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra (MYSO) is an Atlanta group made up of local youth, by audition only, that has been around for 32 seasons. It has been described as a fundamental part of the regional youth music community. Mr. Hurt goes on to share, “Four of our talented Orchestra students tried out for MYSO and all four made it. Russ Bryan, Elie Oh, Jane Jung, and Elle Jerger all auditioned and are being inducted into MYSO this month. This is such a great accomplishment!” 

TCS Orchestra Director Mrs. Manwaring pictured with MYSO inductees Elie Oh, Elle Jerger, Russ Bryan, and Jane Jung, alongside Mr. Hurt, TCS Performing Arts Director.

“I just wanted to take a minute to officially say how proud I am of each of you for trying out for and making into MYSO!  That is a huge accomplishment and speaks to your dedication to music, both here at school and at home.  I know each of you have spent hours upon hours practicing, and I'm so grateful each of you are in our music classes here at Trinity.  I feel honored to have you in my classes!” TCS Orchestra Director, Mrs. Sharissa Manwaring

Mrs. Manwaring goes on to share, “Another fun fact is that Elle Jerger and Elie Oh were placed as stand partners in Philharmonia.  Because they are in different grades they recognized each other when they got there, but had never spoken. I think it's fun that they get to do this together.”

At MYSO there are two different youth symphonies: Philharmonia and Symphony. Of the two groups, Symphony is the more advanced. Jane Jung is the only one of our four students who auditioned to be part of the MYSO Symphony Orchestra and, proudly, got the 3rd chair in the 2nd violin section. Chair placement decisions are based on leadership qualities, promptness, a positive attitude, and attendance.

Russ Bryan performing in the 2023 Christmas Concert Series.

Russ Bryan

“I just play the violin, and have been doing so for 7 years now. My mom played violin when she was a kid, and she had an old one laying around so I tried it out and fell in love. I love the program at Trinity. That’s where I first took private lessons. Even now, I play in the high school chamber group as concertmaster. Everyone involved with the program loves teaching music and really enjoys helping push forward growth. I will be playing as a 1st violin in the MYSO Philharmonia, and next year I’m going to take a shot at MYSO Symphony. I would have auditioned for it this past year, but I was playing in a wedding, and I didn’t have time to get the pieces down. Along with the violin, I also play football in the summer and fall, and lacrosse during the spring and summer. “ Russ Bryan is in 9th grade.

Elle Jerger performing in the 2023 Christmas Concert Series.

Elle Jerger

This is my 5th year playing the violin! I started in 5th grade, when my mom actually signed me up for orchestra without my knowledge. I was sceptical at first, and was scared to make any mistakes. However, I quickly learned that the instructors in the performing arts department are helpful and ready to answer my questions. They are great at motivating students to continue to pursue music, and I'm so thankful that I was put on this path.

One thing I would say to encourage students considering performing arts is that learning anything new will be a process, and might not be easy at times. You have to be ready to make mistakes and grow from them. There was a point in my journey where I really wanted to quit. The music became harder and I didn't feel prepared. It's important that when those types of challenges hit you, you persevere and keep trying. All it takes is practice! 

This is my first year at MYSO, and I participate in the "intermediate level" called Philharmonia. This means that while I am constantly being challenged to grow and learn new techniques, the music load isn't overwhelming. I am currently a second violin, which means I play the more simple violin part.” Elle Jerger is in 9th grade.

Jane Jung performing with the Philharmonia Orchestra and the String Ensemble.

Jane Jung

“I play the violin and piano and have been playing the violin for six years. My private violin teacher is someone who exemplifies living for the glory of God. She works extremely hard to help her students, and she is who inspired me to join MYSO. I think that joining the Performing Arts program is very beneficial in many ways. All categories of Performing Arts need teamwork and perseverance. You have to work together, and on your own, to play, sing, dance, etc. to the best of your ability. You can also use it to get closer to God yourself, and others. Music is something many people enjoy, and you have the chance to bring your music to people and build them up through your talents. This year, I am playing second violin for the Symphony Orchestra in MYSO. I also swim.“ Jane Jung is in 7th grade.

Elie Oh

Elie Oh performing in the TCS Talent Show 

“I play the violin, as well as the piano. I have been playing the violin for 3 years. My private lesson teacher who has a big inspiration on me, encouraged me to audition for MYSO so that I could challenge myself to become a better player. Making music together with a group of kids and performing it is very fun, and the  process of putting it together helps you learn more about music. I will be playing Second violin in the MYSO Philharmonia orchestra. I enjoy playing golf, and I will be trying out for the middle school golf team.“ Elie Oh is in 6th grade at TCS.

TCS is proud of and excited for these students to reach beyond our walls and share their God given talents with a larger community. It takes an enormous amount of time, determination, and focus for our students to achieve this level of success at such a young age. Mr. Hurt goes on to share, “TCS is committed to nurturing an environment where the arts can thrive.” We look forward to cheering them on and can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned next for them.

Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra


MYSO is committed to developing the educational opportunities of Atlanta’s most talented young musicians by offering public performances, sectional coaching, solo performance opportunities, chamber music ensemble training, and scholarship awards for continuing music education.


MYSO Atlanta's commitment to creating impactful musical experiences for Atlanta's young musicians begins with weekly rehearsals of challenging full orchestral music under the direction of experienced conductors and educators. Each MYSO ensemble plays at least three fully programmed concerts each season.”

TCS Homecoming Week 2024

TCS Homecoming Week 2024

By Samantha DePriest

Traditions are part of our culture here at TCS and help us connect with our roots and forge a sense of belonging. From the littlest lions to our senior class, each year we celebrate the week of homecoming together. The excitement builds throughout the week with annual hallway decorating of the high school by our student council representatives, a parade and pep rally, and school wide daily dress up themes. Friday night is saved for the big homecoming football game, court presentation, and alumni event Lastly, the homecoming dance on Saturday evening is hosted in our high school and always a special night to remember.

Image by Brittany Girard

Image by Brittany Girard

Our annual Homecoming parade returned to Leroy Johnson Park in Senoia and was hosted on Monday, September 9th. Blessed with beautiful sunshine and cool temperatures, our Lion nation filled the spacious park with purple, black, and white while praise music filled the air. Our little lion cheerleaders kicked off the parade followed by our honored guest Grand Marshall Mr. Norm Tapley, who serves as our CFO, and his wife Mrs. Rita. TCS Head of School Dr. Anthony and his family followed behind in a golf cart throwing candy to the crowd that lined the street. Our talented and growing group of Marching Lions helped to get us all in the spirit with their drum line and color guard. Our Lower and Upper Elementary School lions marched with their parents and teachers along with a sea of our fall athletics teams and coaches. High School student council floats were brightly decorated featuring our Fast food Freshman, SEC Sophomores, Jammin’ Juniors, and Toy Story Seniors. Our 2024 Homecoming court representatives waved to the crowd in decorated convertibles and jeeps. Immediately following the parade, a pep rally was held with word from Varsity Football Coach Kenny Dallas, Head of School Dr. Anthony, cheers by our Varsity Cheerleading squad, and a wonderful time of worship with our TCS High School Praise Band.

Throughout the week, students and staff were encouraged to dress up including daily themes ‘Merica Monday, City vs Country, Night in vs Night out, Disney day, and All Out Spirit Day. What a joy it was to see all of the creativity and collaboration in our school community.

To relive all the fun of homecoming week, please visit our official TCS school Instagram page @TCSLIONSGA and click the links below for pictures from TCS staff and event photographers Shannon Dallas and Brittany Girard.


Dr. Anthony, TCS Head of School, pictured with 2024 HOCO King RJ Coker and 2023 HOCO King Phoenix Moss

(Image by Shannon Dallas)

Homecoming Queen Sam Bethea pictured with her parents.

(Image by Shannon Dallas)

2024 TCS


Fellowship of Christian Athletes Kicks Off The New School Year at TCS

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Kicks Off

The New School Year at TCS

By Samantha DePriest

We are thrilled to announce that this past Friday our Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meetings kicked off in our high school. The meeting opened with a fun game, time of worship, and a devotion led by Mr. Brian Morgan, FCA Area Director for Coweta County. Mr. Morgan shared the history behind FCA and the four principles of the organization: integrity, service, teamwork, and excellence.

TCS FCA is open to all high school athletes. Currently, the plan is to meet during advisement time at 1:45pm on Friday afternoons in the Student Lounge every two weeks. The easiest way to get involved in FCA at TCS is simply to show up to the “huddles” (meetings). There will also be many other opportunities throughout the school year like “Fields of Faith” and etc. 

1st TCS FCA Meeting of the school year. TCS students pictured with Mr. Brian Morgan who serves as the FCA Area Director for Coweta County. 

Senior FCA Student Leader Logan Moss shared, “TCS FCA is focused on bringing the Gospel to athletes in our school community. We believe student athletes have a big influence on the rest of the school and we want to impact the hearts of our athletes as well as the rest of the school through the Gospel. “

To keep up with meetings and events, follow tcs_fca on Instagram. Students may also learn about opportunities to get involved with FCA on the announcements made in the high school each morning.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

September 15th: Message for FCA students at First Baptist PTC

October 23rd: The Fields of Faith will be held at Heritage at 7pm.

The staff involved with FCA at TCS include Coach Townsend, Coach Robertson, Lance Duncan and Roby Ross. Coach Townsend attended the first meeting this past Friday and shared “Today was a great 1st day for FCA and I am thankful for the student leadership of Logan Moss to help keep this ministry going at TCS.

FCA Student Leaders pictured from left to right: Ryan Melton, Olivia Freeman, Camden Rodgers,  Jackson Ross, Campbell McInvale, and Logan Moss.

(Not pictured are: Anna Grace Moore and Ashton Clare)

The 2024-2025 Student Leadership team includes Ryan Melton, Camden Rodgers, Jackson Ross, Olivia Freeman, Anna Grace Moore, Ashton Clare and Campbell McInvale. 

Logan goes on to share, “FCA has been very impactful in my life these past 3 years of high school. We are more than just athletes in this world, and FCA brings a Gospel centered message that helps athletes know their identity and the stage they have to share the good news. This is what I love so much about FCA. I have been to football camps through FCA, the Fields of Faith and many other events through FCA. Never once have they failed to bring the Gospel and love of God. We hope FCA at TCS can have a school wide impact and truly impact the hearts and souls of all our athletes. “

AOTW October 2024



By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Christian School is honored to have Mike Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Ford in Newnan recognize several of our Fall student athletes with the “Athlete of the Week” Award. We join Mr. Fitzpatrick in saying that we are wholeheartedly proud of these athletes who demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, and determination in their sport and on their teams. Below are our most recent recipients of the Fitzpatrick “Athlete of the Week Award” for the month of October. Way to go Lady Lions!!

Ally Hamblin



Ally has had a fantastic senior season so far, but her performance over the past week has been phenomenal! Over the past 3 matches alone, Ally has accumulated 25 kills with only 4 errors - with a .467 hitting percentage - INSANE! Ally is a fierce competitor and fiery spark plug on our team, and I couldn't be prouder of the leadership she has shown on and off the court with her teammates. If you haven't gotten a chance to come watch this girl play, you're missing out! 

2024 TCS Homecoming Representatives

2024 TCS Homecoming Representatives

By Samantha DePriest

What an honor it is to announce the 2024 TCS Homecoming Court Representatives. Each of these students maintain good grades, have lots of school spirit, and demonstrate the character and conduct of Christ in their day to day actions as well as online.

2024 TCS Homecoming Representatives 

9th grade Representatives

Mary Callaway Brezina

“I feel like at Trinity I have a place to fit in.”

Mary Callaway Brezina

TCS Involvement: Lacrosse, JV softball, and Sports Medicine team, Student Council, and Drama

When it comes to TCS, I love the environment. When I came here I felt like I could breathe again. Almost everyone has a heart for Jesus. The athletics are really good as well. truly a breath of fresh air. I have met my best friends here and I wouldn't take it back for anything. I feel like at Trinity I have a place to fit.

Camden Sayer

I can share my Faith with others freely.

Camden Sayer

TCS Involvement: Chapel set up, JV cheer, and Student Council.

“When it comes to TCS, I love the people and the learning environment because it allows me to share my faith with others freely.”

Will Bryan

“I love the school spirit at TCS.”

Will Bryan

TCS Involvement: Football, Lacrosse, wrestling, and Student Council. 

“The thing I love about TCS is the amount of school spirit, there is nothing like being on the field and hearing your classmates cheer you on.”

Laik Worley

I love the wonderful academics.

Laik Worley

TCS Involvement: Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. 

“At TCS I love the amazing sports program and wonderful academics.”

10th grade Representatives

Mary Ruth Adkins

“My daily Bible classes allow me to further my relationship with God.”

Mary Ruth Adkins

TCS Involvement: JV and V Softball, JV and Varsity Basketball. Serve in the church nursery and involved in Youth group.

I love the warm and welcoming environment by the faculty and students here at Trinity Christian School. I have made many lasting friendships that I will cherish for a long time to come. I enjoy the weekly chapel services along with daily Bible classes that allow me to further my relationship with God.”

Campbell McInvale

“Godly teachers and friends help us grow in our Faith.”

Campbell Mcinvale

TCS Involvement: Soccer, Basketball, Varsity Flag Football, and Varsity Cheer.

“When it comes to TCS, I love that we are able to learn about God and worship Him freely and openly. It is genuinely a gift that we are a part of such an amazing community that can hold each other accountable. God should be the center of all of our lives and the people you surround yourself with can be such a huge part in that. I am so thankful Trinity has given me such amazing and Godly friends and teachers as role models to look up to and help us grow in our Faith throughout this journey of life.”

Ashton Clare

When it comes to what I love about TCS, it is the freedom to talk about Jesus.”

Ashton Clare 

TCS Involvement: Student council and Football. 

“When it comes to what I love about TCS , It is the Freedom to talk about Jesus.”

Colt Gasaway

Free to discuss my religion freely with my peers”

Colt Gasaway 

TCS Involvement: Supportive all TCS events.

“When it comes to TCS, I love that I am free to discuss my religion freely with my peers.”

11th grade Representatives

Kathryn Andrews

I’m grateful to go to a school where I learn about God and pray in class.”

Kathryn Andrews

TCS Involvement: Soccer, Basketball, Beta Club, Student Council, and Go Week.

I love Trinity and I'm very grateful to go to school here. I love the environment, my teachers, and the people I go to school with. I'm especially grateful to go to a school where I can learn about God, pray in class, and have weekly chapel.”

Bella Goode

I love having scheduled time to grow our Faith during the school day.”

Bella Goode

TCS Involvement: Track, Gymnastics, Flag Football, Varsity Cheer, Beta Club and Student Medicine Team.

“When it comes to TCS, I love how welcoming the school is as a whole and how all of the teachers make an effort to get to know their students. I also really love that we get to take Bible classes every year and that there is a scheduled time to grow our Faith during the school day.”

Bakari Hamilton

I have felt welcome and loved since the first day I stopped on campus.”

Bakari Hamilton

TCS Involvement: Football, Baseball, Track and Beta Club

“When it comes to TCS, I love the family aspect of the school. I've felt welcome and loved since the first day I stepped on campus.”

Ranauldo Wright

“I love the family environment.”

Ranauldo Wright

TCS Involvement: Student Council, Football, and Tennis. 

“When it comes to TCS, I love the family environment and the love of the teachers.”

12th grade representatives

Sam Bethea

“The teachers truly care about my relationship with God.”

Sam Bethea

TCS Involvement: Beta Club, Student Council, and Tennis. 

“When it comes to TCS, I love my friends, I love how the teachers are so involved and truly care about my relationship with God, I love the education and how it teaches me to work hard.”

“I am so beyond thankful for the opportunity to be on homecoming court this year. Everything that I have I owe to God, he has transformed my life in a way that I never could have imagined. I pray that through this experience I can honor God with my whole heart and serve him for the rest of my life. Thank you for this amazing high school opportunity and chance to be crowned Queen.“

Lily Bryant

I love the uplifting environment”

Lily Bryant 

TCS Involvement: Student council

“When it comes to TCS, I love  the uplifting teachers and Christian environment.”

Honestly I would love to be homecoming queen but if I don’t get it I’m still honored to be on court. I’ve always wanted to ever since I was little and I saw my mom won homecoming court and it’s my last year to try.”

Olivia Freeman

I love the tight-knit community.”

Olivia Freeman

TCS Involvement: Cross-Country, Track & Field, NHS, Beta Club, and FCA. 

“When it comes to TCS, I love the tight-knit community that has been formed early on and continues to expand while still being able to preserve closeness in previously formed relationships within and throughout the students and staff. I admire the integrity and passion for Christ that has been imprinted on our hearts as a result of the Lord's power through Trinity as a vessel. Trinity has a spirit that I can't imagine not being a part of for the past 13 years. I am thankful my parents made the decision for me to attend TCS from a young age and continue to trust our school throughout every year.

“I would like to be crowned Homecoming Queen to open another door for me to say not, "look what I did", but "look what God does!"

Keira Moore

“I love TCS because of the authentic spiritual environment.

Keira Moore

TCS Involvement: Chapel Worship Team, National Honors Society, Beta Club, Student Council, Trinity Roaring Dramatics’ production of Mary Poppins, Thespian Society, Literary, All State Chorus, Trinity Fine Arts, and Student and Worship Ministry at Trinity Church.

“I love TCS because of the authentic spiritual environment I’ve found. It’s so awesome to be surrounded by students who are actively seeking Jesus out and are super loving. The connections I’ve made with the people of Trinity have made my experience here incredible!”

“It would be an honor to be crowned Queen and represent the wonderful community at Trinity. I am grateful for the relationships I’ve made with both students and teachers, and I am thankful to the Lord for placing me here.”

Kate Sweitzer

“What I love about TCS is the tight community that spurs one another on in their faith!”

Kate Sweitzer

TCS Involvement: Varsity Tennis, Golf and Bass Fishing Teams, Worship Band, National Honors Society, BETA Club

“What I love about TCS is the tight community that spurs one another on in their faith!”

“I would like to be crowned Queen for the memories.”

Mary Kathryn White

“I love the emphasis on the importance of knowing Christ on a personal level.”

Mary Kathryn White 

TCS Involvement: Track & Field, Sports Medicine, Student Council, Beta Club, NHS, Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy, FCA, D-groups, various small groups, and in 220 youth ministry. 

“There is honestly so much I love about TCS but the number one thing would be the emphasis on the importance of knowing Christ on a personal level. The mission of TCS strives to lead others to Christ whether that's through academics or extracurricular  activities.The staff at TCS never failed to pour into me spiritually, making sure that is number one. I also love all the various opportunities TCS offers their students, mainly GO- Week. Having a week set apart strictly for kingdom work is an opportunity like no other!”

“Being crowned queen would be such an honor as a way to reflect the Lord & all He has done in my life, He was faithful then and is faithful now. This would also help show the gratitude I have for this school and everyone who has helped me become who I am today. I could not be more grateful for the staff, friends, and community I have here at Trinity. I would love to represent the class of 2025 with this incredible opportunity!“

Sam Burgess

“What I love about TCS is the people.”

Sam Burgess

TCS Involvement: Football, Beta Club, and NHS. 

“What I love about TCS is the people.”

“I would like to be King for the people.” 

RJ Coker

“I love the community that TCS has built.”

RJ Coker 

TCS Involvement: Football, Track, Lacrosse, NHS, Beta, Student Council, Shotgun Team and Orchestra.

“When it comes to TCS, I love everything about it. I love the teachers, the education, wearing Trinity across my chest on Friday nights, my friends, the activities, and the constant focus on God. I love the community that TCS has built and the relationships that I have gained along the way. Ultimately, I love the opportunity to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.”

“I feel I would make a good King because I represent Trinity strongly in many ways. I am on campus a lot of the time, so I am not hard to find. When you do find me, I would hope that you see me as a follower of Christ. I choose to follow Christ through my thoughts, words, actions, and ultimately my faith in Him. I also bring a spirit of joy to any room I enter. Once I'm in the room, on the field, or in class, I strive to do anything and everything at the highest level; being passive about such things breeds mediocrity, and that is something I have chosen to flee from.”

Anderson Embry

“I love the ability to be involved in a lot of different school activities.”

Anderson Embry

TCS Involvement: Student Body President, NHS, Beta Club Officer, Annual Fund Head Ambassador, Annual Fund Champion, Student Council Officer, Varsity Football and Tennis, D-Group, Sports Announcer, Go Week, Flag Football Coach, and Peachtree City United Methodist Youth Group Member.

“What I love about TCS is the ability to be involved in a lot of different school activities, be able to play several sports and be able to serve in several leadership roles. I try my best to meet as many different students on campus as possible and to be a good role model for the younger students. I love being at school each and every day. I am honored to be with administration and staff that truly care about each of us individually and encourages each of us on a daily basis. I love that I am provided the opportunity to help lead and serve the students of TCS. I will be able to use everything I have learned and experienced at TCS in my college years and beyond.”

“I would like to represent TCS as King because I feel that I exemplify the role as a high school student. I am a leader, I am academically driven, and I am well liked by my peers and administration.”

Grayson Ingram

“I love that we push each other to grow in maturity and in spirit.”

Grayson Ingram 

TCS Involvement: Football, Lacrosse, Track and field as well as Drama department and Thespian Honor Society.

“When it comes to TCS, I love the fact that many of us have been here at Trinity and grown up with each other pushing each other to grow in maturity and in spirit.”

“I would like to be crowned king not because of my own doings or self but because my peers have seen and experienced the Lord's love from myself and my actions.”

Logan Moss

“The environment that is truly focused on Christ has changed my life and grown my Faith.”

Logan Moss

TCS Involvement: NHS, Beta, FCA Leader, Football and Baseball. 

“I've loved everything about Trinity since I got here in 6th grade. The environment that is truly focused on Christ has changed my life and grown my faith so that when I leave Trinity I am fully prepared to face the trials this world has to bring. TCS has brought me some of the best friends in my life. The teachers and coaches have made me who I am today. I am so grateful for everything TCS has been to me and how it has made me who I am today.”

“It would be pretty awesome to be crowned King. It would be rewarding to know that I've had an impact on all of the people I am with everyday. I try to be compassionate and love others so to know people feel that way would be great.”

Matthew Wells

“I love how everyone knows each other.”

Matthew Wells

TCS Involvement: Football, Wrestling, Fishing team, Larry the Lobster in SpongeBob: the musical, Student Council, Beta Club, and Chick-fil-A Leader Academy.

“What I love about TCS is the tight knit student body bond.  I love how everyone knows each other.”

“I would like to be crowned king because I want to represent TCS with an energetic and joyful way. Keeping the Lord first in all we do. I am thankful for those who voted for me to be on court and it shows me that in my years here at Trinity I possibly made an impact on someone. That crown would be cool too.”

House System at TCS

House System at TCS

By Samantha DePriest

Our House System at Trinity Christian School is designed to introduce our elementary and middle school students to important historical Christian figures who exhibit character qualities that we hope to see exemplified in our own student body as well. The house system helps to build opportunities to build unity, leadership and positive peer-pressure.

Elementary students can earn points for their house by participating in monthly themed activities and dress down days. Middle school students can earn points by various ways including:

  • Achieve Academic Excellence (Honor Roll, Academic Competitions, etc.)

  • Win Middle School-Wide Competitions (House Game Days, Field Day Events)

  • Receive Nominations for "Lion of the Week" from Teachers

The winner of last years House Competition for the 2023-2024 was our 5th grade and Middle School teams, pictured below.

To learn more about the TCS House System and these historical Christian figures, please click the button below:

TCS Students Attend National Fine Arts Festival and Youth Convention

TCS students attend National Fine Arts Festival

And Youth Convention

By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Fine Arts Choir performing with Mrs. Stacie Moore.

Earlier this month twenty seven students from Trinity Fine Arts traveled to Columbus, Ohio for the National Fine Arts Festival & Youth Convention. The event was held from Sunday, August 4th through Saturday, August 10th. In total over 8,000 students participated in the festival from around the nation. Days were filled with performances and competitions in all areas. In the evenings, students attended worship services. Some students participated in college music auditions and were able to to speak to representatives from Christian colleges regarding their schools.

Trinity Fine Arts 

Image submitted by Stacie Moore

Overall Trinity submitted 45 entries for the festival in Choir, Drama, Readers Theater, Spoken Word, Dramatized Quoting, Short Sermon, Musical Theater, Puppets, Instrumental Groups, Vocal Solo’s, and Vocal.

TCS Senior Keira Moore won Merit in the category of Worship Leading Solo.

Image by Stacie Moore.

The Trinity Fine Arts team earned 26 Superior and 19 Excellent ratings, with 6 call backs. Two of those entries made it to round 3 in the competition. Two of the entries earned Merit, the highest possible rating, and took first place in Nation. The Trinity Church Trio in the category of Vocal Ensemble, Small made up of members Tania Anand, TCS sophomore Riley Cook, and TCS senior Keira Moore earned Merit. Keira Moore also earned Merit in the category of Worship Leading Solo. Trinity Fine Arts had a total of 45 total entries and earned 26 Superiors, 19 Excellent, 12 were in Top 10, 3 were in Top 3, and 2 merit award winners. TCS Alumni Class of ‘24 Isaiah Ware won the EA Sports championship in the Exhibit Hall, winning a Nintendo Switch.

TC Trio won Merit in the category of Vocal Ensemble, Small.

(pictured left to right; Tania Anand, Riley Cook, and Keira Moore.)

Image by Stacie Moore.

Mrs. Stacie Moore shared, “Not only did the students present with excellence in their performances, they grew closer in their walk with Christ during the evening time of worship and message. They also developed deeper friendships and team unity. The encouragement they showed one another was truly amazing. They represented Trinity well!” The Trinity Fine Arts group was led by Stacie Moore, Jason Moore, Tim Hurt. Team leaders and coaches are Jason & Renee St John, Dave Fader and Rachel Wozniak.

If you are interested in Fine Arts 2025, a Launch meeting will be held at Trinity Christian School coming up on September 22nd. To find out how you can get involved as a student (6th to 12th grades) or as a coach, please reach out directly to Mrs. Stacie Moore at

Students representing the Trinity Fine Arts team.

Image submitted by Leslie Cook.

New School Year, New Beginnings

New School Year, New Beginnings

By Samantha DePriest

This past week officially started the next chapter for each of our Lions and was filled with many opportunities for our students and families to connect. The connections made with classmates, teammates, and teachers will help form relationships that will grow for years to come. The Trinity family is growing and so are the many opportunities for our children. From extracurriculars to after school clubs, service opportunities and more. There is something for everyone at TCS.

Dr. Mark Anthony, TCS Head of School, encouraged our students and staff to dig in to Romans 12 where the Bible speaks about love in action. He shared in recent gatherings his hope for this to become our collective focus this school year, “May we focus on the kingdom of God, on unity, humility, kindness, and charity. Let us live at peace with everyone.” Being a part of the Trinity Christian School family is a blessing and our families are encouraged to make connections, build relationships, ask questions, get support, and say yes when opportunities to serve together arise. The more we connect with one another, the richer our experience becomes. We are better together. 

Each August, Trinity Christian School celebrates our students and staff coming back with a back to school event called “Welcome to the ROAR”. Every year, the event starts with a New Family Session to help connect our new students and families with each other on day one. This year we were blessed with a brief shower following by an abundance of sunshine and even a few rainbows. From food trucks to inflatables, the Lions Swap to the Resources and Clubs tent, there was something for everyone last Sunday night as we officially kicked off the new school year at TCS.


Graphic by Student Council

The fun doesn’t stop there. This month we will host several football games, softball games, and volleyball matches on our main campus. We invite you to come out and cheer on our Lions. It’s another great way to get plugged into the Trinity family and is lots of fun for everyone. Everyone is invited to dress up for our Friday Night Lights football games. This season there are 6 home games with different themes each night..

The easiest way to find out about the events that happen on campus is by checking our calendars on our website for dates and times of Athletics and the Arts.

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)

Image by Oscar Camejo


We are always looking for parent and grandparent volunteers. Over the years it has become evident that serving together at TCS is one of the best ways to connect. Our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF), Lions Club Athletics Booster Club, and Annual Fund teams are always looking for happy helpers to serve alongside. Invite a friend to join you and come plug into our school community. Opportunities can be found in Inside the Pride that comes out every Sunday evening at 6pm and vary from during school hours, after school, and some weekend events in an effort to accomodate all schedules.

It’s a great time to be a TCS Lion and we couldn’t be more excited to begin week two!

What's For Lunch?

What’s For Lunch?

By Samantha DePriest

With the start of our school year upon us, our SAGE Dining chefs have been eagerly preparing a wide variety of delicious and nutritious menus for our students and staff.  All of our cafeteria’s remain nut-free and are safe for our students and staff.

We hope that by helping to educate our families about the SAGE Spotlight program, it will foster conversations and our students will learn how to make healthy choices during meal times. Studies show that when our students eat healthy lunches, they perform better in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Understanding the SAGE Spotlight colors helps us all to make good choices and eat a well balanced diet. To learn more about the Spotlight Program, please click the link below for an informative video.

During the first weeks of school our teachers will be discussing with our students three important topics with regards to school lunch: 

  1. Importance of a well balanced plate

  2. Help us reduce food waste  

  3. The importance of washing hands and using hand sanitizer stations before touching food serving utensils

One of the highlights of our students day is welcoming our parents come on campus and enjoy lunch time with their students. To allow for our students to learn lunch room procedures, parents are invited to to eat in September using the sign up links that can be found under Resources on Blackbaud.

We are looking forward to your upcoming lunch visits on campus. In an effort to help you plan ahead, below is the link for SAGE Dining Menu or simply download the Touch of SAGE app on your phone. For your convenience, you may pre-purchase your meal online through the Blackbaud Buy Now link below. For $12 you will have unlimited trips to the hot food stations, colorful salad bar, and refreshing drink stations. On Wednesdays and Fridays, you will receive a dessert with your meal as well.

We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to try SAGE and sample their convenient, delicious, and nutritious meals offerings. We love having our parents on campus and can't wait to see you soon!!

Student lunch times are as follows:

K4: 11:00am - 11:55am (times vary per teacher)

Kindergarten: 12:00pm - 12:50pm (times vary per teacher)

1st Grade: 12:10pm - 12:50pm (times vary per teacher)

2nd Grade: 12:25pm - 1:00pm (times vary per teacher)

3rd Grade: 12:45pm - 1:20pm (times vary per teacher)

4th & 5th grade Grade: 11:30am - 12:00pm

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade: 10:45am - 11:20am

High School Lunch Times: 11:20am - 1:24pm (times vary per day)

“God is Real” Catching up with TCS Alumni Natalya Manhertz

“God is real”

Catching up with TCS Alumni Natalya Manhertz

By Samantha DePriest

Natalya was voted Class of 2024 Prom Queen by her peers.

(Natalya is pictured with Mrs. Kimmy Jones and prom king Connor DePriest.)

It is always a pleasure to catch up with our students after they graduate. Spending time with Class of ‘24 Alumni Natalya Manhertz truly reminds you of the goodness of God. In May of 2023, Natalya was experiencing symptoms of sepsis that caused her to be life flighted to the emergency room at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Over the next 100 days, Natalya fought for her life in the ICU. She underwent numerous surgeries to remove parts of both her arms and her legs and spent weeks in physical therapy.

Meanwhile her dear friends and loving, prayerful community back home worked hard to prepare a beautiful and accessible space for her return home to. Natalya shared how much her family and friends have meant to her and have been there every step of this difficult journey.

While this type of life changing event may stop someone in their tracks, it didn’t hold Natalya back from returning to school, attending her senior prom, and crossing the stage at graduation with her class in May of 2024.

Image submitted by Natalya Manhertz

Natalya’s point of view watching her friends share with the reporter from 11Alive News during the filming of her documentary.

Image by Natalya Manhertz

After graduation, the news channel 11Alive in Atlanta reached out and asked to share her story. They spent time interviewing her, her family and friends, and nursing care team to learn more about her journey. Natalya’s positive attitude and gratitude was and continues to be evident. She shares, “I am so thankful that I survived. I do have breakdown moments of asking God ‘why me?’ and sometimes I don’t understand why this happened to me, but I trust that God has a plan.” Natalya’s 30 minute documentary will air on 11Alive this coming December.

Natalya modeling adaptive clothing sent to her from Anthropology.

Summer can often be a time for students to rest but Natalya has kept busy. The clothing company Anthrolopology reached out to her about her participation in a campaign for adaptive clothing. They sent her a box of beautiful new clothes to try on. Her friend and classmate Braelin Patterson took pictures of her in the outfits and sent them back to Anthropology and Natalya was even able to keep the clothes. She has also been in conversations with local companies about possible job opportunities as well in between her weekly doctors appointments with her care team. There is no slowing Natalya down, that is one thing that is for

Just yesterday Natalya was able to try on her new prosthetic legs for the first time. She chuckled as she shared, “It was the weirdest thing ever to stand up. It’s been over a year since I have and I wondered if was I ever this tall?” Adjustments need to still be made to the prosthetics and she still is doing physical therapy as she awaits them but she is looking forward to more independence. She is also eagerly anticipating getting a car one day with modifications so that she may return to driving. The hospital provides a course for patients who have undergone amputations to assist in returning them to driving. Natalya shared that the first place she will go when she can start driving again is most likely to surprise her dear friends at their homes.

Lovingly, Natalya shared how her friends have stuck by her side. She said they told her. “Even though you look different, your personality is exactly the same and we love you.” Natalya shared how she teaches them how to fold up her wheelchair and put in their car. Her friends take her out to lunch, to the movies, shopping, and even to graduation parties over the summer. One of Natalya’s dear friends, Sarabeth Odom, and her family even made a ramp for her to get into her house for her grad party so she wouldn’t miss a thing. Natalya had tremendous support in the community and shares that “without the amount of prayers, I wouldn’t have made it.” She recalls the “Smile-a-grams” friends and strangers in the community sent to her hospital room at CHOA and how she read every one of them. One stuck out in her mind that read, “Our little lion is in 3rd grade and before dinner every night we pray for you.”  

Natalya and Sarabeth Odom at her graduation party.

Image by Odom family.

Natalya’s friend Sarabeth Odom and her parents shared, “We have been greatly inspired by Nat's perseverance and strength.  Though our countless prayers for her throughout her journey it has strengthened our Faith.  During the darkest hour with little hope, God's healing power shined though.   We have been so thankful to share her story of healing with our small group at church, with friends and with family.  We were so excited that she was able to come to our home for Sarabeth's graduation party.  It gave us the opportunity to introduce her to some of the many friends and our family that had been praying for her for so long.  They too were so inspired by her miraculous story. She is such a blessing to our family's lives by the example she continues to set.  Her kindness, amazing personality and huge smile brings great joy to our lives. We are so thankful that she and Sarabeth are such close friends. Her Mom is amazing as well and sets a great example.  We have been blessed to be able to get to know her better during the past year. We anticipate God using Nat and her story in amazing ways for many years to come and can't wait to she what the future holds for her.”

Natalya has a bright future ahead. She seeks God in all she does and loves sharing her testimony. She is grateful for her Mom and little sister, the nursing team, and her friends for being beside her throughout this chapter. One thing is for sure is that when you spend time with Natalya Manhertz, you know that “God is real.”

Where are they now: TCS Alumni Mattie McCracken

Where are they now: TCS Alumni Mattie McCracken

By Samantha DePriest

For as long as Mattie McCracken can remember, TCS felt like home. She recalls numerous teachers, coaches, and mentors at Trinity Christian School speaking into her life and encouraging her along the way.  Mattie shared how grateful she is for Bible teachers who answered questions about Faith and helped prepare her for life after high school. 

During her time at Trinity Christian School, Mattie competed and excelled in basketball, softball, and golf. Mattie is no stranger to hard work and her academics reflected that. She served in both the National Honor Society as well as Beta Club.

Like many students in physical therapy, Mattie McCracken experienced an injury that initially peaked her interest in the career path. Through her own recovery and return to play, she discovered how much she loves to help people overcome their own setbacks. She is currently attending High Point University in North Carolina and working on her Master’s degree. Mattie works with sports teams, gathering research on physical and mental health, and spends time in the Adidas Biomechanics lab on campus. She is involved in campus ministries and a sorority.  

During her last year of graduate school, Mattie will take classes at HPU and serve as an athletic trainer at a college of her choice.  She is passionate about her field and sees herself as a first responder to athletes. Her hope is through her hard work, commitment, and experiences that one day she will land her dream job of serving in the NBA.  We are so excited for you Mattie and look forward to what God has in store next for you.

TCS Middle School Students Compete in the Great History Challenge

TCS Middle School Students Compete

in the Great History Challenge

By Samantha DePriest

(pictured l to r) Ian Stewart, Kai Szopa, and Nicholas Litzenberger pictured with Mr. Eric Huff, Founder and Executive Director of the Great History Challenge. 

Trinity Christian School students traveled this past Memorial Day weekend all the way up to Chicago to compete in the 2024 Great History Challenge National Championship. TCS middle school students Nicholas Litzenberger, Ian Stewart, and Kai Szopa represent the top 1% of the 40,000 participants from across the US.

TCS Middle School student Kai Szopa at the Great History Challenge.

TCS Middle School English teacher Mrs. Huddleston shared “The Great History Challenge is a competition that creates questions from national Social Studies curriculum standards. All middle school students at TCS, grades 6-8, competed individually in an online interactive quiz to test their history knowledge. About 25 students were then invited to a regional event in Atlanta where they competed in a buzzer-style round. Several students from regional were then invited to the national event.”

The Great History Challenge website states, “Students enjoyed meeting Abraham Lincoln and an excursion to Millennium Park, but the main event of the weekend was the over 300 games that pitted students' knowledge of history against each other. Two days and more than 7000 questions later, the top nine students faced off on the big stage!”

TCS Middle School students Nicholas Litzenberger and Ian Stewart at the Great History Challenge.

TCS Mom Laura Litzenberger shared “The kids competed in multiple quiz style rounds and received 1, 2 or 3 points depending on how many “clues” it took to answer. The top 30 from each grade level moved on to finals. They also enjoyed eating their way around Chicago and hanging out during “downtime” between their rounds. Many other TCS students qualified for Nationals as well but were not able to make it up to Chicago that weekend.” 

What an incredible opportunity for these stand out Lions! We celebrate their academic achievements and look forward to what God has in store for them this coming school year.

Top 30: Nicholas Litzenberger placed 14th and Ian Stewart placed 28th.

“The moment you and your buddy realize you made the top 30.” Image submitted by Melissa Stewart

TCS Bible Team attends the International John Owen Convention

TCS Bible Team attends the

International John Owen Convention

By Samantha DePriest

This past week we had an opportunity to lean in and learn about the memorable experience some of our TCS Bible team had abroad this summer in Ireland. Mr. Moore, Mr. Lassiter, and Mr. Higgins took a memorable trip together to Ireland to attend the International John Owen Convention. Seventh grade Bible teacher Mr. Moore shared, “Almost two years ago we discovered the Union Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and I have been in their MA in Theology program as a student since then. Their degree path is offered via an online platform called Bible Mesh. Last fall, Wesley decided to transfer from pursuing his Masters through another seminary and also joined the program at UTC. Our college announced last fall that they would be hosting an international conference in partnership with Crossway and BibleMesh, and they put out a call for speakers to come to present their research. Wesley decided he would go out on a limb and submit a proposal and it was accepted! Since January the three of us began planning this trip together to support Wesley’s endeavor to present his paper at his first theological academic conference.” 

TCS Bible teachers Mr. Higgins, Mr. Lassiter, and Mr. Moore (pictured l to r).

Eighth grade Bible teacher Mr. Lassiter shares, “In November, they announced a call for papers for the first annual International John Owen Convention. The goal and purpose of the conference was to explore new directions in John Owen, the 17th century British Puritan, studies. There was a total of 21 academic papers given and 3 plenary papers by Owen scholars. This conference included presenters from several European and North American countries and numerous denominations represented as well. I had the privilege of presenting my paper which was accepted. This paper was the beginning thoughts of my Master's degree research dissertation and what I am pursuing for my PhD research. While my paper would probably bore most people, the end goal is to take this high and lofty theology and apply it to the everyday Christian. The title of my paper was "For Though We See In Part: John Owen's Pastoral Apprehension of Blessedness in the Beatific Vision." I explored John Owen's works to show he was a pastor at heart who lived in troubling times. His congregation as well as the students he taught at Oxford University lived in tumultuous times as well. He simply wanted to show hurting, suffering, and sinful people that we can find satisfaction in Jesus now and we will experience it in full in eternity.” 

TCS 8th grade Bible teacher and Director of Spiritual Development for UE/MS Mr. Lassiter presents his paper at the International John Owen Convention.

Mr, Lassiter goes on to share, “I loved the opportunity to participate in this conference with some of the world's leading Owen scholars. This was an immensely humbling experience that helped me to continue to shape and refine my academic studies. I was able to represent my research school (Union Theological College), the program that makes this distance degree accessible (BibleMesh), the church I pastor (The Rock Church, The Rock, Georgia), and of course the school I have the privilege to teach at (Trinity Christian School). I will be working to provide my paper in two formats for reading. First, BibleMesh will be publishing a summarized and accessible version of the paper. Second, a few publishers are looking to publish a John Owen academic journal with some of the papers from the conference. I am so thankful for the support of my co-workers and the administration of Trinity Christian School for encouraging me along the way for this opportunity. I am thankful for Trinity's encouragement to teachers for continued education and learning. I will now be working on the next steps of my research and the next academic paper to continue this theological thread in John Owen.

I am extremely grateful Tyson Moore and Dylan Higgins were able to join me on this trip. They were constant encouragers and talking partners leading up to the delivery of the paper. We also thoroughly enjoyed exploring parts of Ireland. We had the joy of exploring many church history sites as well as historical Irish sites. The Lord was gracious to give us time together to explore another part of the world where the Lord has worked through his people. No doubt this trip served to not only enrich our spiritual lives but also to enrich our classrooms as we can share how different people from different places around the world have made a gospel impact. 

I pray this trip continues to impact others in our influence. Entering into my new role of teaching 8th grade Bible and as the Director of Spiritual Development for UE/MS, my goal is to urge our students to look to Jesus. Whether we are struggling in sin, we are suffering through the effects of sin, or a student is lost and wandering, the goal is to point them to Jesus where they will find eternal satisfaction. Our only salvation is in Jesus. True joy can only come through Jesus. Let us look to him as the giver of God's glory by which we can look upon him and live!”